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Title 綠能城市低碳家園-低污染車輛租賃系統建置計畫
Abstract 為改善本市空氣品質並推廣綠色交通,鼓勵市民購買電動機車,在提升電動機車使用率上,除成本面及技術面需考量外,建立利於電動車使用之環境亦相當重要,為排除民眾對於使用電動機車時,有路程中無電可用的疑慮,建立便利的電力補充環境是非常重要一環,因此本市積極建置電動車充電站,營造使用電動車之示範城市。各項工作成果說明如下。(一)於102年12月經嘉義市政府環境保護局核定西區戶政事務所、垃圾焚化廠、中央廣場、文化局、體育場、港坪運動公園等6處設置電動機車充電站。(二)102年4月18日於嘉義市政府環境保護局第二會議室召開低污染車輛充電系統建置說明會。(三)102年2月1日向中華汽車工業股份有限公司嘉義經銷商常嘉有限公司租購電動輔助自行車50輛及備用電池10顆,租期至103年12月1日止。(四)103年6月22日於經國新城社區辦理低污染車輛充電站啟用典禮。
EngTitle Green City, Low-carbon Home - Low pollution vehicle rental system establishment program
EngAbstract Citizens are encouraged to buy electrically power motorcycles to improve the city’s air quality as well as to promote green transportation. When it comes to improve the use of electric motorcycles, it is important to build an environ-ment that is friendly to electric vehicles in addition to financial and technical considerations. A very important factor is to establish an environment in which power supply is readily accessible to electric motorcycle users when they have the concern that the power runs out and there is nowhere to recharge the motorcycles. For this, Chiayi City is taking the initiative to establish motorcycle recharging stations throughout the city as the attempt to make Chiayi the demonstrational city that is electric motorcycle friendly. The results of the implementation are described as follows:(1) 6 electric motorcycle recharging stations were approved by Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City in Dec 2013 and established at West District Household Registration Office, the waste incineration plant, central plaza, Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Stadium and Gangping Sports Park.(2) The presentation of the establishment of low-pollution vehicle recharging system was held at the second con-ference room of Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City on Apr 18 2013. (3) 50 electrically aided bicycles and 10 spare batteries were rented from Chang Jia Co., Ltd., which is a distributor of CMC Motor, from Feb 1 2013 to Dec 1 2014. (4) The launch ceremony of low-pollution vehicle recharging station was held at Jingguo New Village community on Jun 22 2014.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司