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Title 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)手動監測品保查核作業
Abstract 有鑑於空氣中小於2.5微米粒徑之微粒能深入人的肺臟,對健康危害大,環保署自101年新增30個PM2.5手動監測站,除定期維護校正及採樣分析外,另委託第三公正單位執行品保查核作業。本計畫主要包括下列工作項目:1. 建立PM2.5手動監測品保作業表單,優化品質管理系統。2. 執行PM2.5手動監測儀器現場查核作業,共執行180站/年。3. 執行PM2.5手動監測儀現場流量/大氣流量多點查核,及內部濾紙溫度查核,共執行120站/年。4. 實驗室稱重查核,共執行12次/年系統查核。5. 執行PMM2.5手動監測採樣平行比對,共執行60站/年。
EngTitle Quality Assurance Program for (FRM) PM2.5 Performance Evaluation
EngAbstract The executing period of this project is from July 1st 2012 to September 30th 2014. In order to reach the confirmation of the analysis quality of sampling and weighting also to uplift the reliability of data, the project is undertaking the field check on PM2.5 manual sampler, lab system audit, collected measurement, and supervising the certainty of three divisions on executing PM2.5 sampling and analysis work, the working accuracy of sampler, and the reliability of monitoring data. The main objects going to be fulfilled by this project are as follows: (1) Building forms and SOP for quality assurance work. (2) Executing thirty PM2.5 samplers field single checks for every two months, and that is one hundred and eighty checks per year. Executing thirty PM2.5 samplers field multi checks for every season, and that is one hundred and twenty checks per year. (3) Executing Lab system audit separately on three labs for every season and that is four times per year. (4) Executing collected measurement on thirty instruments for very half a year, and that is two times per year and sixty stations in totals. (5) Assessing the executing performance carried out by the authority for integrating PM2.5 manual inspection work of the north, mid, south sections, and data analysis work and so on, to assure the accuracy of data analysis. The field check is mainly mean to inspect the accuracy status of sampler. This project has accomplished three hundred and sixty PM2.5 manual sampler single check work (2,160 checks) and two hundred and forty multi check work (1,440 checks) since December 2012 to September 30th 2014. The satisfaction rates as the whole work are 97.4 % for single check and 96.5% for multi check. The major defect for both single and multi field checks are flow defect. After the discussion and finding other solutions, the defect of check has an apparent decrease.Lab system audit is mainly deal with the inspection on filter conditioning、weighing records, and quality management, to insure the work quality. since December 2012 to September 30th 2014, this project has accomplished twenty-four lab system audits. The check defects has lessened apparently from the former check. The semi-annual collocation measurement is mainly based on the published method NIEA A205.11C by EPA Environmental analysis laboratory. It will be conducted in the same manner and the same time to enhance the reliability of data. since December 2012 to September 30th 2014, the project has finished four times one hundred and twenty field collocated measurement work. And the result shows that only five coefficients of variation are above 10%, taking 4.2% of total measuring numbers, indicating the measured PM2.5 monitoring value is highly credible.The quality assurance for monitoring data mainly assure the three sampling sections to execute sampling analysis procedure, form filling, concentration calculations, lab quality assurance and quality control, and so on every three days in the way Environmental analysis laboratory defined. This project has carried out 6,536 pieces of data of thirty monitoring stations since November 29th 2012 to September 30th 2014. Among them, there are one hundred and twenty-one pieces of data are “sample failed”, fourteen pieces are “quality assurance failure”, and eighty pieces are “not executed sample.” The overall rate of available data is 96.7 %.The defects that are discovered from both field check and lab system audit will be revealed and discussed in the meeting. The three sections will propose the improving situation, and let the EPA and the project to follow up the defect improvement.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司