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Title 101暨102年度空氣品質管理中心維護及操作計畫
Abstract 為強化大高雄境內空氣污染事件資訊掌握,規劃利用地理資訊系統經由適當的作業程序處理與環境相關的資料,除可提供環保局隨時掌握環境訊息,並能提供環境保護及管理活動之參考。本計畫期能藉由地理資訊系統技術與環境保護工作的結合,開發管制查詢應用系統,除可查詢分析各項相關環境資訊於空間上的關係,作為決策輔助參考之外,並可將相關資訊統一提供其他單位,簡化訊息傳遞作業流程,強化環境保護工作效率。藉由整合現有的空氣品質監測站、CEMs、遠端攝影機(CCTV)、FTIR、固定污染源資料庫、公安測點及擴散模擬等資料傳輸及分析功能,掌握完整大高雄空氣品質即時資訊,作為環境資訊決策系統及緊急預警準備。102年度本團隊完成建置決策支援管理系統,並發展事故應變決策支援子系統,包括後端支援伺服器與終端平板電腦設備,其目的在於災害事故發生時,由相關使用者於後端支援伺服器進行災害成案動作,並將關鍵資訊以無線方式傳送至終端平板電腦,現場應變人員可操作終端平板電腦取得所有應變救災所需知詳細資訊以及快取關鍵資訊如基本資料、污染物判定資料、應變決策、歷史事故等。決策支援管理系統明顯縮短了決策者應變資訊查詢時間,增加事故處理時效:在還沒有決策支援系統前,發生空氣污染事件時,在完成查詢固定污染源資訊、工廠許可證、製程資訊、危害物質特性資訊、調度稽查車、敏感受體疏散移置資訊等,約需花費至少30 分鐘以上時間,方能收集完成;在使用決策支援系統後,以上資訊只要5 分鐘內即可快速產出,有效縮短了應變資訊查詢時間,達到提升決策者事故處理速率,因此降低環境污染風險及人員傷亡風險,因為決策支援系統包括了環域敏感受體資料,而擴散模擬分析後也可以提供必要疏散避難之機制,降低附近人員的傷亡,間接提升經濟效益。
EngTitle Air Quality Management Center Maintenance & Operation Plan, 2012–2013
EngAbstract To enhance the ability to identify and respond to air pollution incidents in the Greater Kaohsiung area, this project uses a geographic information system to handle environment-related data via relevant operating procedures. In addition to making environmental data instantly available to the Environmental Protection Bureau, the system also provides support to environmental protection-related and administrative activities. This project aims to develop a control query application system by integrating geographic information system technology and environmental protection tasks, which will provide the ability to carry out queries and analysis on a variety of environmental information and their spatial relationships, thus providing support for the decision-making process. In addition, the relevant information can be provided to other units and agencies in a unified fashion, which helps to simplify the information delivery process and enhance productivity in environmental protection work. By integrating the data transmission and analytical capabilities of existing air quality monitoring stations, CEMs, remote video cameras (CCTVs), FTIR, stationary pollution source databases, public safety survey stations and diffusion simulation, we are able to acquire comprehensive real-time air quality information in the Greater Kaohsiung area, which is essential for the environmental decision-making system and emergency warning and readiness. In 2013 our team completed the construction of the Decision Support Management System. We have also developed an Incident Response Decision Support Subsystem, including back-end support servers and terminal tablet devices. The aim is to allow authorized users to designate an incident, if and when it occurs, as an officially monitored disaster at the back-end support server, and to transmit critical information to terminal tablets wirelessly. On-site responders will then be able to operable the tablets and obtain the information required for their response and disaster relief efforts, such as basic background information, data for identifying pollutants, and reports on and responses to past incidents. The Decision Support Management System has significantly shortened the time required for querying incident response data by decision makers, and has thus improved the efficiency of incident handling. Before the decision support system went online, when an air pollution incident occurred, it would require at least 30 minutes to look up and collect and convey the following information: stationary pollution sources, factory permits, manufacturing process information, properties of hazardous materials, inspection vehicle dispatch, and evacuation and relocation of sensitive receivers. Following the deployment of the decision support system, the above information can now be obtained in as little as 5 minutes. This has reduced the time required to look up response information, thus improving the decision maker's efficiency in responding to incidents and lowering the risks of both environmental pollution and casualties. In addition, the decision support system contains information on nearby sensitive receivers, and the dispersion simulation analysis can provide the necessary mechanisms for evacuation. This means that the system is capable of reducing casualties in the vicinity of disaster areas, and which indirect leads to increased economic benefit.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 振興發科技有限公司