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Title 嚴謹度及相關性(Rigor and Relevance)推動架構研析及訓練研習工作坊執行
Abstract 一、為使民眾接受環境保護的知識、態度及技能教育時,提供多元學習方式及思辨機會,確保其在知識獲取過程中,能持續思考並予以類推(Assimilation knowledge)應用,使其透過覺知、知識轉化為態度、行為及技能應用同時具備洞悉未來發展潛力及解決問題的能力,爰辦理本案計畫。二、本計畫將參考國際教育領導中心(International Center of leadership in Education)提出的「嚴謹度及相關性手冊第二版」內容,研析於環境教育領域之應用,建立整體性推動架構與執行指南,同時透過訓練研習工作坊之辦理,連結「教育」、「環境工程」及「環境教育」專家學者,確立環境教育嚴謹度及相關性整體推動架構及後續執行方向,持續進行環境教育「增能」。
EngTitle Dissection of the framework for advancing Rigor and Relencance with holding a training workshop
EngAbstract 1. In order to provide multiple learning manner and opportunities of thinking and discrimination, also assure continuing of consideration and application of assimilation knowledge during the process of acquiring knowledge, while the general public is educated with knowledge of environmental protection, attitudes and skills; this project is conducted to transform awareness and knowledge into attitude, behavior and application of skills, furthermore, building the capacity of having insight into the potential of future development and solving problems. 2. The project will refer to the content of "Rigor and Relevance Handbook Second Edition", which was announced by International Center of leadership in Education and analyze its application of environmental education. Trying to establish an integral advancing framework and a guidance of implementation; in the meantime, by way of holding a training workshop and act of linking scholars/experts of disciplines in "education", "environmental engineering" and "environmental education", to assure the framework and future direction of implementation, and continuing forward environmental education as well.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環境管理協會