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Title 國際環保動態資訊蒐集及趨勢分析專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫之工作目標包括:(1)蒐集各國及重要國際組織之環保法令及政策動態,定期提供環保署施政參考。(2)針對各國及國際重要環保政策發展趨勢進行分析,提供環保署政策研擬參考。本計畫為期11.5個月,在蒐集國際環境動態資訊方面,至12月31日止總計已摘譯並發送國際環境訊息738則、編輯及寄發國際環保新聞週報50次。本計畫所蒐集之環境資訊,共蒐集有關53個國家或區域的訊息,其中以美國及歐盟的新聞最多,比重約達51%。議題方面以氣候變遷與節能減碳的新聞最多,比重達18%,而空品保護及噪音管制的新聞篇數次高佔15%,水資源與水質保護、廢棄物管理及環境衛生與毒物管理各佔12%,另森林保護與自然保育及環境綜合政策各佔約8%,土壤及地下水污染整治佔7%,其次依序為綠色消費、環境教育等,環保署重要業務大致平均涵蓋。在分析國際環保趨勢方面,至12月31日止,已完成季趨勢報告4次,並依環保署指定的題目,完成專題報告5篇,在本報告中亦對全年度的國際環保動態完成整理與分析,工作執行完全符合計畫進度。
EngTitle International Environmental News Collecting and Trend Analysis Project
EngAbstract This project, commissioned by Office of Sustainable Development, the Environmental Protection Administation(EPA), focused on international environmental information collection and trend analysis. The main tasks of this project consisted of the following: (1) to collect, select, and translate environmental news and policies and provide them periodically to EPA to aid its policy implementation; (2) to analyze trends in international environmental protection, environmental regulations and policies and provide the analysis to EPA to aid its policy formation. The project duration is 11.5 months. Regarding the first task, through December 31 2014, 738 international environmental news articles were selected and collected. The highlights of the news were translated and distributed to the subscribers. 50 issues of international environmental weekly news were edited and published. A total of 53 coutries or regional political entities are covered by the news. The majority of the news collected by this project (51%) originated from the US and EU. As to news classification, news about Climate change, energy saving and carbon reduction takes up the highest percentage (18%) . News about air quality protection takes the second highest percentage (15%), water resource and quality pretection、waste managemen protection and environmental hygiene and toxic management each takes 12%, forest protection and nature conservation and integrated environmental policy each takes up 8%. Other categories such as soil and groundwater remediation takes up7%. The rest are about green consumption and environmental education…etc. The major fields that are relevant to EPA works are more or less evenly covered. Regarding the second task, 4 issues of quarterly analytical reports on international environmental protection trends were published. 5 special topic reports, with the topics selected and assigned by the EPA, were completed and provided. In this final report, a yearly news trend analysis was also performed for the entire duration of this project. As of the present, all tasks required by this project were accomplished on schedule.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境與發展基金會