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Title 103年推廣環境奈米科技知識平台及知識整合計畫
Abstract 本計畫的目標主要為維護及管理環保署「環境奈米科技知識平台」網站(Taiwan Nanotechnology EHS Database, 網址,依國內外的奈米EHS的研究成果充實其內容,及更新環境奈米的知識文件等工作。目前已整理並完成上傳的國內研究報告及出版文獻篇數為:中文版網站收錄研究報告全文182篇(今年新增8篇)、出版文獻連結741篇(今年新增62篇),及英文版網站收錄研究報告摘要157篇(今年新增8篇)、SCI論文連結562篇(今年新增59篇) (統計日期:2014年11月24日)。平台收錄的文獻與ICON資料庫分析比較結果,可作為本國未來發展奈米技術EHS相關研究的參考。知識平台收錄的SCI論文的委辦機關以科技部為主,研究領域則是以處理的研究論文最多。本計畫已完成「奈米物質在環境及其他的應用」、「奈米物質對環境及健康的影響」與「空氣中奈米微粒的採樣分析技術」三項主題的奈米知識文件的蒐集、整理及更新工作,以了解國內外學者在奈米技術EHS的研究方向。本計畫並回顧三篇有關奈米科技環境、健康、安全(EHS)議題的標準,分別為ISO/TS 13830、ISO/TS 16195與ISO/TR 17200,及OECD WPMN的ENV/JM/MONO(2014)1的一篇最新報告,配合過去四年計畫已回顧的標準和指引,可追蹤及了解ISO和OECD有關奈米技術EHS相關議題的發展趨勢。本年度已發行知識平台的電子報四期並上傳至知識平台,電子報以e-mail方式通知訂閱者最新的nano-EHS消息、nano-EHS知識、近期活動及下期預告。電子報訂閱者可以下載及瀏覽文件,過去的歷史文件也可以在平台的e-paper專區找到。目前環境奈米科技知識平台的電子報訂閱人數為534人,2011年開站至今瀏覽人數已增加至138,435次(統計日期:2014年11月24日),2014年1月至11月的瀏覽人次為36,859次,此平台加強了國內奈米技術EHS研究計畫成果的展現,進而促進國際交流與合作,已獲得國際人士很大的迴響及好評。為了加強奈米技術的風險認知及溝通,本計畫已於103年8月6日在台大集思會議中心舉辦「103年環境奈米科技論壇」,邀請勞安所、環保署、衛福部、工研院及學界等產官學研專家舉行圓桌會議,討論了本國的nano-EHS的政策、法規、標準及研究進展,並將環保署今年的研究成果以論文發表介紹給國內相關人士。論壇共吸引了產、官、學、研各界150人報名,實際有122人參加。透過論壇的舉辦,除了可與國內各界進行技術交流及宣傳環保署負責任的奈米技術的研究成果外,也充分達到了nano-EHS知識傳播及風險溝通的目的。為了加強與國際的互動及介紹台灣奈米EHS研究現況,本計畫已訪問了成功大學環境醫學研究所暨微奈米中心主任張志欽教授與財團法人安全衛生技術中心余榮彬總經理,訪問稿以中英文方式呈現。本計畫也完成了「環保署第二期奈米國家型計畫成果總報告」中文報告,在倫理、法律及社會影響方面,研究成果建議應定期追蹤民眾對奈米科技的風險感知、評估奈米消費產品的標示、建立資訊平台提供一般民眾奈米科技的相關訊息、政府相關部門應主動提供奈米科技的消息,及建立公民參與新興科技風險治理的模式及管道。
EngTitle The Promotion of Taiwan Nanotechnology EHS Database and the integration of knowledge
EngAbstract The goal of this project is to maintain the website of "Taiwan nanotechnology EHS database"( and provide data and information by integrating the international and domestic research achievements on nano-EHS related issues. Up to now, 182 full articles for research reports (increased 8 articles this year) and 741 research papers in abstract (increased 62 papers) have been uploaded in the Chinese website. In addition, 157 abstracts for research reports (increased 8 articles) and 562 SCI papers (increased 59 papers) with the links to the publishers’ websites have been uploaded in the English website, which demonstrates fruitful results in the nanotechnology EHS area in Taiwan. The analysis of the comparison of database between Taiwan nanotechnology EHS database and ICON can be used a basis to develop nano-EHS related studies in Taiwan. The main sponsor of SCI papers in the database is the Ministry of Science and Technology, while the main research area if these papers is treatment. To understand the research directions in domestic and international nano-EHS issues, recent advances on nano-EHS related issues in three topical areas were reviwed, including the application of nanomaterials in environment and other fields, the impacts of nanomaterials on environment and health, and the sampling and analysis techniques of airborne nanoparticles. Three ISO standards and one guideline of OECD were also reviewed. By incorporating with the reviewed standards and guidelines in the past four-year projects, the international trend of the development of nano-EHS related issues can be followed and understood. Four issues of e-papers were issued. Members can receive the latest nano-EHS news, nano-EHS knowledge, recent activities and the announcement of the next issue through e-mails, retrieve and read the fulltexts and track the historical files at the exclusive e-paper zone in the website. The numbers of members and visitors continue to increase this year. So far, the number of subscription of e-paper is 534. The number of visiting to the website is increased to 138,435 (The statistics date is Nov.24, 2014). The website, which demonstrates the achievements of nano-EHS related research projects in Taiwan and promotes the international interaction and collaboration, has received good feedbacks and comments from international community.To strengthen the risk perception and the communication of nanotechnology, the "2014 Environmental Nanotechnology Forum" was held on August 6, 2014 at GIS NTU conference center, Taipei. The experts from the Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety And Health, Environmental Protection Bureau, Department of Health, Industrial Technology Research Institute and universities representing industry, government, academia and research sectors were invited hold the round table forum to discuss the domestic progress on nano-EHS policy, regulation, standards, guidelines and research achievements. The Taiwan EPA's research achievements in the past year were also presented to different domestic stakeholders through paper presentations and discussion. From industry, government, academia and research institutions, there were 150 people registered and 122 people actually attended the forum for fruitful knowledge dissemilation and risk communication on nano-EHS issues.Finally, to promote the international interactions and introduce the domestic nano-EHS research achievements, two experts in the nano-EHS field were interviewed, including Professor Chih-Ching Chang from the Department of Department of environmental occupational health, National Cheng Kung University, and Dr. Jung-Pin Yu from the Safety and Health Technology Center. The interview reports were prepared in both Chinese and English. The report on 2nd phase of the National Program on Nanotechnology was also finished. In ethical, legal and societal implications, results suggest that the Taiwan EPA should regularly survey the risk perception of nanotechnology of general public, evaluate the labeling of nanotechnology-based consumer products, establish the platform to provide nanotechnology-related information, and establish the channel for general public to attend risk governance on emerging technology.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 國立交通大學