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Title 資源化產品推廣使用及驗證機制之探討專案計畫
Abstract 本計畫以工程單位面對資源化產品使用為切入點,從工程規範為問題發展核心,資源化產品的工程用途推廣,納入規範中再生粒料項目為首要,再者為選用再生粒料前的業主審查突破。援此,本計畫工作內容主要涵蓋三個部份: (一) 資源化產品驗證制度建立:所擬之驗證重點涵蓋受驗單位(產出源及再利用機構)對於環境與工程材料確保之能力,以與工程使用端之物料源頭管理串聯,並根據產品驗證機構認證規範(ISO 17065)要求,建立垃圾焚化底渣及電弧爐煉鋼爐碴資源化產品驗證制度,並含驗證管理系統文件,具體描述驗證作業程序、組織架構及評鑑標準。而驗證制度推動,則建議納入各部的再利用管理辦法(或再利用管理方式)中,並配合作業要點頒訂,規劃推動期程、主辦單位推動工作辦理事項及各項事務權責。(二) 研提焚化底渣於工程應用之技術指引:針對焚化底渣公告之八項資源化產品用途,編撰「垃圾焚化底渣再生粒料應用技術使用手冊」,另配合提案送審規範章篇,針對「焚化底渣再生粒料應用於道路級配粒料底層使用手冊」及「焚化底渣再生粒料應用於控制性低強度回填材料(CLSM)使用手冊」兩專冊,透過專審及諮詢會議,確認手冊架構與內容之完整性。(三) 推動焚化底渣再生粒料納入工程施工綱要規範:研提包括「第02722章 級配粒料基層」等七篇編修草案。以具試辦工程及長期使用經驗之用途為優先推動標的,已將「第02726章 級配粒料底層」及「第03377章 控制性低強度回填材料」併同使用手冊提送工程會。
EngTitle The research project plan to promote the use of resources products and its verification Mechanism
EngAbstract The program take the engineering units facing the use of resource products as a starting point, take the engineering specification as the development core of issue, to promote the engineering use of resource products, the most important thing is to incorporate recycled aggregates item into the specification, moreover is to break through the owners review before the choice of recycled aggregates. Based on these, the work content of this program mainly covers three parts: (a) to establish the resource products verification system: the proposed validation key point include the ability of subject unit (output source and reuse institute) to ensure the environment and engineering materials in order to connect the material source management of engineering utilization, and establish the verification system of waste incineration bottom ash and electric arc furnace steelmaking furnace ballast product according to the product validation institute certification specification (ISO 17065), and include the certification management system document which containing files detailed description of certification operating procedure, organization and evaluation criteria. Regarding to the promotion of certification system, we suggest to incorporate into the re-use management practices (or the re-use management method) of each ministries, and coordinate the process key points to announce, make planning to promote the schedule and promote the subject unit for the work handling affairs and responsibilities. (b) research and propose the engineering application technical guideline of incineration bottom ash: Regarding to the uses of announced eight items of resource products, compile the “Incineration Bottom Ash Recycled Aggregates Applications User Guide”, and coordinate with the proposal for reviewing of specification, regarding to the “Incineration Bottom Ash Recycled Aggregates Used in Road Graded Underlying Manual” and “Incineration Bottom Ash Recycled Aggregates Applied in Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) User Manual”, ensure the integrity of manual structure and manual content through special reviewing and professionals counseling session. (c) promote the incineration bottom recycled aggregates to be incorporated into the construction outline specification: research and propose seven editing drafts including “Section 02722 graded aggregate base”. Put higher priority for the application which has pilot project and long-term experience as the target to promote, and already submit ‘Section 02726 graded aggregates underlying” and “Section 03377 Controlled Low Strength Material” together with the manuals to the engineering counseling.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人臺灣營建研究院