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Title 環境教育產業化評估專案工作計畫
Abstract 台灣環境教育法立法、執行至今,環境教育於實務方面,已逐步的往產業化、專業化的路徑前進中。然而,當前大都著力於環境教育綠色產品、人才培訓事業相關議題上,較缺乏產業化的策略與範疇研議。本計畫參照多方的研究資料,研析環境教育產業化推動之策略與範疇,探究及建置產業推廣環境教育及其維運機制,並配合環境教育結合產業發展趨勢及狀況的調查,提出環境教育產業化整體推動架構的規劃,及具體可行的環境教育產業化發展的短、中、長策略方案。
EngTitle Environmental Education Industrialize, Environmental Education Accreditation, Business Model
EngAbstract This document is a final term report of the project. Based on the project scope (chapter 1) and applied approaches (chapter 2), world-wide references on policy and legal aspects of environmental education (EE) are collected and summarized as critical successful factors for developing Taiwan's EE industry (chapter 3). In chapter 4, a connection between the professionals, from the environmental education personnel certification program and the six key emerging industries plan, is discussed. In chapter 5, a red ocean strategy of market fight and a blue ocean strategy of market collaboration are provided, based on focusing group interviewing, experts meeting, and questionnaire of business operations and competitiveness indices with attandants own importance-performance analysis in Taiwan's EE industry. Then in chapter 6, the feasible marketing strategies, programs, business models, and action suggestions are formulated for EE industry in Taiwan. In chapter 7, short-term, middle-term, and long-term marketing strategies and their path map are suggested. In chapter 8 and 9, a draft of the project report and suggestions for future study are shown respectively. After the passage and enforcement of Environmental Education Act (EEA) in Taiwan, many practices on it tend to industrialization and professionalization; 3 questionnaire samples and the brief minutes of 3 focus group interviews and 2 experts meetings are attached as an appendix for the EE community.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 國立東華大學