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Title 中區環境教育區域中心設置專案工作計畫
Abstract 北美環境教育學會與康乃爾大學(Cornell University)合作接受美國環保署委託,推動全美「環境教育增能計畫」(The Expanding Capacity in Environmental Education Project,簡稱為EECapacity),藉由提供全國培訓研討會、各州增能工作坊、數位資料庫等多種學習平臺,讓環境教育人員以各種可能的方式學習、成長和分享,使所有環境教育專業人員的能力不斷加強;也透過提升高等教育機構、行政機關與民間團體參與環境教育的能力與品質,並發展出更為專業的環境教育活動。本計畫執行區域範圍,包括:苗栗縣、臺中市、南投縣、彰化縣、雲林縣、金門縣等六縣市,區域中心目的為:整合中部地區產、官、學、社教機構、民間組織等各方的資源及專業人力,以有效發揮中部地區的環境資源特色,及有效解決中部地區的環境問題、協助中部地區各級學校環境教育之輔導及人員認證的工作、整合各方專業人力、資源,增開環境(教育)增能課程、研習班,以增強夥伴團隊人員及志工的環境專業能力、針對短、中、長期環境教育工作,建置環境教育評估機制,進行成效評估。本中心能成為一能整合各方專業人力、資源,具有多元功能的優質環境教育區域中心,使中部地區成為環境教育亮點地區,更成為中央主管機關(環保署、環資部)與中部地區各環教機構、環教場域、政府各機關、學校之間意見反映及溝通的橋樑。
EngTitle Central Regional Center for Environmental Education
EngAbstract U.S. EPA commissioned North American Environmental Education Association and Cornell University to promote The Expanding Capacity in Environmental Education Project (referred to as EECapacity). In order to strengthen the ability of environmental education personnel, EECapacity provides several different ways for environmental education personnel to learn, grow and share, such as the National Training Seminar, a variety of learning platforms states energizing workshops, digital library. EECapacity also enhance the ability and quality in environmental education of higher education institutions, administrative authorities and civil society participation to develop more professional environment education activities.Six counties implemented of this project are Miaoli, Taichung, Nantou, Changhua, Yunlin, Kinmen Counties. There are several goals to set up Central Regional Center for Environmental Education. To display the environmental characteristics and solve the environmental problems effectively, we have to integrate the resources and personnels of industry, government, academia, social education institutions, and NGO in the central region of Taiwan. We tutor the environmental education in schools and help the personnel certified. To enhance the environmental expertise of partner team members and volunteers, we offer environment (education) empowerment courses and workshops. Furthermore, we build the evaluation mechanisms of environmental education to impact assessment for short, medium and long-term environmental education.Central Regional Center for Environmental Education will become a high quality multi-functional center with integrating the personnels and resources of environmental education. We hope the environmental education of this area will become the highlight area in Taiwan. And we will be the intermediator between the central authority (EPA or Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources) and the environmental education institutions, environmental education field, government agencies, schools in the central region of Taiwan.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺中教育大學