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Title 101~102年度機車路邊攔檢暨稽查管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫最主要目的就是要落實機車定期排氣檢驗及保養制度之推廣,透過平日的稽查、通知與宣導,將定檢的觀念及習慣帶入民眾的生活中,進而改善轄區內機動車輛的空氣品質。為有效改善機車排氣所產生之空氣污染,高雄市政府環境保護局特別針對使用中機車加強稽查管制策略,除加強路邊不定期攔檢車輛外,並於高雄市各行政區執行未定檢機車巡查作業與車牌辨識作業,針對逾期未到檢及不合格未完成複驗改善之車輛進行告發、處分,期能促使車主依照法規規定期限內,完成定檢及不合格調修改善,以達到機車「保檢合一」之目的,有效改善高雄市空氣品質。本計畫執行期程自101年6月29日至102年12月31日止,整體工作進度達成率如表1所示,其各項工作成果摘要說明如下:一、稽查作業管理為了提升本市使用中機車管制比例,本計畫101年度針對停放在騎樓及公共空間之機車執行巡查作業301,177輛次,並針對行駛於路面上之機車進行機車攔檢作業7,517輛次,不合格數達1,248次,執行粒狀污染物檢測作業519輛次,機車車牌辨識配合巡查作業共執行602,084輛次;102年度針對各街道巷弄之機車執行巡查作業425,813輛次,針對行駛於路面上之機車進行機車攔檢作業7,926輛次,不合格數1,018輛次,執行粒狀污染物檢測作業609輛次,機車車牌辨識配合巡查作業共執行718,294輛次。二、函覆處理民眾檢舉烏賊車本計畫101年度烏賊車的檢舉案件數為137,781件,而其中通過照片初審案件23,633件,通過照片複審案件17,314件,共計已發放檢舉獎金4,994,100元;102年度烏賊車的檢舉案件數減少至46,303件,而其中通過照片初審案件11,879件,通過照片複審案件10,809件,共計已發放檢舉獎金3,221,400元。三、污染減量成效推估本計畫污染減量來源主要來自於機車定檢不合格調修改善、機車攔檢不合格調修改善,以及高污染老舊機車繳銷、註銷、報廢、報停、失竊統計數量等項目,依據計算結果,本市101年度度NMHC削減量為883.1噸,CO削減量為3,144.9噸;102年度NMHC削減量為2381.3噸,CO削減量為7,045.5噸。
EngTitle 101~102年度機車路邊攔檢暨稽查管制計畫
EngAbstract This program mainly aimed to practically promote regular exhaust test and maintenance system of motorcycle. Through auditing, notification and promotion regularly, the concept and habit of making regular test could be brought to the daily lives of citizens, and the quality of motorcycle exhaust in this district could be improved. In order to improve the air pollution caused by motorcycle exhaust, Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government especially strengthened auditing and control strategies of the motorcycles being used by citizens. Apart from increasing the frequency of irregular stopping of motorcycles for inspection, Environmental Protection Bureau implemented patrol inspection operation and plate identification operation of the motorcycles not taking regular test in the various administrative districts of Kaohsiung City. Focusing on the motorcycles which had not taken regular exhaust test after expiration, and on those which had not passed exhaust test before but did not make a re-test and improvement, accusation was lodged against the motorcyclists, and punishment was given. It was hoped that all motorcyclists could take regular test within the limited specified period according to the regulations, and that those who did not pass the test could make improvement by mechanical adjustment and reparation in order to achieve the objective of “combining insurance and test in one,” and effectively improve the air quality of Kaohsiung City.The program was implemented from Jun. 29, 2012 to Dec. 31, 2013. The overall work progress and work achievement rate are shown in Table 1, with the work performance of each item summarized as follows:1. Management of auditing operation In order to increase the control percentage of motorcycles being used, the program of 2012 carried out inspection of the motorcycles parked in arcade area and public space for 301,177 motorcycle-times, and sudden stopping of the running motorcycles for inspection for 7,517 motorcycle-times, with 1,248 motorcycle-times not passing the test. The program also carried out particulate pollutant test for 519 motorcycle-times, as well as motorcycle license plate identification and patrol inspection for 602,084 motorcycle-times. In 2013 patrol inspection of motorcycles on different streets, roads, lanes and alleys was carried out for 425,813 motorcycle-times, and sudden stopping of the running motorcycles on the road for inspection was carried out for 7,926 motorcycle-times, with 1,018 motorcycle-times not passing the test. Besides, particulate pollutant test was carried out for 609 motorcycle-times, and motorcycle license plate identification together with patrol inspection were carried out for 718,294 motorcycle-times.2. Letter reply to and handling of citizens’ reports of motorcycles with black exhaust smoke In 2012 there were 137,781 cases of motorcycles with black exhaust smoke reported by citizens. Among them, 23,633 cases passed the preliminary examination of photographs, and 17,314 cases passed the double examination of photographs. Finally, bonuses amounting to $4,994,100 were paid to the various reporters. In 2013 the number of cases of motorcycles with black exhaust smoke reported by citizens was decreased to 46,303 cases. Among them, 11,879 cases passed the preliminary examination of photographs, and 10,809 cases passed the double examination of photographs. Finally, bonuses totaling $3,221,400 were paid to the various reporters.3. Estimation of performance of air pollution reduction The air pollution reduction achieved in this program was mainly caused by improvement of those motorcycles being failed in regular exhaust test via mechanical adjustment and reparation, improvement of those motorcycles, which were stopped on the road and found being failed in exhaust test, via mechanical adjustment and reparation, as well as the statistical data of handing in for cancellation, registration for cancellation, report of revocation, report of suspension and theft of the old motorcycles with high degree of air pollution. According to the calculation results, in 2012 the NMHC emission reduction amount of the City was 883.1 tons, and CO emission reduction amount was 3,144.9 tons; and in 2013 the NMHC emission reduction amount was 2,381.3 tons, and CO emission reduction amount was 7,045.5 tons.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司