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Title 非工業類之事業廢棄物管理檢討專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫包括農業、醫療、營建廢棄物管理之現況蒐集分析、滾動式檢討並推動管理策略、以及檢討研修事業自行清除處理事業廢棄物許可管理辦法等四個部分,分別說明各項工作成果。一、農業廢棄物詳細規劃並檢討農業廢棄物管理策略,完成各策略執行期程及推動措施之詳細規劃,並滾動式檢討策略內容,包括擬訂法規,多次與農委會研商討論;更新全國農業廢棄物統計分析,提送102年第四季(10~12月)及103年第一季~第三季(1~9月)季報;維護農業廢棄物宣導網站、手冊,網站累計瀏覽人數已達552人次;檢討修正農業相關事業廢棄物清理計畫書格式;訂定關鍵績效指標精進農業廢棄物管理。二、醫療廢棄物詳細規劃並檢討醫療廢棄物管理策略,完成各策略執行期程及推動措施之詳細規劃,並滾動式檢討策略內容,包括擬訂法規,多次與衛福部研商討論;更新全國醫療廢棄物統計分析,提送102年第四季(10~12月)及103年第一季~第三季(1~9月)季報;維護醫療廢棄物宣導網站、手冊,網站累計瀏覽人數已達52,162人次;檢討修正醫療相關事業廢棄物清理計畫書格式;檢討生物醫療廢棄物之管理範圍,提出認定標準及設施標準之修訂建議、研析生物醫療廢棄物代碼整併方式,並評估其整併影響衝擊、規劃代辦小型產源遞送聯單之管理機制,研擬「生物醫療廢棄物流向管制要點(草案)」;檢討醫療機構廢棄物再利用情形及管理方式,提出改善策略;分析國際間生物醫療廢棄物處理技術發展趨勢,並針對美國、日本、韓國、歐洲處理機構運作情形及處理現況完成分析;辦理1場次流行疫情廢棄物清除處理演練,並撰寫演練成果書面報告;完成20場次之醫療廢棄物現場查核及追蹤作業,並撰寫查核報告;訂定關鍵績效指標精進醫療廢棄物管理。三、營建廢棄物詳細規劃並檢討營建廢棄物管理策略,完成各策略執行期程及推動措施之詳細規劃,並滾動式檢討策略內容,包括擬訂法規,多次與營建署研商討論;更新全國營建廢棄物統計分析,提送102年第四季(10~12月)及103年第一季~第三季(1~9月)季報;逐季檢視維護「再生綠建材資訊服務網」,完成「營建廢棄物宣導網」編製上架;檢討修正營建相關事業廢棄物清理計畫書格式;依專家學者意見研訂「營建剩餘土石方及營建廢棄物橫向審查機制範本(草案)」;協助地方政府訂定裝潢修繕廢棄物管理規定,包含「一般家戶裝潢修繕廢棄物清運原則」及「裝潢修繕廢棄物清除處理計畫」範例;編製「環保署營建廢棄物源頭減量及回收再利用宣導手冊」,強化溝通管道;103年2月辦理1場次「○○縣(市)營建剩餘物處理場設置管理要點」參考範本說明會;訂定關鍵績效指標精進營建廢棄物管理。四、檢討研修事業自行清除處理事業廢棄物許可管理辦法分析及檢討現行事業自行清除處理事業廢棄物之管理制度,提出修訂「事業自行清除處理事業廢棄物許可管理辦法(草案)」,並建檔管理歷年事業申請自行清除處理之許可文件,訂定關鍵績效指標強化管理。本計畫創新之定性績效包括評估生物醫療廢棄物代碼整併影響衝擊、規劃小型產源遞送聯單之管理、提出醫療機構廢棄物再利用改善策略;研訂「營建剩餘土石方及營建廢棄物橫向審查機制範本(草案)」、協助地方政府訂定裝潢修繕廢棄物管理規定;提出修訂「事業自行清除處理事業廢棄物許可管理辦法(草案)」。本計畫創新之定量績效主要為整理歷年事業申請自行清除處理之許可文件並建檔,總計65家。
EngTitle The Project of Review the Non-industrial Waste Management
EngAbstract The project included collection and analysis of the current situation of agriculture, medical, and construction and demolition waste management, reviewed continuously and promoted management strategies and reviewed “Industrial Self-Clearance and Treatment Waste Permit Management Regulation”. The following described four parts results of the work. First, the project detailed planning and reviewed the agricultural waste management strategy, completed detail plans for the strategies implementation schedule and promotion measures, and reviewed continuously strategy, including the draft of the regulations, and number of discussions with the Council of Agriculture. The project updated national agricultural waste statistics analysis, submitted 2013 the fourth quarter (October to December) and 2014 the first quarter to third quarter (January to September) quarterly analysis. The project maintained the agricultural waste information website and handbook, and the website cumulative number of visitors reached 552 people. The project reviewed and amended agriculture-related industrial waste cleanup plan format. The project set the key performance indicators to refine agricultural waste management.Second, the project detailed planning and reviewed the medical waste management strategy, completed detail plans for the strategies implementation schedule and promotion measures, and reviewed continuously strategy, including the draft of the regulations, and number of discussions with the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The project updated national medical waste statistics analysis, submitted 2013 the fourth quarter (October to December) and 2014 the first quarter to third quarter (January to September) quarterly analysis. The project maintained the medical waste information website and handbook, and the website cumulative number of visitors reached 52,162 people. The project reviewed and amended medical-related industrial waste cleanup plan format. The project reviewed the management scope of the biomedical wastes, and proposed amendments of the “Standards for Defining Hazardous Industrial Waste” and “Methods and Facilities Standards for the Storage, Clearance and Disposal of Industrial Waste”, and researched biomedical waste code adjustment, and assessed the code adjustment impact, and planed small waste sources manifest management system, and drafted "Biomedical Waste Flow Control Directions (draft)". The project reviewed medical waste recycling situation and management to propose improvement strategy. The project analyzed international biomedical waste treatment technology trends, and the treatment organization operation situation and treatment situation in United States, Japan, Korea, and Europe. The project held an exercise of epidemic waste clearance and disposal, and compiled the report. The project checked and tracked 20 hospitals for medical wastes and compiled the report. The project set the key performance indicators to refine medical waste management.Third, the project detailed planning and reviewed the construction and demolition waste management strategy, completed detail plans for the strategies implementation schedule and promotion measures, and reviewed continuously strategy, including the draft of the regulations, and number of discussions with the Construction and Planning Agency. The project updated national construction waste statistics analysis, submitted 2013 the fourth quarter (October to December) and 2014 the first quarter to third quarter (January to September) quarterly analysis. The project quarterly maintained renewable green building materials information website and completed construction and demolition waste information website. The project reviewed and amended construction -related industrial waste cleanup plan format. The project according to experts opinions drafted “Construction Remaining Earthwork and Construction and Demolition Waste Horizontal Review Mechanism Template (draft)”; The project assisted local governments to establish decoration waste management regulations, including the “Household Decoration Waste Clearance Principles” and “Decoration Waste Clearance and Disposal Plan” Example. The project compiled “Environmental Protection Administration Construction Waste Source Reduction and Recycling Handbook” to strengthen communication. The project held a meeting of “County (City) Construction and Demolition Residue Treatment Sites Establishment Management Directions” reference template in February, 2014. The project set the key performance indicators to refine construction and demolition waste management.Fourth, the project analyzed and reviewed existing management system of industrial self-clearance and treatment waste to amended “Industrial Self-Clearance and Treatment Waste Permit Management Regulation (draft)”. The project established the files of the industrial self-clearance and treatment waste licenses over the years. The project set the key performance indicators to refine management.Innovatively qualitative performances of the project include an assessment of biomedical waste code adjustment impact, planning small waste sources manifest management system, and proposing recycling medical waste recycling improvement strategy, and providing “Construction Remaining Earthwork and Construction and Demolition Waste Horizontal Review Mechanism Template (draft)” to assist local governments to establish decoration waste management regulations, and proposing the amendments of the “Industrial Self-Clearance and Treatment Waste Permit Management Regulation (draft)”. Innovatively quantitative performance of the project is establishing the 65 files of the industrial self-clearance and treatment waste licenses over the years.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 永旭豐環境科技有限公司