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Title 持久性有機污染物管理及毒化物釋放量計算指引推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作執行成果包括(1)已蒐集公約第9次持久性有機污染物審查委員會(簡稱POPRC9)討論化學品之最新發展及管理現況,並研提國內相關部會署之管制建議。(2)已透過我國「國家實施計畫」(簡稱NIP)制定小組交流會,完成2013年NIP成果報告及各單位之管理協商;(3)已配合公約腳步及國內最新管理現況,擴充更新「持久性有機污染物(POPs)宣導網站」內相關資訊內容,亦已完成跨部會資料管理平台建置,以供未來各部會發布相關推動措施及成果使用,網站內亦已累積整合共21,842筆戴奧辛檢測資料;(4)已完成82場次毒化物釋放量申報輔導,共計1,843筆申報資料已改善缺失,檢測製程排放管道毒化物濃度,共計20件分析樣本,並依據檢測數據推估各排放管道毒化物之排放係數。另完成毒化物釋放量申報系統7項申報系統功能之擴充及改善並建置釋放量統計功能。(5)已草擬「我國執行聯合國水俣汞公約推動計畫」,做為國內推動汞管理工作之依據。並舉辦專家學者論壇及規劃建置資訊網站提高民眾對汞議題之重視。
EngTitle The Management of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Promotion of Toxic Substance Release Calculation
EngAbstract The achievements made in this project included: 1) The latest international control strategies discussed at the ninth meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee (POPRC9) to the Stockholm Convention were collected, and recommendations for control strategies of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were proposed to related administrative agencies in Taiwan. 2) National Implementation Plan of the Republic of China (R.O.C., Taiwan) under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (NIP) working-group meetings were held to gather the achievements made by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Ministry of Health and Welfare, Council of Agriculture and Ministry of Economic Affairs on the National Report of POPs in 2013. 3) The Persistent Organic Pollutants Website were updated and expanded in accordance with the control strategies of domestic and Stockholm Convention along with the establishment of the “intergovernmental Website” to release governmental information and achievement. Additionally, 21,842 entries of analysis data of dioxins were posted in this website. 4) This project has accomplished 82 on-site Consultation on toxic substance release reporting and1,843 entries of deficient report have improved. This project also performed discuss of chemical concentration exposure measurement of process discharge of toxic substance in 20 samples. The release factor of toxic substance was estimated based on chemicals measured. In addition, the function of 7 entries of the release reporting system has been improved along with the establishment of the statistics function of the Toxic Substance Release Reporting System. 5) Drafted the “Promotion plan for implemetation of Minamata Convention of United Nations”, which serves as the basis for domestic implementation. Additionally, the EPA held a forum and invited several experts to participate regarding the mercury management, and established an information web site to enhance public awareness of mercury。
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環管處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司