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Title 地球物理探勘應用於土壤及地下水污染場址之調查驗證作業及整治技術評估計畫
Abstract 近年來非侵入式或微破壞性的地球物理探勘技術已廣被運用在土壤及地下水污染場址調查與整治評估作業中,此類技術能在兼顧工安情況下,縮限放樣區域或位置,並從傳統一維的數據擴展至二維甚至是三維的數據,同時可提供更多資訊協助解釋與研判,有助於增進土壤及地下水污染問題整體調查成效。然地球物理探勘技術之執行需具備相關專業知識與經驗,自野外工作至資料處理都需嚴格進行品質控制,方能得到具體成果。本計畫以蒐集國內外期刊文獻與案例研析的方式,配合實場試驗,採用最適合應用於土壤及地下水污染問題的地球物理探勘技術,地電阻影像法與透地雷達法,建立一套合宜的參考指引,內容涵蓋調查作業原理、污染潛勢判識與整治評估三大主軸。實場試驗則包含掩埋場址造成之土壤污染與工廠洩漏造成之地下水污染兩種類型共計三處場址,污染物質包含重金屬與有機溶劑,成果顯示在詳細探測規劃、充分落實現場工作、專業資料處理,並配合傳統調查方式的條件下,應用地球物理探勘技術確實對於污染問題之調查、驗證及整治成效評估等作業的完整性更為提昇。
EngTitle Application of geophysical prospecting to investigation ,verification and evaluation of soil and gro
EngAbstract In recent years, non-invasive or micro-destructive geophysical technology has been widely used in soil and groundwater investigation and remediation of contaminated sites assessments, such technology can securely work in either small or large sampler areas, and collect data from the traditional one-dimensional data to two-dimensional or even three-dimensional data. In other words, geophysical technology helps provide more information to assist the data interpretation, and improves the overall effectiveness of soil and groundwater contamination surveys. However, the implementation of geophysical profile techniques needs to have relevant expertise and experience to ensure the data quality in order to obtain solid and trustworthy results. No matter it is used at fieldwork or data processing in the laboratories. By domestic and foreign literature collecting, case analyzing and examining the real field data, the present study attempts to build up a reference guideline covering the principles of survey operations, potential contamination identification and remediation assessment targeting the geophysical methods; for example, Electrical Reisitivity Tomography (ERT), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and etc. which are especially useful when investigating the contamination of the soil and groundwater issues. Real field data examination contains two types of groundwater contamination one caused by landfills soil contamination and the other one caused by leakages of factories. Data are collected from a total of three sites, and the contaminated substances include heavy metals and organic solvents. The results prove that with a detailed and carful plan, solid implementation at the field work, professional information analysis, and with the traditional method of investigation according to the real conditions, the application of geophysical technology does enhance the integrity of the investigation of contamination issues, verification and remediation outcome evaluation.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 霖昌工程有限公司