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Title 高雄市102年一般廢棄物清除處理費徵收工作計畫
Abstract 高雄市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)依據廢棄物清理法第24條及一般廢棄物清除處理費徵收辦法規定,分別針對(1)自來水用戶,按用戶水量計算(2)非自來水用戶,按戶定額計算,徵收一般廢棄物清除處理費(俗稱垃圾清理費)。本計畫統計至103年6月30日止,辦理自來水用戶清除處理費徵收作業,協助環保局辦理停徵2,616件、復徵65件及退費97件等案件初審及建檔彙整,另為確認申請清除處理費停徵、退費單位是否確實將一般廢棄物交由合法清除業者清運,並依每月申請停徵20%案辦理現場稽查工作,總計稽查564件。辦理非自來水用戶徵收、催收及強制執行作業,針對101年度經徵收後仍未繳款者,已於102年9月1日寄送12,338件回執雙掛號催收繳款書,總計已繳款16,914件,繳款金額18,995,208元,另針對100及101年度經徵收及催收作業後仍未繳款的18,634件,分別於103年1月6日及4月1日移送強制執行,總計已清償4,740件,清償總金額5,559,940元。辦理102年度非自來水用戶清除處理費徵收作業,於103年6月1日前寄送19,902件徵收繳款書,總計已繳款10,286件,繳款金額11,594,058元。為讓各區清潔隊瞭解清除處理費徵收及催收作業程序,邀請26個區隊、自來水公司及環保業者辦理3場次作業輔導會議及2場次徵收作業暨系統說明會,總計參與人數286人。另為提高徵收作業系統使用率及操作便利性,本計畫重新設計研發徵收作業軟體,以提供正確清除處理費徵收、催繳等基線資料,協助環保局公正、公平與公開辦理清除處理費徵收、催繳及稽查等作業。
EngTitle Collection of a fixed fee per household、general waste clearance and disposal fees
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government (the Bureau in short) collects common waste disposal fee (i.e. trash clearance charge) from (1) tap water users by respective household meters and (2) non-tap water users by a fixed quota in accordance with article 24 of the Waste Disposal Act and the Measure for Collecting Common Waste Disposal Fees.As of June 30 2014, there were 2,616, 65 and 97 cases of termination, recollection and refund respectively on case review and filing and compilation for collecting trash clearance charges from tap water users; and 564 cases audited on the site from those with application for termination and refund to be inspected whether common waste is trusted to legal disposal enterprises at 20% per month.Collection, overdue reminder and forcible collection from non-tap water users were exercised as follows.As for those to be collected in 2012 with overdue collection, 16,914 cases have paid with a total of NT$18,995,208 after 12,338 collection reminder letters were sent by registered with A.R. on Sep. 1, 2013. As for those to be collected in 2011 and 2012 with overdue collection after reminder letters sent, 4,740 cases have paid with a total of NT$ 5,559,940 after 18,634 cases received forcible collection on Jan. 6 and Apr. 1, 2014,respectively. As for those to be collected in 2013, 10,286 cases have paid with a total of NT$ 11,594,058 after 19,902 collection letters were sent by Jun.1, 2014.To let respective cleaning squadrons realize collection of disposal fee and procedures of overdue collection, 286 participants from 26 squadrons, tap water company and environmental protection enterprises were invited to attend 3 sessions of operation and guidance conferences and 2 sessions of collection operation and system statements conferences.Also, to advance the usage rate and operating convenience of collection system, the Project makes operating software renewed for securing the accuracy of baseline data for collection and overdue collection of clearance charges and for helping the Bureau handle collection, overdue collection and audit in a just, fair and open manner.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 綠信環境科技股份有限公司