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Title 高雄市政府環境保護局「101-102空氣污染防制費徵收、審查暨查核追補繳計畫」
Abstract 本工作團隊執行高雄市政府環境保護「101-102年空氣污染防制費徵收、審查暨查核追補繳計畫」,依據本計畫各工作項目之工作執行數量、進度及重要成果摘要條列並檢討如下,以作為後續執行空污費徵收審查作業之改進參考。一、進駐並維護「高雄市固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵審中心」本計畫於簽約日後進駐「高雄市固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵審中心」執行本市空污費徵收徵收、申報建檔、查核、審查結算及相關行政作業。二、依環保署提列之列管家數,完成空污費徵收、申報建檔、查核、審查結算及相關行政作業本計畫執行101年第2季至102年第3季空污費申報資料建檔作業,共列管1,035家,執行情形說明如下:(一)到繳率現況統計統計101年第2季~102年第3季之到繳率則均為100%。(二)申報方式統計依據高雄市102年第3季季最新的申報資料,高雄市由96年第1季使用網路申報的家數本來僅424家,佔全高雄市的44%,至102年第3季公私場所採用網路申報空污費已達1025家,佔全高雄市的99%,顯見本計畫推廣網路申報之成效。(三)徵收額度統計分析統計101年第4季至102年第3季高雄市之SOx、NOx部分之空污費總申報金額共7億4,051萬元,VOCs部分之空污費總申報金額共4億8,189萬元。(四)空污費案件書面審查及現場查核作業1.審查後金額分析統計101年第2季~102年第3季,所審查之案件中,申報總金額為11億9,876萬元,其核定金額為12億6,196萬元,應補繳金額為5,896萬元。2.排放量方面分析統計101年第2季至102年第3季,所審查的案件中,申報排放量SOx部分為58,187公噸,NOx部分為90,924公噸,VOCs部分為21,222公噸;核定後之排放量分別為SOx部分為58,048公噸,NOx部分為74,151公噸,VOCs部分為21,664公噸。3.現場查核作業成果分析本計畫於執行期間現場查核共計完成769廠次之空污費現場查核作業。四、針對本市固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收方式之變革進行檢討分析,作為未來執行業務之參考本計畫彙整分析並針對「空污費現行制度」、「空污費審查及查核」兩方面目前所產生之重要疑義與建議對策以供參考。
EngTitle 2012-2013 Project of collection, review and auditorial of air pollution fee of stationary sources
EngAbstract The work team executes,” Project of collection, review and audit of air pollution fee of stationary sources in 2012-2013” for the environmental protection bureau of Kaohsiung City. The numbers of the cases, schedules and important results of this project are summarized and evaluated as follows for future reference.1. Stationed staffs to manage the “ Kaohsiung Stationary Pollutant Source Air Pollution Control Fee audit Center ”Starting from the commencement date of the contract, the project has stationed staffs to "Kaohsiung Stationary Pollutant Source Air Pollution Control Fee audit Center" to work on the collection of air pollution control fee, reporting and archiving, inspecting, final accounting audit.2. Collect the air pollution control fee and help to finish the related administrative works including reporting, achieving, inspecting and final accounting audit from the EPA listed target companies.This project files the air pollution control fee collection works from Q2 2012 to Q3 2013. There are total 1,035 companies on the list, and the results are:(a) The collection percentage:From Q2 2012 to Q3 2013, the collection percentage is 100%.(b) The reporting modeRefer to the Kaohsiung city’s latest report of Q3 2012, the numbers of the reports using the internet in Q1 2007 is 424 companies which is about 44% only (under the average rate of whole country). In Q3 2013, however, the numbers of reports using the internet have reached 1,025 companies, accounting for 99 % instead. (c) The collection amounts of the air pollution control feeIn Kaohsiung City, from Q2 2012 to Q3 2013, the reported amounts of air pollution control fee from SOx and NOx are NT$ 740,510,000; the total amounts of air pollution control fee from VOCs is NT$ 481,890,000. (d) Cases review and on-site inspectioni. The amounts of the air pollution control fee after review Among the reviewed cases, from Q2 2012 to Q3 2013, the reported amounts of air pollution control fee are NT$1,198,760,000 but the amounts after review are NT$1,261,960,000, with a difference amounts in NT$ 58,960,000 needed to be further paid.ii. The amounts of the pollutants Among the reviewed cases, from Q2 2012 to Q4 2013, the reported amounts of air pollutants contain 58,187 tons of SOx, 90,924 tons of NOx and 21,222 tons of VOCs. The amounts after review are 58,048 tons of SOx, 74,151 tons of NOx and 21,664 tons of VOCs.iii. The results of on-site inspectionDuring the execution of this project, we had finished for 769 times for the on-site air pollution inspections of factories.3. Review the changes on the way of collecting the Stationary Source air pollution control fee in Kaohsiung City for future reference.The pooled analysis plan for the "Air Pollution Fee system" significant doubt countermeasures and suggestions of both "Air pollution fee review and audit" currently incurred for reference.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 元科科技股份有限公司