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Title 我國廢棄物部門溫室氣體清冊統計與管理
Abstract 本計畫研析比較1996 IPCC指南、GPG 2000及2006 IPCC指南,分析國際間有關廢棄物部門之溫室氣體排放統計概況與方法,檢視我國廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放清冊統計方法並檢討更新。為提升廢棄物部門溫室氣體清冊建置品質,依循國家溫室氣體清冊審議機制,邀集專家學者辦理廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放清冊統計專家諮詢會議,檢討統計方法、各排放源活動數據與排放因子採用之適宜性,逐步完成廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放清冊,並配合環保署國家溫室氣體排清冊審議機制提報清冊資料,完成廢棄物部門年度排放清冊報告(1990至2012年)。本計畫參照京都議定書國家溫室氣體排放清冊報告格式,以及國家溫室氣體排放清冊統計格式架構報表,依IPCC 排放清冊指南規範,完成IPCC 1996及2006版廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放清冊統計結果,並比較IPCC 1996及2006版計算方法、建議係數及排放統計結果之差異。依1996 IPCC指南計算排放結果:2012年工業廢水比例約佔整體部門58.0%,生活污水約30.3%,掩埋排放比例約7.3%,焚化排放約2.2%,堆肥排放約2.2%;排放氣體種類,甲烷約佔整體部門77%,氧化亞氮約21%,二氧化碳約2%;排放量相較於1990年減少82%,較2011年減少3%。依2006 IPCC指南統計排放結果:2012年掩埋處理排放佔整體部門約44.0%,生活污水排放約29.4%,工業廢水排放約23.8%,焚化排放約1.7%,堆肥排放約1.1%;排放氣體種類,甲烷約佔89%,氧化亞氮約9%,二氧化碳約2%;排放量相較於1990年排放量減少50%,較2011年減少5%。
EngAbstract The methodology of our greenhouse gas emission inventories from waste sector was reviewed and revised according to analyses of different methodologies and QA/QC procedures used in the 1996 IPCC Guideline, GPG 2000, and 2006 IPCC Guideline. The waste sector of the National Inventory Report 1990-2012 was completed according to our national GHG inventory review procedure. To improve the quality of greenhouse gas emission inventories, expert consultation was inquired to assess the choice of methodology, activity data, emission factors, and other parameters needed to make the emission estimates.The two different calculations were performed based the 1996 IPCC Guideline, and the 2006 IPCC Guideline. And the results are compared. Based on the methodology of the 1996 IPCC Guideline, 58.0% of GHG emission in the waste sector comes from the industrial wastewater treatment, 30.3% comes from municipal wastewater treatment, 7.3% comes from landfill, 2.2% comes from incineration, and 2.2% comes from compost. 77% of greenhouse gas emitted was methane, 21% was nitrous oxide, and 2% was carbon dioxide. The emission was reduced by 82% since 1990, and by 3% since 2011.Based on the methodology of the 2006 IPCC Guideline, 44.0% of GHG emission in the waste sector comes from landfill, 29.4% comes from municipal wastewater treatment, 23.8% comes from the industrial wastewater treatment , 1.7% comes from incineration, and 1.1% comes from compost. 89% of greenhouse gas emitted was methane, 9% was nitrous oxide, and 2% was carbon dioxide. The emission was reduced by 50% since 1990, and by 5% since 2011.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司