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Title 102年彰化縣河川揚塵污染防制評估研究計畫
Abstract 減少,裸露沙洲逐漸浮出。再加東北季風盛行、農業耕作翻土均使揚塵問題加劇。為逐步解決附近地區空氣品質不良的問題,計劃針對河川裸露地適用的揚塵抑制工法先行試做,並進行成效評估。 本計畫首先以空拍與文獻分析對下游段各季節裸露地之面積進行調查,以做為未來空氣污染模擬分析之依據。而河川揚塵抑制案例也被蒐集做為採行工法之參考。另對土壤粒徑及陰陽離子進行一系列試驗及調查,做為揚塵起因之參考。現場進行葉脈式、跳島式、土、噴灑水及防塵藥劑、植生與防風林六種工法進行實驗。並進行成本與成效分析,以綜合評估估各種方案對沿岸揚塵之成效。 本計畫另對清運河砂、潮汐引水等進行法律可行性評估、也對於用地取得、市場及財務及工程技術等進行可行性評估。
EngAbstract 要: Since the original plants have all been washed away due to river flood, the amount of water gradually reduced on October. The dust problem got worse because emerged sandbars were gradually exposed, the northeast monsoon prevailed, and farm digging operated. To resolve poor air quality problems in surrounding areas step by step, the different dust suppression methods were applied for first try on river bare land in this project, and the effectiveness were evaluated. First of all, aerial photography and literature review were carried out to investigate the area of bare land in different seasons on the downstream section. This analysis could be the basis for future air pollution simulations. The cases of dust suppression on river were collected as a reference for future application. Besides, the soil particle size and ions property were investigated by series of experiments. It could be a reference for the forming of the dust. Six field test works, such as scene vein type, island hopping, embankment, water spray, dust pharmacy, and windbreak were tested. The cost and effectiveness were analyzed. A comprehensive assessment was carried out to estimated the effect of dust depression with the various methods. In this project, the legal feasibility assessment was applied on river sand dredging and utilization of tidal river water. The feasibility assessment on the land acquisition, market and financial feasibility assessment, and engineering technology were carried out, too.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 彰化縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 大葉大學環境工程學系