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Title 分離並純化廢日光燈管螢光粉中銪釔稀土金屬之技術評估
Abstract 本研究為利用具分散反萃取相支撐式液膜裝置分離並純化廢螢光粉中銪釔稀土金屬離子,除探討該技術對稀土金屬離子之分離能力,並評估回收純化銪(Europium, Eu3+)及釔離子(Yttrium, Y3+)之經濟效益。本研究使用二(2-乙基己基磷酸)(D2EHPA)、Isopar-L、硝酸水溶液、硝酸銪及硝酸釔分別作為分離及純化程序中的萃取劑、稀釋劑、反萃取劑以及進料混合稀土金屬溶液。本研究首先探討各實驗參數對銪釔離子透過中空纖維薄膜之透過係數間之關係。實驗參數包括進料混合溶液的氫離子濃度(酸鹼值)、油相萃取劑的濃度與水相反萃取劑的濃度。結果顯示進料溶液酸鹼值降低時,確實有助於銪釔離子之分離及反萃取純化,但若酸鹼值過低,兩種離子的透過係數反而會呈現下降趨勢;另外,有機萃取劑濃度變化對稀土離子的透過係數無明顯影響;反萃取劑濃度對銪釔離子的透過係數影響不甚顯著。藉由實驗參數調控,可成功100%分離並純化廢螢光粉中銪釔混合稀土金屬離子。較佳化螢光粉中銪釔離子分離及純化條件為進料銪釔離子濃度分別為300 mg/L及20 mg/L、進料混合溶液酸鹼值控制於0.6、15 mM油相萃取劑D2EHPA、2M 硝酸反萃取劑,經由90分鐘分離及反萃取純化程序可有效分離螢光粉中銪釔離子,釔離子純度可高達99.9 %,另外調整油相萃取劑濃度為20 mM以及進料溶液酸鹼值為1.0,銪離子可成功自鑭離子及鈰離子混合溶液中分離,純度達到98.2%,本研究可作為後續實場廢螢光粉中銪釔金屬離子分離及純化操作評估之用。
EngTitle Separation and purification of Europium and Yttrium from fluorescent powder of spent fluorescent lig
EngAbstract The purpose of this study was to apply the supported liquid membranes with strip dispersion ((SLM-SD) equipment on separation and purification of two rare earth metal ions, europium and yttrium, from fluorescent powder of spent fluorescent lights. In this work, D2EHPA, Isopar-L , and aqueous nitric acid, mixed europium and yttrium nitrate solutions were used to be the extractant, diluent, stripping reagents, and mixed feed solutions respectively in order to evaluate the separation efficiency of the support liquid membranes with strip dispersion processes. Some parameters influencing on the permeability of europium and yttrium ions including the acidity of mixed feed solutions, extractant concentrations, as well as stripping reagent concentrations were investigated in detailed. Results showed as acidity of feed solutions increased, the permeability of europium and yttrium ions increased. Besides, in strong acid condition the permeability of two ions decreased. Additionally, the permeability of europium and yttrium ions was not apparently influenced by the change of extractant concentrations. There was no obvious relationship between stripping reagent concentrations and permeability of europium and yttrium ions. Under these experimental parameters, the goal of 100% separation of europium and yttrium ions can be successfully achieved. The selected parameters for the separation and purification of two rare earth metal ions included inlet europium and yttrium ions concentration at 300 mg/Land 20 mg/L, inlet mixed ion solutions at pH 0.6, concentration of extractant at 15 mM, nitric acid concentration at 2M. Along 90 minutes separation and purification processes, the purification of yttrium ions can be accomplished at 99.9 %. By change the concentration of extractant to 20 mM and inlet mixed ion solutions at pH 1.0, the europium ion can be separate from the remaining mixed solution and reach a purification level of 98.2%. Results of this study can provide useful evidences for further practical applications.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 中國科技大學創新育成中心