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Title 高雄市大寮區福德爺廟場址地下水汙染後續控制及監測計畫
Abstract 本計畫依契約內容,於101年8月份起陸續完成場址污染擴散控制、污染源及高污染濃度區域生物復育及污染範圍監測等工作事項。本計畫蒐集場址水文地質資料,藉由模擬研擬水力控制方案。經評估後採用下游控制進行水力控制,並透過場址邊界監測井驗證水力控制成效,該井污染物濃度皆維持在3~5ppb,顯示水力控制已有效控制污染向場外擴散,而根據計算透過水力控制已移除約1.0Kg污染物。於每年豐枯水季各進行一次水質採樣分析,共計進行65組分析,並根據檢測結果繪製污染團分布情況。結果顯示污染物分布面積由258m2縮小至72.1m2,最高濃度由0.611 mg/L降至0.253 mg/L,且污染物未擴散至場外。生物復育部分,本計畫於場址污染源及高濃度區域進行生物復育模場試驗,共計灌注1,000Kg之生物藥劑。根據各項水質參數轉變,顯示現地環境在藥劑灌注後明顯由好氧態轉變為厭氧狀態,微生物分析結果顯示嗜氯菌數量逐漸上升,於含氯有機物組成分析顯示目標污染物濃度下降,同時觀察到降解產物二氯乙烯及氯乙烯生成,生物復育成效明顯。
EngAbstract During August 2012, we completed control the spread of pollution, Enhanced In-situ Bioremediation(EIB) tests, and monitor distributions of pollution successively.We collected hydrogeological information, and through model to decide which wells we pumping. Then, we measured pollution concentration outside of site boundary to prove the result of hydraulic containment. Concentration always be 3~5 ppb show the spread of pollution has be controlled. According to calculations, hydraulic containment remove more than 1.0 Kg pollutant already.Since project beginning, We sampled twice a year, and completed a total of 65 sampling. According to analysis results, we determined how is the pollution distribute. TCE distribute area is from 258 m2 become 72.1m2, the highest value of TCE is from 0.611mg/L dropped to 0.253 mg/L, and pollution always not be distribute out of boundary.About EIB tests, we completed the test in pollution sources and high concentration area, total used 1,000Kg. According to change of water quality parameters, underground environment changed from aerobic to anaerobic obviously. Microorganism analysis show that quantity of Dehalococcoides(Dhc.) in water is increased after EIB test starting. The TCE concentration reduce gradually. At the same time, we detected some chlorinated organics like DCE and VC in in-situ, which produced by biodegradable. Through those phenomenon can prove the EIB test is very success.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 業興環境科技股份有限公司