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Title 導入加州南岸管理制度經驗提昇臺灣空氣品質管理策略績效專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作為參酌加州南岸空氣品質管理局(SCAQMD)空氣品質管理制度推動經驗,解析空氣品質管理計畫(AQMP)發展程序與支援系統,探討國內空氣品質管理以及空氣污染防制費面臨問題,提供國內未來精進空氣品質管理制度之參考。SCAQMD遵照美國聯邦清淨空氣法要求發展AQMP;解析加州南岸AQMP內容結果顯示,其核心項目包括空氣品質監測、排放清冊、控制對策、空氣品質模擬以及社經分析,並透過合理進展制度及公佈年報等機制追蹤AQMP執行成效。檢視國內近10年空氣污染防制費徵收資料顯示,每年徵收金額約40-70億元不等,由移動源:固定源:營建工程所收費用比例約40%:43%:17%;中央與地方政府應用空氣污染防制費推動各項空氣污染防制與空氣品質改善工作,已有效促使各類污染源改善減低排放量。參酌加州南岸經驗,國內空氣品質管理強化之核心工作為訂定空氣品質管理制度政策核心計畫、建置各項支援作業系統以及訂定執行具減量效果之控制對策。而提昇國內空氣品質管理績效重要關鍵在於強化發展控制對策所需支援工具,提昇排放清冊系統完整性與品質以及提昇空氣品質模擬作業績效。空氣污染防制費制度則需藉由更周延慎密之徵收/支用評估機制調整各項污染源/污染物改善投入資源比例,提昇績效。
EngTitle Analysis Air Quality Management System in South Coast and Conduct it to Improve the Performance of T
EngAbstract This project was conducted to study the air quality management system in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCQAMD) and learn their successful experience to develop the management strategy in Taiwan for the better future air quality. SQCAMD has developing the Air Quality Management Plan(AQMP) under the requirement by the US Federal Clean Air Act and the California State Clean Air Act which mandate the attainment of air quality standard by the designed year. This project also studied the organization of SCAQMD, working task for AQMP development, and supporting program for plan development. Key supporting programs, including air quality monitoring, emission inventory, control measure development, air quality modeling, and social economic assessment, were studied in the project. All these items were input to develop the supporting programs in Taiwan EPA for developing an efficient management strategy for better air quality in the future. The air quality management program and the air pollution fee program in Taiwan were also studied in this project. The budget of air pollution fee program ranged in 4-7 billions NT dollars per year during the last ten years. The relative contribution of fee program were 40% from mobile sources, 43% from stationary sources, and 17% from construction activities. The air pollutant fee were applied to support many programs which has reducing air pollutants emissions from various sources, improving the air quality, and made the management program efficiently. This study also propose the recomandation to enhance the supporting programs for air quality management plan and fee program in order to improve the air quality.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會