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Title 推動飲用水列管項目之篩選作業計畫
Abstract 本計畫依據「行政院環境保護署飲用水列管項目篩選作業原則(草案)」、參考美國環保署建立飲用水列管項目篩選流程和評分機制,擬定飲用水列管項目篩選作業機制與流程,並據以執行,建立初步蒐集清單、蒐集清單及觀察清單,且針對觀察清單物質規劃執行為期至少一年的監測計畫,本計畫建議將此未列管物質之監測計畫增列於飲用水管理條例中,並據以規劃檢測預算,以作為列管決策之參據。此外本計畫更新飲用水水質已列管項目的毒理資料庫之國外管制情況,檢討戴奧辛、銦、鉬等之最大限值標準,並提出含鹵乙酸類及鋁的管制建議,以及針對飲用水水質標準管制項目超標之處分提出修正建議。本計畫亦執行22縣市各一處淨水場微囊藻毒之調查,濃度均未超過國際建議管制標準。為建立民眾正確飲用水觀念,本計畫執行期間亦拍攝飲用水安全宣傳短片。
EngTitle Impetus of the working of contaminants screening for drinking water quality regulation
EngAbstract This project established the rules and process of contaminants screening for drinking water quality regulation, basing on the draft plan of “contaminants screening process of drinking water quality regulation” set by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration. The detail process referred to the US EPA's Contaminant Candidate List (CCL) Classification Process. This project established the CCL Universe, the Preliminary CCL (PCCL), and the CCL. Monitoring plan for each contaminants in the CCL was also established and was going to carry out for at least one year. This project suggested to include a legislative monitor plan of non-regulated contaminants for water companies into “Drinking Water Management Act”. Therefore, the monitoring result could be a reference of regulation determination. In addition, the project updated the toxicity database of drinking water quality regulation items regarding to the regulation situation of 13 countries. This project also reviewed the regulation values of dioxin, indium, and molybdenum, and set the regulation values for haloacetic acids (HAA5) and aluminum. Moreover, this project reviewed the implement of drinking water quality safety of United States and WHO and how they deal with the violation of drinking water quality regulation. This project suggested to include an improvement plan of violation into “Drinking Water Management Act”. Besides, survey of microcystin- LR concentration was carried out in the drinking water treatment plants in this project. A short film was made in this project for establishing the correct idea of using drinking water for public.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 環管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會