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Title 環評技術顧問機構業者評鑑、評估項目人員認證制度推動暨環評業務檢討會與交流會
Abstract 環保署為瞭解環境影響評估技術顧問機構之執行現況與素質,自民國86年起開始辦理「環境影響評估技術顧問機構業者評鑑」工作,期能提昇環評書件製作品質,並將評鑑結果公告於環保署網站,供開發單位選擇環境影響評估者時參考。經過整年度評鑑作業及評鑑委員會之辦理,102年度評鑑結果區分出A級8家、準A級11家、B級10家、C級11家、D級0家以及不予分級52家。103年評鑑截至103年11月30日止,共計彙整420件環評書件及92家業者評鑑結果。此外,本計畫根據專家諮詢會議專家委員意見,研訂104年度評鑑作業方法及程序。而為能進一步提昇環評技術顧問機構業者評估項目人員之專業能力,本計畫研擬環評評估項目人員認證及計點制度推動方式及配套措施,邀集專家學者、地方環保機關召開諮詢會及座談會議,推動我國施行環評評估項目人員認證及計點制度可行性。為強化中央目的事業主管機關及環保機關環評業務執行成效,本計畫亦透過辦理環評業務檢討會與交流會,進行溝通協調,並提供相關指導與建議,藉以提昇相關單位環評業務執行能力,促使我國環評業務之執行得以更加完善。
EngTitle Evaluation of EIA Technical Consulting Organizations, Certification of Evaluators and Conferences
EngAbstract The Environment Protection Administration (EPA) has been annually undertaking the Evaluation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Technical Consulting Organizations since 1997. The annual evaluation results are announced on the EPA’s website for the developers to choose appropriate technical consulting firms to work with. Through this project, the evaluation procedure was conducted in accordance with the measure of the year 2013. Of the 92 assessed firms, 8 were graded A, 11 were graded pre-A, 10 were graded B, 11 were graded C and 52 were ungraded. During the operation period of the evaluation procedure in 2014, the evaluation results of 420 EIA reports which belong to 92 technical consulting firms have been gathered and calculated by November 31, 2014. By consulting the scholars, experts and environmental officers, the opinions on the evaluation system were collected as a reference base to set up the evaluation measure of the year 2014.In addition, the certification system for EIA evaluators was drawn up and the preliminary feasibility was assessed in order to improve EIA evaluators’ professional competence.By holding review and communication conferences, the central authorities and the competent authorities were gathered to review the achievements of EIA affairs, improve the ability of the authorities to conduct EIA affairs and make the EIA system more mature.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環境管理協會