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Title 環保與消保教材編撰專案工作計畫
Abstract 為落實推動「102-103 年消費者保護計畫」規定,提升本署消費者保護之執行績效,並增進民眾了解及實踐保護環境與保障消費者權益之觀念,進而盤點環保業務及法規與消費者保護之間的關聯,編製適用於高中職畢業一般民眾之「環保與消保」教材、電子書、數位學習課程,及提供環境及消費者保護教育者教學資源。
EngTitle The Project for Editing Educational Materials of Environmental Protection and Consumer Protection.
EngAbstract In order to implement the Consumer Protection Plan of the Executive Yuanand to improve the performance of the Consumer Protection Programs of the Environmental Protection Administration, the investigation of the relationshipbetween the relevant regulations/measures of environmental protection and thoseof consumer protection is conducted in this project. As a result, a series of teaching material, i.e. a textbook, an e-book as well as e-learning course are drafted and edited for the use of consumers with high school level education. Theseeducational materials published in this project are useful for consumers to establish the concept of both environmental and consumer protections. In addition, they can be provided to the environmental educators as a resource for further teaching.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境與發展基金會