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Title 交通噪音管制專案工作計畫
Abstract 在都市發展越來越發達,交通通勤網也日益密集的情形下,環保署為使寧靜的生活環境與便捷的交通運輸二者維持平衡,持續進行管制法規與量測方法的修訂。目前為更接近民眾對於環境安寧的要求,需進行交通系統噪音現況分析評估,及檢討管制指標及管制標準對於實際管制情形之妥適性,並辦理分期調整規劃及其可行性評估,以作為後續修訂管制標準參考。 本年度計畫彙整分析交通噪音陳情案件辦理情形與改善計畫執行情形後續追蹤,並進行現有大眾捷運系統交通噪音現況檢討,及此類交通系統噪音管制指標及管制標準調整規劃之相關分析評估,本計畫主要執行內容如下:1.彙整分析及檢討交通噪音陳情案件之噪音改善計畫辦理情形。2.辦理兩件已核定交通噪音改善計畫改善措施辦理情形後續追蹤。3.辦理大眾捷運系統噪音管制標準管制現況之檢討。4.辦理大眾捷運系統噪音管制標準於調整不同標準值下之不合格率及其可行性評估。5.辦理1場專家諮詢會議。
EngTitle A project for traffic noise control
EngAbstract As urban developments are getting better everyday, so are transportation systems that are getting more convenient, Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) of Taiwan is committed to have a noise free environment and a convenient transportation system in balance, therefore efforts have been devoted to amend the noise regulations and to improve the noise measurement method. And to meet the demand from the general public, the noise regulation is also planned to be adjusted, .but the impact of the change of noise regulation is significant, therefore studies must be carried out to understand its feasibility. And this project is to conduct studies on MRT systems. In this project, cases of noise complaints with regard to traffic noise was collected first, and its remedy actions were monitored. Also noise generated by MRT and similar systems are evaluated to the review the appropriateness of noise regulation and its feasibility . And the project are carried out as follows:1.Collecting noise complaint cases and monitor how local government handle the situation.2.Confirm noise reduction effect on two of the approved noise improvement projects.3.Enaluate the status of MRT System Noise Regulation.4.Assess the feasibility of the adjustment of noise regulations of MRT systems.5.Conducting one forum with noise experts.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣海洋大學