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Title 101-102年固定污染源許可管制計畫
Abstract 高雄市「101-102年度固定污染源許可管制計畫」工作共區分為二年度(101年度與102年度),計畫內容包括協助環保局執行高雄市轄內固定污染源許可審查作業、現場執行許可證查核作業、排放量申報現場查核作業、煙道監督檢測作業、煙道稽查檢測作業、資料庫更新維護作業等,101年度各項工作均已於101年12月底前完成,相關工作成果請參閱本計畫第二次期中報告,而102年度自1月1日起統計至12月31日止計畫共受理審查1044件許可審查案件、核發許可證868張,另配合局內需求對上述審查案共召開7場(共9製程)許可審查會,而外勤作業部分已完成現場許可查核1170條製程、425家排放量申報現場查核作業、許可現場監督檢測673根次煙道、12製程設備元件檢測與85場次周界檢測、PSN稽查檢測20根次、油品含硫份分析30件次與周界噪音檢測5場次、公私場所定期檢測監督作業165根次、資料庫更新擴充維護1214製程,另亦完成召開宣導說明會3場次、技術轉移2場次與1場次成果發表會,所有102年合約要求工作項目也都已全數完成。另統計至102年度高雄市領有許可證列管家數為1075家,共有2280製程受到固定污染源許可證制度列管,而在所有領有固定污染源操作許可證之公私場所中符合排放量申報規模須每年申報排放量共有425家,屬於第一批列管共155家,第二批共270家。而在所有列管排放管道中,共有964根次需要執行定期檢測作業並向環保局申報檢測結果,其中第一批共676根次,第二批288根次。統計高雄市102年度各污染物排放量為粒狀物10451.792公噸、硫氧化物為37464.415公噸、氮氧化物為45712.898公噸、揮發性有機物為17189.427公噸,然隨著現場操作現況改變,其各項管制資料也會有所變化。102年度除完成計畫合約工作項目之外,本計畫亦配合局內完成102年度第一批溫室氣體申報審查作業,也執行大發、大社工業區總量管制認可量試行工作,且並配合多是轄區內緊急應變行動、資料庫應用整合等。對於未來局內進行固定污染源許可證審查工作,本計畫今年度也協助局內制定相關審查原則,藉由原則的制定可讓未來相關許可審查人員或局內執行固定源相關計畫人員能夠有所依循,降低因人員觀念之不同造成管制標準上之差異。
EngTitle The project of stationary sources of air pollution permission and management in 2012 and 2013.
EngAbstract "The Stationary Source Permitting and Management Plan (SSPMP)" of Kaohsiung City was executed from 2012 to 2013 by year. SSPMP includes assisting the implementation of the EPA stationary source within the jurisdiction of Kaohsiung permit application review, executive the license audit operation, emissions reporting audit work, flue supervision and inspection inspections, database update maintenance etc. The work in 2012 was completed before the end of December in the same year. We finished 1044 permit application review, issuance 868 permits. To fit the EPA's requirement to review the above case holding 7 (9 process) permit review. On field duty, we've completed 1170 licenses check operation on site, 425 executive the license audit operation, 673 flue supervision, 12 equipment components inspections, 85 field perimeter inspections , 20 PSN audits and inspections , 30 oil sulfur content analysis , 5 perimeter noise detection, 165 public and private premises regularly monitored detecting, extended maintenance of database update for 1214 processes etc. In addition, we also completed three guidance meeting, 2 field technology transfer conference, 1 result presentation and all contractual requirements in 2013 have been fully completed.In 2013, there are 1075 permitted factories with 2280 processes in Kaohsiung city. 425 factories of them have to report pollutant emissions by air pollution control act. 155 belong to the first batch and 270 belong to the second batch. There are 964 flue need to regular testing and reporting to EPA among 676 belong to the first batch and 288 belong to the second batch. We recognized 10451.792 metric tons of particulate matters, 37464.415 metric tons of SOx, 45712.898 metric tons of NOx and 17189.427 metric tons of VOC of 2013.In addition to the completion of the project work plan contract in 2013, this project also completed with the EPA completing the first review of greenhouse gas reporting, performed the total amount of regulatory approval trial work in Daihatsu and Dashe industrial zone, coordinated emergency response operations within the jurisdiction of several times, and Integrated database application. For EPA review of stationary sources permits in the future, this project also helped the EPA to review the development of relevant principles in this year. By formulating principles could help permit reviewers"The Stationary Source Permitting and Management Plan (SSPMP)" of Kaohsiung City was executed from 2012 to 2013 by year. SSPMP includes assisting the implementation of the EPA stationary source within the jurisdiction of Kaohsiung permit application review, executive the license audit operation, emissions reporting audit work, flue supervision and inspection inspections, database update maintenance etc. The work in 2012 was completed before the end of December in the same year. We finished 1044 permit application review, issuance 868 permits. To fit the EPA's requirement to review the above case holding 7 (9 process) permit review. On field duty, we've completed 1170 licenses check operation on site, 425 executive the license audit operation, 673 flue supervision, 12 equipment components inspections, 85 field perimeter inspections , 20 PSN audits and inspections , 30 oil sulfur content analysis , 5 perimeter noise detection, 165 public and private premises regularly monitored detecting, extended maintenance of database update for 1214 processes etc. In addition, we also completed three guidance meeting, 2 field technology transfer conference, 1 result presentation and all contractual requirements in 2013 have been fully completed.In 2013, there are 1075 permitted factories with 2280 processes in Kaohsiung city. 425 factories of them have to report pollutant emissions by air pollution control act. 155 belong to the first batch and 270 belong to the second batch. There are 964 flue need to regular testing and reporting to EPA among 676 belong to the first batch and 288 belong to the second batch. We recognized 10451.792 metric tons of particulate matters, 37464.415 metric tons of SOx, 45712.898 metric tons of NOx and 17189.427 metric tons of VOC of 2013.In addition to the completion of the project work plan contract in 2013, this project also completed with the EPA completing the first review of greenhouse gas reporting, performed the total amount of regulatory approval trial work in Daihatsu and Dashe industrial zone, coordinated emergency response operations within the jurisdiction of several times, and Integrated database application. For EPA review of stationary sources permits in the future, this project also helped the EPA to review the development of relevant principles in this year. By formulating principles could help permit reviewers to follow and reduce the differences caused by different concepts on regulation.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 元科科技股份有限公司