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Title 102年度彰化縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫
Abstract 彰化縣長久以來空氣污染主要來源為各產業型態之工廠及各式機動車輛所排放之廢氣,而隨著都市土地利用型態的改變及民眾環保意識提升,工廠總數逐年減少,但使用中之機動車輛總量卻逐年上升,使得機動車輛所排放之廢氣成為都市空氣污染最主要之來源,因此,如何降低機動車輛之廢氣排放,是本縣當前極重要之環保課題。目前本縣機車設籍數量約86萬輛,其中出廠滿5年每年須參加排氣檢驗的機車約68.5萬輛,本計畫除針對應定檢機車進行通知及宣導,對未到檢機車進行路邊巡查貼單及寄發公文函通知到檢外,亦導入車牌辨識系統加強管制使用中機車,另不定時不定點執行機車路邊攔檢、受理民眾檢舉烏賊車,及設置移動式定檢車提供偏遠鄉鎮機車定檢服務等,以有效管控機車排放空氣污染物情形。本計畫自102年3月8日統計至102年12月10日,共計完成移動式定檢服務車免費檢測114點次,檢測892輛次。機車定檢數量為438,613輛次,定檢率為83.6%,可見得民眾對機車強制定檢的接受度正逐年提高中。此外,輔導轄內機車檢驗站執行機車定檢業務,使檢驗人員主動輔導老舊機車進行污染改善或淘汰,落實保檢合一,並推動民眾使用低/無污染交通工具…等,俾全面提昇本縣移動污染源管制成效。在削減量方面,主要的管控措施來自加速老舊之機車淘汰、機車定檢改善效益、未定檢機車稽查作業等,依環保署減量資料推算102年度彰化縣NMHC削減量為361.533噸,CO削減量為1442.962噸,CO2削減量為757.094噸。本計畫藉由執行各項車輛管制措施及跨局處合作並輔以宣導民眾,進而達到改善彰化縣空氣品質之實際效應及完善績效。
EngTitle 2013Mobi le Pol lut ion Inspection Control andManagement Project of Changhua County.
EngAbstract Waste gas emissions from factories in various types of industries and motor vehicles in Changhua County have long been sources of air pollution. The change of urban land use types and promotion of public environmental awareness make number of factories reduce year by year but total quantity of motor vehicles increase, causing that waste gas emission becomes the main source of urban air pollution. Therefore, how to reduce waste gas emission from motor vehicle is an extreme significant issue of environmental protection in the County at present.The current registered number of motorcycles in the County is about 860,000, in which about 685,000 motorcycles in full 5 years from the manufacturing date are required for annual exhaust inspection. This program not only aims at notification and propaganda for periodical inspection of motorcycle but also conducts roadside patrol of those uninspected motorcycles for on-site inspection by posting note and mailing official letter; meanwhile, license plate identify system is also imported to tighten control of motorcycles in use, irregular and unfixed-point roadside inspection and interception executed, against high-pollution motorcycle from public complaints accepted and mobile inspection station set up to provide motorcycles in remote villages with periodic inspection services, which are to effectively control air pollution exhausted by motorcycles.Statistics of this program from Mar.8 to Dec.10, 2013 showed that the completion of free inspection was 114 station-times and 892 vehicle-times in mobile inspection stations. Periodic inspection for motorcycles was 438,613 vehicle-times with achievement rate of 83.6%. It can be seen the public acceptance for mandatory periodic inspection of motorcycle is increasing year after year. Additionally, guidance for periodic inspection of motorcycle in the inspection stations under administration allows inspection personnel to aggressively assist improvement or elimination of old motorcycles to put the maintenance and the inspection in one package program into practice, and promote the public to use low/non-pollution transportation equipments, etc.,, so that control effect for removal of the whole county’s pollution sources can be overall increased. Regarding pollutant reduction, the main control measure will cover acceleration of old motorcycles, improvement for the effectiveness of motorcycle’s periodic inspection and audit of motorcycle not executed periodic inspection, etc. According to pollutant reduction data from Environmental Protection Agency, NMHC reduction quantity was estimated 361.533 tons, CO 1442.962 tons and CO2757.094 tons in Changhua County in 2013. With implementation for control measure of various vehicles and cross-department cooperation as well as guidance of public promotion, this program will further achieve the improvement of actual effect and perfect performance of air quantity in Changhua County.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 彰化縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司