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Title 102年度桃園縣街道揚塵洗掃作業及街塵減量效益評估計畫
Abstract 茲說明本計畫於民國102年8月31日起至103年8月30日止之計畫各項工作推動成果如下:1.洗掃街作業執行成果:本年度共累計民營洗街57,376.12公里、掃街27,885.62公里,洗街累計達成率為106.25%、掃街累計達成率為103.28%,公營掃街280,962.2公里,公民營洗掃街總計366,223.94公里。2.洗掃街污染削減量效益推估:本年度累計洗掃街長度為366,223.94公里,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗掃街長度×減量係數)推估,TSP 可削減5,053.86公噸,PM10 為959.5公噸,PM2.5 為222.29 公噸。3.道路洗掃街成效評估:為分析洗街作業對街塵之去除情形,評估洗街作業之減量成效,分別於洗街作業前、後進行街塵分析作業,本計畫針對30條代表性道路進行採樣結果顯示,在洗掃作業前坋土負荷量平均為0.397 g/m3、總街塵量平均為1.775g/m3;洗掃作業後坋土負荷量平均為0.242 g/m3、總街塵量平均為1.022 g/m3,在坋土負荷量總平均削減38.27%,街塵負荷量總平均亦削減41.53%。如以洗街前後削減率來看,本計畫之洗掃街作業對於減低街道揚塵負荷,初步已達成效,進而改善空氣品質。4.道路髒污等級調查:為加強掌握及提升桃園縣道路髒污等級,並作為規劃洗掃街路線之參考依據,本年度共普查2,070條道路,總公里數達5,841.1公里,經藉由污染源消弭及加強洗掃頻率等措施後,於103年8月A級道路比例以逐月提高至91.2%。5.洗掃街現場查核作業:為確保洗掃街工作可達到預期之執行成效,本團隊採不定時不定點執行洗掃街作業之執行現況調查工作,共執行現場作業車輛查核624車次。6.民眾滿意度問卷調查:為瞭解桃園縣民對環保局推動之街道揚塵洗掃計畫工作之認知、態度及評價,作為相關政策研擬、業務推動、居民溝通之重要參考依據,已完成本縣洗掃街道路之住家進行問卷調查500份(有效份數)。調查結果受訪者對於目前街道揚塵與垃圾有66.4%表示「尚可」,有68.1%的民眾表示是「親眼目睹」得知環保局有委託民間進行清洗掃街計畫。7.洗掃街示範宣導推廣會議:為讓桃園縣洗掃街作業人員瞭解洗掃街作業之目的、成效及洗掃街作業標準程序,已於102年11月27 日假桃園縣中壢市清潔隊辦理洗掃作業示範宣導會,並以簡報資料說明、動態示範及問題討論等方式實施,藉由問題與討論提出目前洗掃作業之優、缺點並提供各改善項目與有效建議方案,擬定未來洗掃作業執行效率,有效改善本縣道路髒污情形,進而減少粒狀污染物排放,改善空氣品質及地球永續發展之目標。
EngTitle 2013 Taoyuan County street cleaning and sweeping program and street dust reduction performance assessment plan
EngAbstract The promotion results of various cleaning projects from August 31, 2013 until August 30, 2014 are as follows:1. Implementation results of street cleaning and sweeping program: Based on the annual street cleaning and sweeping program done by the private sector, a total accumulation of 57,376.12km and 27,885.62km of streets had been cleaned and swept this year, respectively. They accounted for a cumulative rate of 106.25% and 103.28% of street cleaning and sweeping achievements, respectively. Coupled with 280,962.2km of street cleaning and sweeping done by the public sector, a grand total of 366,223.94km of streets had been cleaned and swept by private and public sectors this year.2. Benefits estimation of street cleaning and sweeping to contamination reduction: An accumulation of 366,223.94km of streets had been cleaned and swept this year. Based on the estimated reduction formula (reduction = street cleaning and sweeping distance × reduction coefficient) of Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), a total of 5,053.86 metric tons of TSP, 959.5 metric tons of PM10, and 222.29 metric tons of PM2.5 can be reduced this year. 3. Effectiveness evaluation of street cleaning and sweeping: To analyze the dust removal situation and assess the reduction effectiveness of street cleaning operation, a street dust analysis was done before and after the street cleaning program. The sampling results of this study on 30 representative roads show that the average silt loading before cleaning and sweeping was 0.397g/m³, and the average total street dust amount was 1.775g/m³. With average silt loading amount of 0.242g/m³ and average total street dust amount of 1.022g/m³ after the cleaning and sweeping program, it has found that the silt loading amount has reduced with an average total of 38.27%, and the street dust loading amount has reduced with an average total of 41.53%. Based on the reduction rate before and after street cleaning, the purpose of street cleaning operation to reduce street dust loading conducted by the study has reached its preliminary effectiveness, thereby improving the air quality. 4. Dirty road rating survey: To master and reduce the dirty road rating of Taoyuan County to serve as a reference basis in planning the street cleaning and sweeping routes, a total of 2,070 roads with a total distance of 5,841.1km had been investigated this year. The proportion of A-class roads has gradually dropped from 87.1% in September 2013 to 67.9% in February 2014. After implementing the pollution sources elimination and strengthening the cleaning and sweeping frequency measures, the proportion of A-class roads has gradually increased to 91.2% in August 2014. 5. On-site verification of street cleaning and sweeping program: To ensure that the street cleaning and sweeping program are able to meet with expected implementation effect, an indefinite-time and indefinite-spot prevalence survey was conducted by our team on street cleaning and sweeping program. A total of 624 on-site checks were done on vehicle trips of road sweepers. 6. Public satisfaction questionnaire survey:To understand the perception, attitude and evaluation of the public of Taoyuan County on street dust cleaning and sweeping program done by EPA to serve as an important reference basis in promoting relevant policy development, business promotion, and residents communication, 500 questionnaires (valid number of copies) were distributed by the study to homes where the streets in front of them had been cleaned and swept. The survey results indicate that 66.4% of respondents reflected “acceptable” on the current status of street dust and garbage, and 68.1% of residents responded that they “witnessed” the private sector performing the street cleaning and sweeping program entrusted by EPA. 7. Demonstration and promotion of street cleaning and sweeping in promotion conference: To allow the street cleaning and sweeping operators of Taoyuan County to understand the purposes, effectiveness and standard operation procedures of street cleaning and sweeping program, a demonstration and promotion conference was done by our team on 27 November, 2013 at Jhongli City Clean Team. It was implemented by means of presentation, dynamic demonstration and discussion, etc. Through issue discussion, the advantages and disadvantages of the current cleaning and sweeping program were proposed, and various improvement projects and effective proposals were offered by our team to help draft the future effective cleaning and sweeping program. The aims are to improve the county’s dirty road conditions, and further reduce particulate emissions and improve the air quality to reach the final goal of global sustainable development.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 欣欣環保工程股份有限公司