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Title 102年度高雄市委託規畫建置廢容器自動回收機器結合捷運ㄧ卡通回收自動加值系統計畫
Abstract 高雄市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為進一步將自助式服務概念逐步應用於資源回收工作上,以電子票證加值為誘因,推動「102年度高雄市委託規畫建置廢容器自動回收機器結合捷運ㄧ卡通回收自動加值系統計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),除提供市民便利及創新回收管道外,更結合電子票證一卡通回收加值服務,以鼓勵市民做環保,多多利用一卡通搭乘公共運輸系統,減少空氣污染,共同建立高雄市宜居城市形象。本計畫採用之廢容器自動回收機器為財團法人精密機械研究發展中心所設計研發,包括壓縮減積、辨識系統、觸控螢幕、回收數量統計與ㄧ卡通加值等功能,並命名為「ARM自動資源回收機」,可供民眾將廢寶特瓶及鐵鋁罐投入自動資源回收機內回收,自動於一卡通內加值。為提供自動資源回收機供市民使用,本計畫經環保局同意後於102年11月11日起於美麗島捷運站8號出入口設置,由陳菊市長進行揭幕啟用,並透過宣導摺頁及網路簡短訊息,提供市民操作ARM自動資源回收機相關注意事項及回收費率。設置初期回收費率為1個廢容器1元,民眾反映相當熱烈,但回收價金高於市場回收價格約4倍,故於103年8月19日調整回收費率為3個廢容器1元,以趨近市場回收價格,提高廢容器資源回收量,統計至103年9月30日止,總計已回收402,390個廢容器。最後,本計畫也蒐集彙整國外及本市設置廢容器自動資源回收機相關資料及成果,規劃出未來設置最佳可行性方案及標準作業流程,使ARM自動資源回收機可以廣泛的設置於適當地點及提供市民便利回收管道。
EngTitle 2013 Automatic Add Value Service System for MRT Integrated ARM Pass and Promotion Program
EngAbstract To further apply the Self-service concept into resources recycling, the Environmental Protection Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government (hereinafter the EPB) promotes “2013 Automatic Add Value Service System for MRT Integrated ARM Pass and Promotion Program” (hereinafter the Program”) by using the E-pass add value service as incentive. In addition to provide convenient and innovative recycling channels to citizens, it also incorporates the E-pass recycling value added service to encourage citizens taking mass transportation system with e-pass more frequently as to reduce air pollution and build the image of environmental friendly city. The automatic waste container recycling machine is designed and developed by Precision Machinery Research and Development Center, including size compression, identification system, touch screen, recycling quantity statistics and e-pass add value services. The machine is called “ARM”, which people could throw the waste PET and iron or aluminum can into the ARM while adding the value into the e-pass at the same time.To provide ARM for the use of citizens, the machine has been installed at the No. 8 entrance of Formosa Boulevard Station since November 11, 2013 upon the approval of EPB. Mayor Chen Gu held the opening ceremony, meanwhile the propaganda leaflet and short online message regarding the ARM operation related notices and recycling rate were available for citizens. The recycling rate at the preliminary phase was 1 dollar for each waste container. People were excited about it, however, the recycling price was 4 times higher than the recycling rate on the market, and the recycling rate was adjusted to 1 dollar for 3 waste containers since August 19, 2014 to approach the market price and enhance the recycling volume of waste container. As of September 30, 2014, total 402,390 waste containers had been recycled. Finally, the program also collects and summarizes domestic and local ARM related information and results for the planning of optimal action and standard operation flow in the future to have ARM be extensively installed at places as appropriate and provide citizens with convenient recycling channels.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 信安工程顧問股份有限公司