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Title 102年推動廢棄物非法棄置案件管理策略行動計畫
Abstract 為遏阻事業廢棄物非法棄置事件,環保署自民國100年起陸續函頒「國有或公有土地遭棄置廢棄物之清理參考作業程序」、「地方政府辦理廢棄物非法棄置場址巡檢及通報作業流程」、「私有土地遭棄置廢棄物清理作業程序」、「廢棄物非法棄置案件追蹤列管及解除列管原則」及「行政院環境保護署協助地方政府代清理廢棄物求償案件債權保全追蹤運作標準作業程序」,並將原「廢棄物非法棄置場址查詢暨報案系統」進行功能提升,更新建置為「廢棄物非法棄置案件管理系統(Illegal Dumping Management System, IDMS)」,截至102年8月底止(本計畫執行前),各縣市環保局於IDMS系統中登載之場址數總計382處,完成解除列管場址共138處,而仍有244處場址持續列管中。為加強非法棄置案件管理與加速辦理場址解除列管,爰委辦本計畫辦理IDMS系統場址清查及複查,並持續精進非法棄置廢棄物場址的管理作業規範,及提供相關案件顧問諮詢服務。此外,另於102年12月新增計畫工作項目,以研擬事業廢棄資源清理基金與土壤及地下水污染整治基金妥適接軌之運作方式。本計畫共計辦理106處場址之清查及複查,包括持續列管場址50處及已辦理解除列管場址56處,本計畫除分別蒐集場址歷史資料,提供現勘資訊、場址大事紀要、IDMS系統勘誤資訊等,並就仍持續列管之50處場址分別提出處置策略建議及清理經費概算(執行成果詳見報告第三章,個別場址書面資料以新竹縣場址為例,詳如附件一,餘詳列於電子檔)。統計至103年3月底止,各縣市環保局於IDMS系統中登載錄案之場址總數共計418處,已完成解除列管場址共193處,雖仍有225處場址持續維持列管狀態,但已達到加速辦理場址解除列管之預期成效。在持續精進場址管理作業規範方面(詳見第四章),本計畫已完成協助訂定「行政院環境保護署處置廢棄物非法棄置事件標準作業程序(L-H-2-7-08,103年1月21日生效)」,並完成協助研提債權保全提前啟動之時機及做法,而環保署於103年1月13日頒布環署廢1030002433號解釋令,規範有關「廢棄物清理法」第71條「屆期不為清除處理」之認定原則,即為其具體成果。此外,提出「廢棄物非法棄置案件追蹤列管及解除列管原則」修正草案,並將「國有或公有土地遭棄置廢棄物之清理參考作業程序」及「私有土地遭棄置廢棄物清理作業程序」整合修訂為「廢棄物棄置場址清理作業規範(草案)」。另本計畫並提出IDMS系統增修優化需求建議,及13件顧問諮詢服務、5件法律意見書與協助彙處監察院查復資料共4件。在新增計畫工作項目部分(詳見第五章),本計畫蒐集研析美國RCRA、CERCLA法案及國家緊急應變計畫(National Contingency Plan),論述美國相關環保法規架構及與我國「土壤及地下水污染整治法」、「廢棄物清理法」間之差異,並參考美國場址管理運作機制,針對非法棄置事件,就有關「資源循環利用法(草案)」中事業廢棄資源清理基金之啟動機制、要件及運用範圍加以探討,提出具體建議如下:(1)應參考「土壤及地下水污染整治法」訂定土地關係人之善良管理人注意義務認定準則;(2)建立非法棄置案件之場址危害等級評定機制,以啟動緊急應變及採取必要措施;(3)應先明確界定「資源循環利用法(草案)」第105條第1項所稱之”污染危害”,以便與「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之基金運作範圍妥適區隔與銜接。此外,建議應參考美國CERCLA法案及超級基金運作方式,促請國(公)有土地管理機關擔負場址清理義務,並據以爭取場址清理經費預算編列。
EngTitle Promoting Strategy and Action Plan of Illegal Waste Disposal Case Management(FY 2013)
EngAbstract In order to stop illegal disposal of industrial wastes, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan has promulgated several relative regulations since 2011 and improved a reporting system with an updated version of Illegal Dumping Management System (IDMS). Till the end of August, 2013, the local environmental protection bureaus has reported to the system and the total number of the enlisted sites has accumulated to 382 with 138 sites were delisted from the system. In order to enhance the control of the illegal disposal case and speed up the delisting process, this project helped verified the IDMS system and continued improving the system process of the illegal disposal control and providing consultation services. Besides, an additional work was requested to delineate the procedures between the Industrial Waste Cleanup Fund and the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund.A total number of 106 sites were verified during this project period, including continuing the control of the 50 sites and delisting 56 sites. This project did not only collect the site information, history, and the errata of the IDMS system for the 106 sites, but also provided the strategic approach to clean up the 50 sites with the cost estimation. In addition, the total number of the sites enlisted by the local environmental protection bureaus was 418, which 193 sites were delisted. Although 225 sites left in the list, the goal of the delisting enhancement was achieved.The continuation of the site control improvement helped set up the Standard Operation Procedure regarding Handling of the Illegally Disposed Wastes (L-H-2-7-08, enacted on January 21, 2014). It also helped define the timing and procedures of the early activation of the creditor protection. Taiwan EPA announced an interpretation document (No. 1030002433) regulating the Article 71 of the Waste Disposal Act, modified the Enlisting and Delisting Principle of the Illegal Dumping Case, and combined the Cleanup Procedures of the Disposed Wastes on Public Lands with the Cleanup Procedures of the Disposed Wastes on Private Lands to become the Draft of the Cleanup Regulation of the Wastes Disposal Site. The project also provided the suggestion for system enhancement, 13 case consultations, 5 legal opinions, and 4 replies to the Control Yuan.The additional work collected and studied the RCRA, CERCLA, and the National Contingency Plan of the US described the law framework, and compared the environmental laws between Taiwan and the US. Comparing with the site control mechanism of the US, the activation of the industrial waste cleanup fund, the necessary conditions, and the enforcement of the Draft of Resource Reuse and Recycling Act is suggested with the following: (1) the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act should be considered for the regulation of the land stakeholders in order to determine whether the behalf of fulfillment should be carried out, (2) establish the evaluation mechanism of the illegal dumping site classification in order to activate the emergency response actions, (3) well define the term hazard due to pollution in the Draft of Resource Reuse and Recycling Act in order to work with the soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund. Besides, the CERCLA and the operation of the Superfund of the US should be referenced to reinforce the cleanup responsibility of the land governed by the public sectors. It is also necessary to get the cost reimbursed to the Fund due to the cleanup work.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院