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Title 應用環境法醫技術建立市售柴油指紋圖譜調查計畫
Abstract 隨著加油站開放民營以來,加油站數量快速成長增加,其洩漏污染事件頻傳。同時國內油品市場自由競爭激烈,加油站經營主體更換頻繁,往往洩漏污染事件發生時,其造成污染問題之責任歸屬,難以釐清,產生許多爭議,因此進行汽、柴油污染調查與鑑識技術之建立具有其急迫性。近年來環保署積極進行環境法醫油指紋圖譜對比技術概念應用於油污染調查與鑑識上之業務推展,爰於102年5月開始進行「應用環境法醫技術建立市售柴油指紋圖譜調查計畫」之執行,用以建立市售柴油指紋鑑識技術與資料。本計畫共計完成下列五項主要工作:。一、 完成204篇相關檢測技術文獻及報告的蒐集、文獻Excel簡易資料庫建立、指紋鑑識技術發展初步概述、兩個案例的技術應用說明、20篇文獻內容摘譯,以及初步建立國內市售柴油油品指紋鑑識技術與油品污染鑑識技術程序指引草案。二、 完成包括上機條件篩選、儀器工作範圍線性分析與精密度(再現性分析)等項目分析,並篩選出市售柴油指紋鑑識最佳分析條件與診斷比值參數。三、 完成由中油與台塑煉油廠所提供的72個原油與35個煉製柴油樣品之GC/MS分析與數據處理,以及分別完成中油與台塑兩家供應商之蒸餾、加氫脫硫以及添加2%的生質柴油三種不同的製程對生物標誌物與多環芳香烴(PAHs)的指紋與診斷比值之差異性研析。四、 完成涵蓋北中南東地區由中油與台塑供應的加油站共141個市售柴油樣品之GC/MS分析與數據處理、分析油品化學指紋圖譜資料庫,以及鑑別中油與台塑供應之市售柴油之主成份分析(PCA)多變量統計方法診斷比值篩選。五、 完成4個柴油污染實際場址之10個污染土壤樣品與1個監測井浮油的GC/MS分析與數據處理,以及遭受菌蝕降解作用下仍具指紋鑑識適用性之化合物群組研析與污染鑑識工作。
EngTitle An investigation plan on applying environmental forensic technology to establish commercial diesel f
EngAbstract Gas station oil leakage contaminations increase as rapid growth of private gas stations. Due to frequent change of gas station ownerships and oil suppliers, attribution of leakage contamination responsibility is difficult to clarify and create lots of controversy. Development of forensic techniques for gasoline and diesel pollution investigation has its urgency. Recently the EPA actively promote environmental forensic oil fingerprinting technology concepts and apply to oil pollution investigations. This project:「Apply environmental Forensic Techniques to Establish Commercial Diesel Fingerprint Investigation Plan」started on May, 2013 can fulfill such purpose.In this final report the following contents are accomplished and fulfilled: The first part, regarding the collection of relevant forensic oil spill identification papers:(1) Total of 204 oil spill identification related technologies papers and documents have been collected, analyzed, and edited as an Excel database for easily sorting and review.(2) The oil spill identification methodology and protocol/decision chart are reviewed, explained, and compared (3) Two case studies are explained and over 20 research papers are briefly translated into an easily readable format.(4) Draft version of the procedure of identification of sources of diesel oil spills is developed. The Second part, regarding the development of GC/MS analytical methodology for diesel oil, oil samples taken from gas stations operated by CPC and FPC were performed on a Agilent Model 7890A GC equipped with an Agilent Model 5975C mass-selective detector. System control and data acquisition were achieved with an Agilent Chemstation. The various screening conditions, linearity and accuracy (reproducibility) of instrument working ranges, etc. were carried out and the optimal experimental conditions are determined.The third part is focused on the analysis of chemical fingerprint distributions and biomarker diagnostic ratios of CPC and FPC refinery products. Total of 72 crude oils and 35 refined diesel samples were performed and compared. The major differences caused by distillation process, desulfurization process as well as addition of 2% biodiesel procedure are discussed in detail. The fourth part regarding GC/MS analysis of over 141 diesel samples collected directly from CPC and FPC gas stations with different locations and areas were completed and detailed analytical results are presented. Base on the overwhelming information gathered from GC/MS data such as chemical fingerprints and biomarker diagnostic ratios, the appropriate diagnostic ratios are chosen for the purpose of diesel oil identification.The differences between CPC and FPC diesel oils can be clearly identified and distinguished with the application of principal component analysis (PCA) statistical techniques associated with the most appropriate diagnostic ratios.The fifth part, GC/MS analysis of 10 contaminated soil samples and 1 monitoring wells oil samples collected from 4 diesel contaminated sites were completed and results indicated that, under microbial degradation, fingerprints of some compounds can still be applied in a certain degree for diesel spilled identification.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 台灣中油股份有限公司