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Title 101年度高屏溪沿岸揚塵影響調查預警通報及宣導管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫已完成高屏溪沿岸污染源調查,其中里港大橋及里嶺大橋間的砂石場及疏濬工程,及於里嶺大橋上游、斜張橋下游,高屏溪攔河堰上下游及潭平路外堤防四個區位的河川裸露灘地為高屏溪沿岸主要污染來源,而高屏溪因汛枯水期明顯,於汛水期間,大雨沖刷高屏溪沿岸低灘地,以致於低水位時呈現大幅灘地裸露,於強烈風勢下將造成河川揚塵事件。由歷年空品資料顯示,94年迄今共計發生因河川揚塵事件所造成之空品不良事件共計11站日。整體而言高屏溪沿岸懸浮微粒濃度自民國85年以呈現逐年改善之趨勢,懸浮微粒的高濃度的好發月份仍集中於每年10~12月及隔年1~3月間。本計畫選定佛陀紀念館及高屏溪攔河堰管理中心,於5月22日完成架設並進行PM10自動監測作業,監測數據於河川揚塵事件發生時均較環保署所設立之空品測站來的高,顯示本次選點監測可即時監控河川揚塵之好發時段。此外本年度針對懸浮微粒例行性採樣,並於6月29日及6月30日完成密集性採樣作業,採樣結果發現河川揚塵事件係以原生性污染源影響為主,同時地殼元素也較非河川揚塵事件日高出6~7%的排放比例,值得注意的是高屏溪發生河川揚塵事件時,均以南風為主要盛行風向,因此海鹽等海上污染物亦影響高屏溪沿岸村里。本年度除橫向聯繫屏東縣環保局及河川管理單位進行高屏溪揚塵管制之協商會議外,另業已辦理三場次預警兵推實兵作業,加強於河川揚塵事件發生後,高屏二縣市的聯繫機制,將有助於未來管制河川揚塵之效。
EngTitle 101 annual the Kaoping river coastal dust affect the investigation, warning communications and advocacy management plan
EngAbstract Investigations of Kaoping river coastal pollution source has been completed in this project. The main pollution sources of Kaoping river coast is the gravel field and dredging works between the Ligang Bridge and Liling Bridge and the exposed sandbank of upstream of Liling Bridge, downstream of cable - stayed bridge, up- and downstream of Kaoping Weir, and the dike outside of Tan Ping Road. Due to the obvious dry season of flood in Kaoping river, rain washed the sandbank of Kaoping river so heaviliy during High water level that sandbank exposed significantly in the low water level. Therefore, the dust events were caused by strong wind. The data of air quality showed that there were 11 events of the poor air quality due to the rivers dust since 2005. Overall, suspended particulate concentration of the the Kaoping river coast presented improvement since 1996. High concentrations of suspended particulate predilection month is still in spring and winter every year.We erection and conduct PM10 automatic monitoring at Buddha Memorial and Kaoping weir Management Center on May 22. The monitoring data was higher than those established by the EPA air quality monitoring stations when dust events happened, which means the selected point monitoring could real-time monitor the predilection periods of rivers dust event. In addition, We handed unto routine sampling of suspended particles, and have completed intensive sampling operations on June 29 and 30. According to the sampling, the dust event was mainly impacted by the raw pollution, and the crustal elements was 6~7% higher than those in dust event. It is noteworthy that when the the Kaoping river occurred dust event, southerly was the prevailing wind, therefore, marine pollutants, such as sea salt, also affect the coastal village of Kaoping river.This year, in addition to hold the consultative meeting of the the Kaoping river dust control and link Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau to river management units, we also has handled three times of The warning soldiers push real soldiers job to strengthen the contact mechanism between Kaohsiung and Pingtung counties when dust events occured, which would be helpful for dust control in the future.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司