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Title 102年度彰化縣室內空氣品質自主管理策略推動計畫
Abstract 近年來政府積極關心室內空氣品質議題,於100年11月23日通過室內空氣品質管理法後,室內空氣品質管理等課題已列為重要施政項目中。本年度計畫成果包括: (1) 完成18處場所室內空氣品質維護管理專責人員及室內空氣品質維護管理計畫之輔導,其中5處場所已取得專責人員資格,14處場所完成室內空氣品質維護管理計畫。(2)完成40 家公私場所巡檢調查,發現本縣醫療場所其二氧化碳濃度易超過1,000 ppm。(3)完成15處公私場所室內空氣品質定期檢驗測定,針對不符合標準場所進行輔導及複測,複測結果均已符合法令標準。(4)針對巡檢或檢測不符合標準單位邀請專家學者進行6處公私場所室內空氣品質自主管理輔導。(5)舉辦2場次宣導說明會,參與人數分別為54人及63人。此外,擇定彰化師範大學作為優良場所示範觀摩會場地,邀請預定列管單位與政府機關與會參觀,當日參與人數為18人。(6) 發布兩則新聞稿宣導室內空氣品質,製作宣導海報與宣導摺頁提供給政府機關或公私場所張貼及發送,並建置彰化縣室內空氣品質資訊網提供民眾有關室內空氣品質相關諮詢服務,以達資源共享之目的。
EngTitle 2013 Changhua County’s Promotional Project of Self-Management Strategies for Indoor Air Quality
EngAbstract The government is actively paying attention to the issues concerning indoor air quality. After the passing of Indoor Air Quality Management Regulations on November 23, 2013, issues related to Indoor Air Quality Management have been promoted to prioritized policy issues. The results of this year’s annual program include: (1) Out of 18 sites complete the implementation of regulations concerning having dedicated management personnel for maintaining indoor air quality and guidance for indoor air quality maintenance management programs, 5 sites have obtained dedicated qualified management personnel, and 14 sites have completed management programs for indoor air quality maintenance. (2) Completing inspection surveys of 40 public and private premises, and discovering that the carbon dioxide concentrations of some health care facilities in this county often exceed 1,000 ppm. (3) Completing periodic inspection measurements of indoor air quality at 15 public and private premises, and then performing guidance counseling and retesting of the premises that failed the inspection. The results of the retests show compliance with regulated standards. (4) Inviting experts and scholars to conduct self-management counseling for indoor air quality at 6 public and private premises that failed routine inspection or testing. (5) Holding 2 sessions of promotional seminars, which were attended by 54 and 63 participants respectively. In addition, National Changhua University of Education was selected as a model site for demonstration and observation. Organizations that are projected to be regulated, and governmental institutions, were invited to participate in the observations. On the day of the demonstration 20 people attended. (6) Publishing two press releases promoting indoor air quality. Producing promotional posters and pamphlets for governmental agencies and public/private premises to be posted and distributed. Constructing a Changhua County Information Network for Indoor Air Quality that offers informational services concerning indoor air quality issues to the public to help reach the objective of resource sharing.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 彰化縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 社團法人中華民國工業安全衛生協會