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Title 101~102年度大發及臨海工業區監測與採樣計畫
Abstract 本計畫於大發工業區之潮寮國中及緊鄰臨海工業區之大林派出所依據環保署NIEA A002.10C方法設置固定式揮發性有機物及有害空氣污染物連續監測站及氣象站,遠端連線做全天候長期監測空氣臭異味污染物成分,執行期間為101年7月26日至102年12月31日,監測頻率為24小時連續監測,每5分鐘獲得一次平均濃度資料,定量-定性標準圖譜共計393種,而定性標準圖譜計9190種,101年度潮寮國中監測站完成153天監測日,大林派出所監測站完成137天監測日;102年度潮寮國中監測站完成363天監測日,大林派出所監測站完成363天監測日。 潮寮國中監測站依據現場圖譜與標準圖譜定性比對,除了環境中常態污染物如一氧化碳、二氧化碳、臭氧、甲烷外,本計畫101年8月至102年12月共量測到10類24種化合物,包括:丙烷、丁烷、2-甲基丁烷、環己烷、乙烯、丙烯、乙酸乙酯、醋酸乙烯酯、甲醇、乙醇、丙酮、2-丁酮、二甲醚、氯乙烯、四氫呋喃、環氧乙烷、氯二氟甲烷、二氯二氟甲烷、1,1,1,2-四氟乙烷、三氯氟甲烷、二氧化硫、六氟化硫、氨、氯化氫。目前出現頻率較高之物種包括氨、乙酸乙酯、甲醇、乙烯等化合物,但是濃度超標之現象並不常見。大林派出所監測站依據現場圖譜與標準圖譜定性比對,除了環境中常態污染物如一氧化碳、二氧化碳、臭氧、甲烷外,本計畫101年8月至102年12月共量測到7類18種化合物,包括:丙烷、丁烷、正己烷、環己烷、2-甲基丁烷、乙烯、丙烯、甲基第三丁基醚、二甲醚、甲醇、乙醇、乙酸己酯、氯二氟甲烷、二氯二氟甲烷、1,1,1,2-四氟乙烷、二氯氟甲烷、氨、二氧化硫等化合物。本計畫監測期間,大林派出所監測站幾乎每個月份正己烷都有超過周界標準之紀錄,且甲基第三丁基醚都有超過嗅覺閾值之紀錄。大林蒲大林派出所監測站經常測到的乙烯、丙烷、丙烯、丁烷、正己烷(多碳烴)、環己烷(多碳烴)等污染物,均為石油煉製過程產生之化合物。於潮寮國中及大林派出所固定式監測站即時資料設置高值超標警示功能,並且有立即發送簡訊之功能,在空氣污染物影響民眾健康安全之前,即進行可疑物種高值警示,達到即時預警之目的,進而提高居民生活品質及降低異味陳情案件。本計畫針對固定站監測地點上風處可疑之污染工廠製程進行上、下風連續監測,以瞭解工廠的作業及潛在的污染問題,確實掌握主要污染物的來源及特性。101年度之執行期間共安排9場次工廠廠區FTIR污染源監測,累積監測時數共達1686小時,共計70.2日。臨海工業區執行5場次監測作業,大發工業區共執行4場次監測。以中油大林廠測得17種化合物最多,長春人造樹脂測得14種化合物居次。102年度共安排11場次工廠廠區FTIR污染源監測,累積監測時數共達2432小時,共計101.3日。臨海工業區執行6場次監測作業,大發工業區共執行5場次監測。以中油前鎮儲運所北側測得15種化合物最多,中油大林廠北側測得14種化合物居次。監測結果配合風向資料進行污染來源分析,初步彙整潮寮國中及大林派出所之污染來源,潮寮國中空氣污染來源方向分類為以下三類:(1)西北方小型工廠共約40家,排放乙酸乙酯、氨氣、丁烷為主。(2) 東北及北方的污染源:工業區內:石化工廠(甲醇、乙酸乙酯、環氧乙烷、氨氣、乙烯、四氫呋喃),污水處理廠及廢棄物處理廠(氨氣、甲醇) 。(3) 南方的污染源:以林園工業區的氯乙烯製程及石油煉製程序為主,污染物包括丙酮、氯乙烯、氯化氫、乙烯、丙烯等。大林蒲地區空氣污染來源方向分類為以下四類:(1) 西北~北方~東南方(中油大林廠):烯類、烷類、甲基第三丁基醚MTBE,二甲醚。(2) 東北方(中鋼公司及各型煉鋼廠): 乙烯、氨氣。(3) 東方石化工廠30多家(中石化小港廠、李長榮化工廠):環己烷、1,3丁二烯、甲醇。(4) 西北方碼頭區(碼頭工廠或輪船):氨氣、氟氯碳化合物。上述分類資料以做為污染改善之追蹤建議,以及污染事件發生時之污染源判定之參考依據。本計畫於大發工業區及臨海工業區駐守巡查人員,週間於08:00~17:30進行工業區之工廠周界異味巡查及工廠內異味稽查作業, 101年度大發工業區臨海工業區各累積完成93天次工業區工廠周界巡查作業,兩工業區合計完成186天次。工廠進廠稽巡查紀錄各完成186件次,兩工業區合計372件次。102年度大發工業區及臨海工業區各累積完成249天次工業區工廠周界巡查作業,兩工業區合計完成498天次。工廠進廠稽巡查紀錄各完成498件次,兩工業區合計996件次。大發工業區異味巡查工廠共184家,目前並沒有周界異味發生頻率大於50%之工廠。臨海工業區異味巡查之工廠共有144家,工廠周界常出現異味頻率大於50%的有1家為聚耀低溫食品廠。測站正式運轉前提交本項工作相關作業程序規劃書2份,各項工作均應編訂標準作業程序手冊(SOP)及表單4份,作業程序書,包括固定式連續監測作業、污染源追縱監測作業、臭異味巡查作業、以及內部稽查作業程序共5份。於101年12月7日舉辦技術轉移會議,以「臭異味事件現場多方面緊急採樣設備說明」為主題進行講解及現場操作。於102年4月19日及4月27日各辦理一場次潮寮社區、過溪社區專業訓練會議,以大發工業區空氣品質監測做法及成果說明,以及營建工地及裸露地巡查技巧與嗅覺判定人員訓練為主題進行講解及現場訓練課程。102年8月20日辦理技術轉移會議,主題為:空氣污染分析科技新知-紅外線、層析儀、電子鼻。11月28日辦理監測成果發表會,邀集業者、工業區管理單位或環保署等,說明當地空氣品質現況及污染事件發生程度。合約要求相關公正第三機構執行本計畫所使用之監測儀器設備之功能品保查核作業,乃委請嘉南藥理科技大學醫藥化學系郭玉萍老師執行,101年度完成4場次之品保品管作業,102年度完成8場次,執行之測試包括:均方根雜訊、偵測極限、精密度及準確度。除了102年3月26日大林派出所環己烷的準確度高達117.4%外,其餘精密度查核結果數據有100%在10%以下,準確度數據有100%均在15%上下範圍內,均在品管要求之範圍內。本計畫針對監測成果研擬大發工業區及臨海工業區短、中、長期管制策略與目標。主要內容包括潮寮國中目前已完成原地重建之環境影響評估作業,環保局除提供相關污染來源資訊外,仍須持續進行該校之環境品質監測作業。大發工業區必須進行空氣污染總量管制措施,可首先要求排放量大之廠商執行污染排放量申報模擬試行作業。聘請專家學者針對前鎮區食品冷凍加工廠及小港區金屬零件製造或清理業之工廠進行異味改善輔導作業。高雄港碼頭區輪船運送之化學品,以及輪船本身航行時所排放之廢氣,均可能為大林蒲及小港區之污染空氣貢獻源,需協調相關單位,研擬港區空氣污染防制措施。
EngTitle Air Pollution Monitoring and Sampling Project for the Dai-Fat and Seaside Industrial Parks in Kaohsiung (2012-2013)
EngAbstract This is a continuous project to operate two air pollutant monitoring stations at Chao-Liao Middle School (CLMS) near to Da-Fa industrial area (DFIA) and Da-Lin police station (DLPS) near to Lin-Hai industrial area (LHIA). The instrument of monitoring is Open-Path Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (OP-FTIR) based on the method of EPA NIEA A002.10C, and the targets are volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants. The monitoring is 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, and the stations are remote connected. The frequency of monitoring data is every five minutes. The standard qualitative and quantitative spectrum database is a total of 393 kinds of compounds, and standard qualitative spectrum database, 9190 kinds of compounds. The execution time of this project is from July 26, 2012 to December 31, 2013. The CLMS has completed 153 monitoring days in 2012 and 363 days in 2013, and the DLPS, 137 days in 2012 and 363 days in 2013.The results of monitoring in CLMS of the project, in addition to the normal environment of air components such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, shows 10 categories 24 compounds are measured, including: propane, butane, 2-methyl butane, cyclohexane, ethylene, propylene, ethyl acetate, vinyl acetate, methanol, ethanol, acetone, 2-butanone, dimethyl ether, vinyl chloride, tetrahydrofuran, ethylene oxide, chlorodifluoromethane, dichlorodifluoromethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, trichlorofluoro- methane, sulfur dioxide, sulfur hexafluoride, ammonia, and hydrogen chloride. The most common compounds are ammonia, ethyl acetate, methanol, and ethylene. The concentration of compounds are rarely excess the lawful air pollutant standards.The results of monitoring in DLPS of the project, in addition to the normal environment of air components mentioned above, shows 7 categories 18 compounds are measured, including: propane, butane, n-hexane, cyclohexane 2-methyl-butane, ethylene, propylene, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), dimethyl ether, methanol, ethanol, hexyl acetate, chlorodifluoromethane und 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, dichlorofluoromethane, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide. The most common compounds are ethylene, propane, propylene, butane, hexane, and cyclohexane, the compounds are produced during petroleum refining. During the period of this project, at least one of the measured concentrations of n-hexane is higher than the lawful standard every month, and the records of MTBE higher than olfactory thresholds occur every month.Both CLMS and DLPS stations have set up a pre-caution high-concentration alarm system. As the measured concentration of a certain compound has higher than 0.8 of its lawful standard or olfactory thresholds, the alarm system will immediately send message to the executive team of this project. And an emergency response will be started to prevent any further local air pollution damage. The pre-caution alarm system helps to improve the quality of life of residents and to reduce local foul odor complains cases.Based on the above analysis of air pollutants, the pollution source tracking monitoring tasks, using FTIR technique, were arranged in 2012 to the execution of 9 factories, which 5 factories in LHIA and 4 factories in DFIA. The cumulative time of monitoring is 1686 hours, which is about 70.2 days. Above all, Taiwan Chinese Petroleum Company (CPC) Dalin Refinery has been measured up to 17 kinds of compounds is the largest number, and Chang Chun Plastics Co., Ltd. has been measured up to 14 compounds in the second place. In 2013, 11 factories have been arranged, which 6 in LHIA and 5 in DFIA. The cumulative time of monitoring is 2432 hours, which is about 101.3 days. Taiwan CPC Chen-Jen Storage and Transportation Station has been measured up to 15 kinds of compounds is the largest number, and Taiwan CPC Dalin Refinery has been measured up to 14 compounds in the second place.According to the completion of the CLMS and DLPS long-term monitoring operations, coupled with pollution source tracking tasks with the meteorological data, the initial analysis of the sources of air pollution in CLMS can be classified for the following three categories: (1) Northwest: about 40 small factories - iron and steel processing plants, scrap metal recycling plant, plastic processing plants, plastic recycling plants (computer case). Ammonia, ethyl acetate, and butane will be the major concern. (2) Northeast and north (in Ta-Fa industrial district) - petrochemical plant (methanol, ethyl acetate, ethylene oxide, ammonia, ethylene, and tetrahydrofuran), sewage treatment plants and waste treatment plants (ammonia, methanol). (3) South (Linyuan Industrial Area) - vinyl chloride processes and oil refining processes, the main pollutants include acetate, vinyl chloride, hydrogen chloride, ethylene, and propylene, etc. The sources of air pollution in CLMS can be classified for the following four categories: (1) North-northwest-south-east (Taiwan CPC Dalin Refinery): alkenes, alkanes, MTBE, dimethyl ether. (2) Northeast (the Chinese Steel Company and the steelwork plants): ethylene and ammonia. (3) East (more than 30 petrochemical plants, such as Chinese Petrochemical Development Corp., Siao-Kong Plant, Lee Chang Yung Chemical Corp.): cyclohexane, 1,3-butadiene, and methanol. (4) North-west (Kaohsiung harbor dock facility or ship): ammonia, CFCs. The above information is helpful reference for air pollutant source tracking while air pollution incident occurred.Odor patrolling is conducted in DFIA and LHIA 08:00~17:30 every weekday. The patrol officers inspect any smell outside the factory and need to do at least 2 inside factory inspections every weekday. Odor patrolling has completed 93 days for each industrial area, 186 days in total; and inside factory inspections has completed 186 plants for each industrial area, 372 plants in total in the year of 2012. Odor patrolling has completed 249 days for each industrial area, 498 days in total; and inside factory inspections has completed 498 plants for each industrial area, 996 plants in total in the year of 2012. Total 184 plants in DFIA have been regularly inspected and there is no plant with the frequency of odor greater than 50%. Total 144 plants in LHIA have been regularly inspected and there is one plant the frequency of odor is greater than 50%, which is Glory Oceania Refrigerated Food Processing Co., Ltd. Two standard operation plans (SOP) have been submitted before the air monitoring station in CLMS and DLPS officially started to run. The other work in this project has submitted SOP before it officially started to run, including stationary air monitoring, air pollutant tracking monitoring, industrial factory odor patrolling, and internal auditing procedure.A Technology Transfer Conference was held on December 7, 2012. The topic is “Description to the multiply emergent sampling device in an odor pollution incident.” Professional training sessions were held for community patrols of Chao-Liao District (April , 19) and of Guo-Si District (April 27). The themes include the method and result of local air monitoring, the patrol skill for construction site and bar ground, and olfactory judgment personnel training. A Technology Transfer Conference was held on August 20, 2013, on the topic “Modern technology & air pollution analysis - infrared, chromatography, electronic nose.” Finally, a monitoring result briefing was held on November 28, 2013 for industry, industrial zone management unit, and EPA, etc.A quality assurance audit operations, operated by an impartial third body, of monitoring equipment used in the project is required. With the permission of EPA, Prof. Yu-Ping Guo from Department of Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Chia Nan University of Science and Technology is invited to do the auditing work. Four sessions have been completed in 2012, and 8 sessions, in 2013. The QA/QC test execution include: RMS noise, detection limits, precision and accuracy. Only one exception occurred on March 26, 2013 in DLPS that the accuracy of cyclohexane measured 117.4%, above the range of 15%. The other QA/QC tests are all within the scope of requirement.According the air monitoring result of this project, short-term, mid-term, and long-term pollution control strategies and objectives for DFIA and LHIA have been developed. The main contents include the following topics. The environmental impact assessment (EIA) in situ reconstruction of CLMS has finalized. EPA, in addition to provide relevant information, the continuous air monitoring for the school is needed. Total air pollution control (TAPC) is suggested to operate in DFIA as soon as possible. Especially for the factories with large amount of air emission, the capital of air emission needed to be declared. Experts are suggested to carry the odor improvement counseling for the frozen food processing plants in Qian-Zen District and metal parts manufacturing and cleaning industry in Siao-Gong District. The chemicals transported by ship in Kaohsiung harbor, and the ship itself when navigating the exhaust emissions are likely to pollute of the air of Dalinpu area. To coordinate the relevant units and then to develop Port air pollution control measures will be needed.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 正修科技大學