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Title 中部空品區細懸浮微粒暴露評估及成因分析
Abstract 本研究之工作期程為102年9月18日起至103年9月17日止,本計畫選擇彰化縣作為中部空品區之第一個研究地區,預計之工作目標有四項,第一為瞭解細懸浮微粒濃度空間差異,第二為瞭解居民暴露情形,第三為推估細懸浮微粒成因分析,第四為建立細懸浮微粒濃度推估模式。
EngTitle Exposure assessment and source apportionment of PM2.5 in Central Taiwan Air Basin
EngAbstract The project starts during September 18th, 2013 and September 17, 2014. We select Changhua County in Central Taiwan Air Basin as the first research area in this project. The expected objectives have four-fold: (1) To understand the spatial differences of PM2.5 mass concentrations, (2) To understand the exposures of the residents, (3) To estimate the PM2.5 source apportionment, and (4) to establish the estimation model of PM2.5 mass concentration.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學職業醫學與工業衛生研究所