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Title 鋁箔包及非回收塑膠類之資源/能源轉換關鍵技術開發與應用評估
Abstract 本研究應用氣化處理技術探討鋁箔包及非回收含鋁塑膠袋膜廢棄物,控制在不同氣化溫度(600~900℃)及當量比(0.1~0.3)等條件下,轉換為能源及回收資源(鋁)之可行性。研究結果顯示,隨著氣化反應溫度增加,試驗之鋁箔包及含鋁塑膠袋膜轉換為能源之效果最佳,其中氣化溫度900℃及當量比為0.3 之條件時,其H2 產氣比例最高可達26.87%,氣體熱值則約為10.73MJ/Nm3。若考量能量密度之變化結果,經氣化處理後之鋁箔包及含鋁塑膠袋膜轉換為能源,其熱值提昇效果分別可達3.67 倍及8.8 倍。至於氣化後殘餘物中回收鋁之可行性分析結果顯示,回收鋁之物種鑑定分析,除表面層形成部分氧化鋁之前驅物外,仍以金屬鋁物種為主。就鋁回收量之估算結果可知,每處理1 公噸之鋁箔包及含鋁塑膠袋膜,約可回收49及288公斤之鋁,就資源(鋁)回收與再利用特性而言,已具有應用發展之潛力。整體而言,本研究成果可提供未來鋁箔包及非回收含鋁塑膠袋膜類廢棄物,能源轉換及資源再利用技術發展與選擇之參考依據。
EngTitle Key Resource/Energy Conversion Technologies of Tetra Pak and Non-recycled Plastics from MSW
EngAbstract This study investigated the feasibility of energy conversion and aluminum recycling on Tetra Pak and non-recycled plastic films containing aluminum in gasification by controlling a gasification temperature between 600℃~900℃and a equivalent ratio (ER) between 0.1~0.3. The results indicated that the energy conversion efficiency enhanced with an increase in gasification temperature. In the case of gasification temperature 900℃ and ER 0.3, the heating value of synthesis gas was approximately 10.73 MJ/Nm3, whereas the maximum hydrogen production was 26.87% in synthesis gas. Based on the results of energy density, the heating value of synthesis gas produced from Tetra Pak and non-recycled plastic films containing aluminum were approximately enhanced 3.67 folds and 8.8 folds of energy output in comparison with the original tested materials, respectively. According to the results of feasibility of aluminum recycling from gasified residues, the precursor of aluminum oxide only formed on the surface of tested materials. The major speciation of residues was aluminum identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The estimated amounts of aluminum recycled from per ton of Tetra Pak and non-recycled plastic filmswere 49 kilograms and 288 kilograms, respectively. It has a potential for applying the aluminum recycling and recovery in the future. In summary, theresults of this research could provide important information for the selection and application of technologies in energy conversion and aluminum recovery from Tetra Pak and non-recycled plastic film containing aluminum.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 逢甲大學