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Title 溫室氣體管理專法推動及行政支援
Abstract 本大計畫蒐集研析並掌握國際溫室氣體減量管理法案發展趨勢,包含主要國家獨立專法及總量管制與排放交易制度執行機制,彙整國際法規動態資訊每月發行新聞電子報,並於每季提供環保署國際溫室氣體管理政策發展分析報告作為施政參考。推動溫室氣體減量法立法工作方面,本計畫協助提供「溫室氣體減量法(草案)」立法院審議所需相關資料、說帖、問答集與立場文件,研析各界對「溫室氣體減量法(草案)」之關注議題,更新維護法規中英文宣傳網站,每季發行臺灣溫室氣體減量政策推動英文電子季刊,並規劃法案推動時與各界溝通機制,協助法案政策宣傳作業。本計畫研析國際間將溫室氣體列為空氣污染物之相關制度做法,評估以空氣污染防制法推動溫室氣體總量管制及排放交易之可行性,包含核配方式可能組合之管制情性,並研擬所需相關子法架構與條文大綱。本計畫蒐集我國歷年來將國際公約內國法化之推動做法及運作機制,研析將聯合國氣候變化綱要公約內國法化之作法,並研擬法案名稱及相關條文草案,規劃未來各相關主管機關之因應做法與配合措施。於國際交流合作方面,本計畫與歐盟智庫Ecofys針對碳洩漏議題進行專題合作,研提我國溫室氣體管理法規及排放交易制度推動分析報告,並邀請國外專家來台就分析成果進行說明與意見交流,建立夥伴關係。本計畫並配合環保署整體規劃需求,擔任行政支援與幕僚工作,派員參與公約COP19會議與亞洲氣候變遷重要會議,參與周邊會議與各國代表進行交流,以掌握他國相關作法資訊以及國際氣候談判最新趨勢。
EngTitle The Promotion of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Regulations and Management of Related Administrat
EngAbstract This project aims to promote greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction regulations in Taiwan through conducting international case studies related to GHG reduction policies, assisting the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in advancing the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill (Draft) and engaging stakeholders, assessing the feasibility of regulating GHG emissions with the existing Air Pollution Control Act, proposing approaches to adopt the UNFCCC agreements into Taiwan’s legal system, and pursuing international exchange opportunities. The project team will conduct extensive research on the development of GHG reduction policies as well as cap-and-trade mechanisms in specific countries. These case studies would enable the project team to publish monthly newsletters on the international development of GHG reduction policies, as well as quarterly policy analysis papers for the Taiwan EPA. The project team will also help push forth the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill (Draft) by assisting the Taiwan EPA in preparing for the hearings of the Bill, maintaining the Bill’s Chinese and English websites, publishing quarterly newsletters on the development of Taiwan’s GHG reduction efforts, and strategizing the Bill’s stakeholder engagement mechanisms. In addition to compiling best practices in GHG reduction policies and cap-and-trade systems, and mobilizing the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill (Draft), the project team will also assess the feasibility of regulating GHG emissions with the existing Air Pollution Control Act in Taiwan. The project team will specifically evaluate different emission allowance allocation schemes that could be implemented by the Act, as well as addendums needed for the Act to legally regulate GHG emissions. Furthermore, the project team will advise approaches to adopt UNFCCC agreements into the domestic legal system based on past experiences of adopting international agreements, including drafting corresponding domestic regulations and proposing implementing agencies. Finally, in terms of international exchange, the project team will work with Ecofys Consultancy to publish a joint analysis paper on the subject of carbon leakage and its impact on Taiwan’s proposed GHG management mechanisms. The Taiwan EPA also plans to invite experts from Ecofys to Taiwan to further discuss Ecofys’ analysis and recommendations and to build partnerships. The project team will also be attending COP19 and other key climate change conferences in Asia with the Taiwan EPA to better understand other countries’ GHG reduction strategy, as well as the latest trends and development with regards to international dialogues on climate change.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司