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Title 102年度高雄市所轄原縣道側溝委外清疏及調查計畫
Abstract 本計畫係為加強高雄市所轄原縣道側溝之維護清理,於汛期前完成清疏檢查工作,保持排水暢通,減少雨季時造成市區積水淹水之情況發生。就本計畫整體工作內容概可劃分為:前置作業、道路側溝巡查作業、道路側溝清疏作業、作業品質查核以及成效評估作業。一、人員機具配置 (Personnel and equipment configuration)本計畫係以人力作業為主;機具作業為輔,規劃兩組工班,一組工班以純人力作業為主,搭配高壓沖洗機及及污泥清運車輛,作業人力約9人;另一組工班以機具作業為主,出動高壓沖吸兩用清溝車、清溝挖土機搭配污泥清運車輛,作業人力約3人,因應人力流動、請假等因素,另提備用人力3人。清溝機具備妥1輛清溝車,以及2輛溝泥清運車,其功能配置皆符合本計畫規範要求,另外,為符合山區側溝清疏需求,特別增加1部清溝挖土機做為特定區域作業使用。二、側溝清疏作業量 (Work load of cleaning up gutters)計畫履約期限自102年8月9日起至103年8月8日止,因102年8月份執行前置作業;103年7月份撰寫成果報告,未執行道路側溝清疏作業,其餘月份皆符合計畫契約相關規定,截至103年6月30日止,總計道路側溝清疏長度已完成50,372公尺,總目標達成率為100.74%。道路側溝清疏後之溝泥均由合法乙級清除業者溝泥清運車(612-BU)載運至岡山、旗山、及大寮等掩埋場棄置,並依計畫規範由高雄市環保局各區清潔隊押車及留存磅單或其他廢棄物處理相關證明文件以供高雄市環保局查核。統計清運車次共計為61車次、清出量共計為477.61噸。 三、作業巡查及查核作業 (Inspection and examination)統計本計畫102年8月9日起至103年8月8日止,執行巡查共計發現異常側溝141條;其中溝蓋遭民眾花盆、惡意封閉造成嚴重阻塞達45條最多、側溝未設溝蓋及間距過遠達20條居次,顯見外部因素為影響側溝清疏作業的主要因子。整體而言,側溝施工不良和溝蓋不良分別佔全體34.0%和34.8%,相關單位在施工品質和後續維護應更為謹慎。溝渠巡查組至現場查核共計101次;其中96次合格、5次發現缺失,常見缺失多為可立即改善之缺失,包括未依規定著反光衣、交通安全錐不足、未配置交通指揮人員、溝泥造成路面髒污與現場作業人員執行怠惰等狀況,經督導查核及勞安專責人員不定時不定期之稽查勸導與教育訓練後,經常性之缺失已逐漸獲得改善,作業期間亦未造成任何勞工職災及交通事故,本計畫查核作業發揮預期功效,達成零事故、零傷害的目標。 四、清疏權責路段及所屬機關初步調查(Authority of dredging section and initial investigation by subordinate units)本年度清疏權責路段及所屬機關初步調查成果豐碩,經由計畫團隊巡查回報及區清潔隊協助完成高雄市所轄原縣道142.09公里的內部資料調查,在美濃區中正路、復興路及岡山區前鋒路、仁壽路、介壽路共269處地號上發現構造異常及權責不清之溝渠,經調閱高雄市政府地政局地籍資訊系統地籍謄本及公路總局第三區養護工程處縣道資料比對,發現181縣道(7.8k~15.18k),美濃區中正路(中興段)45筆、復興路(龍中段、龜山段)38筆,及186縣道(1.961K~6.491K),岡山區前鋒路(大勇段)39筆、仁壽路(介壽段)6筆、介壽路(劉厝段)47筆,共計175處地號所有權人分屬中華民國財政部國有財產署38筆、國防部政治作戰局軍備局24筆、高雄農田水利會40筆及其他私人機關73筆等並負責管理維護。.五、作業成效評估 (Project Assessment) (一)清溝影響因素分析 (Analysis on influencing factors of gutters cleaning):探討洩降坡度設計或施工不良,溝渠斷面、深度、集流面積與逕流量,進水口設計與施工,及週邊環境外來污染源等作業影響因素,本計畫團隊執行清溝作業期間發現共計141條道路側溝中受設計不良影響者計有14條;受施工不良影響者計有48條;受溝蓋不良影響者計有49條;受環境污染影響者計有30條,施工不良和溝蓋不良所占權重最高,分別為34.0%及34.8%,相關單位在施工品質和後續維護應更為謹慎。 (二)最適清疏模式分析 (The best method of analysis for gutters cleaning): 本計畫團隊提出最適合之清溝作業模式,建議 高雄市環保局各區隊以12人為一清溝班,裝配1台高壓沖吸兩用清溝車、1台溝泥車及溝勺等機具,人員任務分派分別為編制清溝車司機1員、吸泥管操作手1員、高壓沖洗操作手1員、監督班長1員、開蓋人員1員、疏通人員1員、裝袋人員4員、載運人員2員。惟高雄市轄區溝渠遍布大街小巷,尺寸規格眾多,本計畫調查樣本僅以計畫期間清疏側溝為對象,相關清溝效率分析數據僅供參考。
EngTitle The 102 annual project in outsourcing of roadside ditches cleaning and investigation at local countr
EngAbstract The purpose of this project aims to reinforce main branch and roadside gutters of Kaohsiung City cleaning and maintenance. For facilitating proper drainage, cleaning work is supposed to be finished before tide season in order to avoid overfilling around city center during rainy season. The main schemes of this project are divided into 5 programs, preliminary, inspecting gutters, ditch cleaning and dredging, checking the quality of operation and efficiency assessment.1、Personnel and equipment configurationIn this project, the main work is based on manpower and the auxiliary are equipments. There are two teams in this project. The first team only depends on manpower work, 9 people with a high-pressure washer engine and sludge removal vehicles are required. The other team is 3 people with a sewer cleaner (vacuum/jetting tanker), excavator and sludge removal vehicles. In order to secure and prevent the mobility of manpower or leave request, 3 more people are required by advance arrangement. All equipments meet regulatory requirements of this project. The vehicles of sewer cleaning have a sewer cleaner and 2 sludge removal vehicles. Moreover, an additional excavator is using for a specific working area in order to meet demand of cleaning side sewer of mountain.2、Work load of cleaning up guttersThe Contract of this project was started from 9 Aug 2013 to 8 Aug 2014. Besides the preliminary work in August 2013 and generating report in July 2014, all the cleaning work has met contract requirement. Up to 6 June 2014, the total length of cleaned gutters is 50,372 m, which took 100.74 % of the achievement rate.Mud cleaned out from roadside gutters is transported by sludge removal vehicles (612-BU), belongs to a legal cleaning and removal industry with level B qualification, to landfill (Gangshan, Qishan and Daliao) for disposing. Moreover, the project followed the regulations from Environmental protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government. Such as the route from roadside gutters to landfill are followed by cleaning squadrons of each district and the data from weight notes are saved. Furthermore, all relevant documents of waste treatment are provided in order to examine by Environmental protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government. Total amount of cleaned volume is 477.61 tons which is carried by 61 cars. 3、Inspection and examinationFrom 9 August 2013 to 8 August 2014, 141 abnormal side gutters were found, including 45 serious clogs caused by covering flowerpot and malignantly blocked up, and 20 side gutters without covers and too large interval distance. It is clear to see that the main influential factor of side gutter cleaning is apparent external factors. Overall, poor construction and drain cover take 34.0% and 34.8% of influences during cleaning side gutters. Therefore, quality of construction and gutters maintenance should meet higher requirement.In total, 101 in site checked by inspection team, including 96 are qualified and 5 with defect, and the most of common defects could have immediate improvement, for example: workers did not wear safety vest, lacking of traffic safety cones, no traffic directors, roadside stacked with ditch mud without sweeping and labors worked slothfully. However, these defects had been reformed after inspecting intensively. During the working period, occupational injuries and accidents had never been caused. 4、Authority of dredging section and initial investigation by subordinate unitsGreat successes were achieved in authority of dredging section and initial investigation by subordinate units this year, according to the report from inspection team and assistance from district cleaning squadrons, which have accomplished the data of internal investigation around 142.09 kilometers in Kaohsiung City. There were found 269 ditch with abnormal construction and confusion of responsibilities at Zhongzheng and Fuxing road in Meinong District, and at Qianfeng, Renshou and Jieshou road in Gangshan District. Comparing with the cadastral map transcription from the system of cadastral information in Land Administration Bureau Kaohsiung City Government and relevant information of country road from Third Maintenance office, Directorate General of Highways, Ministry of Transportation and Communications. It totally was found 175 lot numbers shown as the following. 181 country road (7.8k~15.18k) which includes 45 records at Zhongzheng road (Zhongxing Section) and 38 records at Fuxing road (Longzhong and Guishan Section) in Meinong District, and 186 country road (1.961K~6.491K) which includes 39 records at Qianfeng road (Dayong Section), 6 records at Renshou road (Jieshou Section) and 47 records at Jieshou road (Liucuo Section) in Gangshan District. The owners of lot numbers take responsibility for management and maintenance which belonged to 38 records from National Property Administration, Ministry of Finance, 24 records from Armaments Bureau, the Ministry of National Defense, 40 records from Kaohsiung Irrigation Association and 73 records from private organizations.5、Project Assessment (1) Analysis on influencing factors of gutters cleaning:In order to investigate factors related to design of drawdown slope, defected construction, section and depth of gutter, intake design and construction, and pollution from surrounding. According to inspection, 141 defective gutters could be refereed to several reasons shown as the following, 14 defected designs, 48 defected construction, 49 defected drain cover and 30 tainted by environment. To conclude, drain construction and covers have significant influence on ditch dredging and maintaining, which take 34.0% and 34.8 of influences during cleaning side gutters. (2) The best method of analysis for gutters cleaning: Regarding to result of inspection, the most relevant program of gutters cleaning is highly recommended as the following: 12 people are arranged into a team to carry out gutters cleaning and it also requires 1 sewer cleaner (vacuum/jetting tanker), 1 mud sweeper and equipment. Moreover, staff arrangement is listed as the following, 1 gutter cleaning trunk driver, 1 sewer cleaner (vacuum) operator, 1 sewer cleaner (jetting) operator, 1 site supervisor is in charge, 1 open covering operator, 1 traffic director, 4 bagging operators and 2 carriers. According to the ditches with various standards and dimensions all over the Kaohsiung city, the examined samples are only chosen in this program of gutters cleaning and the relevant efficient gutters cleaning data is for reference only.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 展立工程顧問股份有限公司