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Title 任務型環境水質自動監測試辦計畫
Abstract 傳統河川水質監測係以人工方式於監測點現場採樣,經由實驗室檢測分析與資料品保品管程序,然此種監測方式僅能依據分析資料評估採樣當時河川污染情形。無法確實掌握即時河川水質變化及是否有不正常的排放情形。有鑑於此,本計畫擬建立一套結合水質、水位、流速、流量推估等河川水質水文資訊架構之自動監測作業模式,增進了解水質變動特性。有效即時掌握特定河段水量水質變化,瞭解上游有無不正常的排放。本計畫選定社子溪水系及客雅溪水系適當位置設置自動監測站,考量污染源敏感區域並兼顧豐枯水期水位變化對於河川水質影響,採用固定水深設置方式—按現地環境規劃繫留固定於岸邊及橋側結構再垂降入水方式施作,依歷次人工採樣數據選定之監測項目為溫度、酸鹼度(pH)、溶氧(DO)、導電度(EC)、懸浮固體(SS)、濁度、氨氮與化學需氧量(COD),監測數值依據品保品管程序進行監測值數據偏移補正。監測站以太陽能搭配蓄電池方式作為監測系統電力來源,紀錄器透過3G網路以每10分鐘1筆將監測資料回傳雲端監測平台,可用電腦及行動裝置監看即時監測數據。依據監測資料成果顯示,該自動監測系統監測值可反應出現地環境水質變化趨勢,但應用上需考量自動監測的測項有限,測值易隨累計監測時間偏移誤差較人工採樣檢測大;對於水質較差、水文環境條件較嚴苛河川,應投注相當維護保養工作,並由專人每日執行數據檢視查核,以減少干擾或偏移誤差。由本計畫實務經驗瞭解自動監測適宜專案水質資訊蒐集目的需求,現行例行河川監測仍以人工採樣樣分析方式為宜,不宜由自動監測取代,惟自動監測可用於輔助瞭解例行性環境水質監測盲點。
EngAbstract Manual grab sampling is commonly used approaches for water quality sampling. However, these samples are difficult used to tracked pollution sources since the grab samples represent only the condition that exists at the time the sample is collected.Automatic samplers are a common method of data collection for numerous monitoring projects in the world. This project established a freshwater quality automated monitoring system in Shezih River and Keya River to provide the information that water quality, river elevation, river velocity and stream discharge for wise management of the freshwater. River management can closely monitors river conditions using this system. Continuous real-time water quality data are used to help managers closely monitors the water.The implementation of quality assurance and quality control procedures is an important part of the development of the automatic sampling. The managers use manual grab sampling for compensation data. There are several items within the artificial sampling: (1) temperature; (2) pH; (3) dissolved oxygen; (4) electric conductivity; (5) suspended solid; (6) turbidity; (7) ammonia-nitrogen; and (8) chemical oxygen demand.The results indicate that the collected data by automatic samplers are sufficiently representing the water quality change in both river basins. Additionally, these measurements can be used for regarding water and pollution prevention.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 中華電信股份有限公司企業客戶分公司