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Title 移動式稻草再利用暨固態衍生燃料載運車輛設置及維護計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要為研發移動式稻草再利用固態衍生燃料設備系統,可安裝於20呎特製貨櫃屋可聯結車輛載運移動,並配合雲林縣農業博覽會的活動,於102年12月13日至103年3月6日期間在會場實際進行稻草回收製作生質燃燒棒工作,操作結果顯示系統處理量平均可達200kg/hr,符合合約規範100kg/hr以上之要求,並將燃料棒使用於專用汽化爐烹煮食物及作為動物飼養區地板鋪料,獲得農博參訪遊客認同與肯定,達到推廣本技術及宣導農業廢棄物可再利用製作為生質資材的目的。另外,於稻草再利用固態衍生燃料鍋爐混燒試驗部分,選用燃料為棕櫚殼之生質燃料蒸氣鍋爐,進行混燒稻草生質燃料棒試驗;試驗結果顯示隨著摻混比例增加(2%、6%、10%)鍋爐蒸氣效率下降,與平時以純燃料蒸氣效率相比下降約0.6~3%,但後續應可藉由調整進料及操作條件提升混燒時蒸氣效率;試驗時檢測煙道空氣排放污染物、鍋爐底灰元素分析與重金屬含量,檢測結果顯示經空污防制設備處理後,煙道排氣之戴奧辛、SOx、NOx、HCl與CO檢測值均符合固定污染源排放標準限值,而鍋爐底灰重金屬低於毒性溶出程序,戴奧辛檢測值亦低於有害事業廢棄物認定標準,而底灰所含S、N及Cl成份均低於儀器偵測極限,故整體而言,稻草生質燃料棒可實際應用於生質燃料鍋爐,未來可於雲林縣縣內推廣運用本套系統,至各鄉鎮田間蒐集廢棄稻草以減少露天燃燒行為改善空氣品質,所產製之燃料棒亦可應用於工業生質燃料鍋爐,有效解決農業廢棄物問題並提升廢棄物循環再利用比率,達成以低污染生質能替代高污染石化燃料的目標。
EngTitle Project of developing and maintaining mobile rice straw recycling device to producing Residual Deriv
EngAbstract This project aims to develop a mobile rice straw recycling device to producing Residual Derivative Fuels(RDF-5). The device can be settled in a 20ft long cargo container and delivered by trailer. This device exhibited in Yunlin Agriculture EXPO from 13th of December in 2013 to 6th of March in 2014. During the exhibition, mobile rice straw recycling device had been demonstrated to produce biomass Briquette. The recycling result displays that 210kg of rice straw can be treated each hour which complied with the requisition of contract (100kg/hr). Those biomass Briquette also can be applied to food gasification furnace and farming layer. Most of visitors in Yunlin Agriculture EXPO praised the achievement of rice straw recycling system. In other words, this project promoted agriculture waste recycling and biomass transforming technology successfully. In addition, co-firing experimentation uses three different proportions of Residual Derivative Fuels(RDF-5) mixed with Palm Kernel Shell(PKS)in biofuel steam boiler. The efficiency of steam boiler decreased when the use of rice straw biomass fuel increased from 2% to 10%. Compared with a purely palm shell biofuel steam boiler, mixture fuel steam boiler has a lower efficiency which the decline rate is between 0.6% and 3%. However, adjusting operation condition and solid fuel feeding can solve this problem. During the experimentation, the programme took air samples after the process of air pollution control and did three pollution analyses which include stack air pollutant、button ash elemental analysis and heavy metal. The result indicates that the concentration of Dioxin, SOx, NOx, HCl and CO all met stationary pollution source air pollution emission standard. The concentration of heavy metal in the button ash sample conforms to Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) standard. Moreover, concentration of Dioxin was under hazardous industrial waste classification standard. Also the concentration value of S, N and Cl were under method detection limit. As a consequence, using rice straw biomass pellet to biofuel steam boiler is practical and also can be applied in industrial biofuel steam boiler. This system will assist to prevent open burning among countryside and solve agriculture waste problem effectively.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 川佳機械股份有限公司