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Title 100-102年度高雄市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫
Abstract 為降低道路車行揚塵造成之空氣污染,本計畫透過加強街道揚塵洗街作業與相關改善措施之執行,以期減少沉降於路面之粒狀污染物再度被揚起的機會,有效降低道路揚塵量及維持市區道路之整潔,改善本市空氣品質。本計畫各項工作執行成果摘要則分述於后:一、道路普查作業本計畫100年度共完成1,451條次道路普查工作,包含29個行政區,總計普查長度為2,182公里。101年度共完成1,440條次道路普查工作,包含29個行政區,總計普查長度為2190.35公里。102年度共完成1,440條次道路普查工作,包含27個行政區,總計普查長度為2,203.93公里。分析高雄地區道路普查分級結果可知,A級道路有提升之趨勢且屬於嚴重髒污程度之C級道路所佔比例亦有減少之趨勢,顯示洗街作業對於減少揚塵,改善道路髒污,有所助益。且依據本統計分析結果可得,高雄市境內道路等級分佈以B級道路居多,且C級道路主要位於車流量大、道路施工及營建工程之區域。二、洗街作業量本計畫100年度洗街作業量累計為121,202.857公里,涵蓋高雄市30個行政區,平均日洗街作業量約572公里;101年度洗街作業量累計為124,197.824公里,涵蓋高雄市29個行政區,平均日洗街作業量約483公里;102年度洗街作業量累計為122,861.758公里,涵蓋高雄市29個行政區,平均日洗街作業量約471公里。三、監督查核作業本計畫100年度共完成自主性查核76次,101年度共計執行自主性查核106次,102年度共計執行自主性查核103次,計畫執行期間洗街監督查核所見缺失多為平常性可立即改善者為多,監導查核人員均已督促工作人員現場改善。四、洗街作業成效1.街塵負荷與削減率分析依據檢測高雄市120條次之道路街塵負荷檢測結果顯示,由作業前後街塵負荷變化之分析結果,計算洗街作業對街塵之去除效率達77%,已優於環保署所規定需70%以上;而洗街作業對於粒徑小於75μm之坋土去除效率達70%,可據以推論洗街作業對於局部性空氣品質應具有相當程度之改善效果。2.道路周邊空氣中粒狀污染物濃度檢測高雄市10條次之洗街作業前後道路周邊空氣中TSP濃度檢測結果顯示,洗街後道路旁TSP濃度均低於洗街作業前之濃度(平均約低15.9%)。3.車行揚塵削減量推估參考行政院環保署對車行揚塵削減量推估之減量公式,可用以計算洗街作業對粒狀物染物之削減成效:100年度洗街作業對TSP及PM10之削減量分別為4181.5及787.82公噸。101年度洗街作業對TSP及PM10之削減量分別為4,284.8及807.3公噸。102年度洗街作業對TSP及PM10之削減量則分別達到4,238.7及798.6公噸。顯示洗街作業可有效削減TSP 及PM10,亦能有效改善空氣品質。五、相關宣導作業本計畫自執行起即著手進行相關宣導作業,將依計畫契約之規定項目執行,配合契約規定,完成製作洗街車動畫宣導片;利用網路平台進行包含了Yahoo奇摩、Google/讚媒王進行宣導,文宣文字鏈結則使用如網路讚媒王BANNER連結宣導;製作國語、台語、客語之三聲廣播宣導帶,並透過電台播放;在高捷接駁公車較高密集度之行經路線,安排路線及車輛廣告露出;並於計畫執行期間發佈新聞稿,且於網路新聞平台亦同步發佈;完成宣導品製作及提送;進行年度雜誌專訪分別於康健雜誌、科學人月刊、遠見雜誌見刊。六、民眾滿意度調查依據問卷調查結果顯示,有92%之調查民眾認為洗街作業可使空氣品質改善,96%之調查民眾對整體洗街作業成效持肯定態度,高達96.9%的受訪者表示贊成洗街車作業,整體而言民眾對於洗街作業成果相當滿意。
EngTitle 2011-2013 Improvement Plan of Fugitive Dust Abatement by Using Street Flusher Trucks in Kaohsiung City
EngAbstract For the sake of reducing the air pollution which from the wind-borne dust of moving vehicles, the plan takes the project of Strengthen streets dust washing and sweeping work for important; besides, promoting the quality of the project and relative works. Moreover, this project can prevent the dust of roads be raise again. It is not only reducing the amount of wind-borne dust effectively, but also keeping roads and streets in the urban area. The final target is that improve air quality. The main work and fruitful results in the project are as following:1. General investigation of roads In 2011, 1,451 times and 2,182 kilometers of roads investigation had been carried out in this project, including 29 administrative areas. In 2012, 1,400 times and 2,190.35 kilometers of roads investigation had been carried out in this project, including 29 administrative areas. In 2013, 1,400 times and 2,203.93 kilometers of roads investigation had been carried out in this project, including 27 administrative areas.As can be seen from the analysis of general investigation of roads in Kaohsiung, there was a upward trend in graded A. Similarity, graded C is belong to the extremely dirty degree. And the proportion of dust is also decreased gradually. It shows that the street washing operation is useful and helpful at improving serious dust problem. According to the result of statistical analysis, there is the highest proportion of distribution in graded B roads in Kaohsiung city. Furthermore, graded C roads are usually distributed over heavy traffic area, road construction area and construction area.2. The task amount of street washing In 2011, the task amount for street-washing had carried out 121,202.857 kilometers altogether. The amount of street washing operation is approximately 572 kilometers per day. In 2012, the task amount for street-washing had carried out 124,197.824 kilometers altogether including 29 administrative areas. The amount of street washing operation is approximately 483 kilometers per day. In 2013, the task amount for street-washing had carried out 122,961.758 kilometers altogether including 29 administrative areas. The amount of street washing operation is approximately 471 kilometers per day.3. Supervision examination Totally there had been finished 76 times autonomous examination in this project in 2011. In 2012, there had been done 106 times autonomous examination. In 2013, there had been finished 103 times autonomous examination. During the period of supervision examination, it did not happen any serious human negligence. Even though some personal mistakes, they were fixed and improved immediately. More precisely, supervisions correct various problems through on-site improvements.4. Effects assessment(1)The analysis of dust pollutant decrementAccording to the 120 roads test results, it shows that street washing to make street dust removal efficiency of 77%. Naturally, this data is better than the EPA standard with above 70%. The 70% of dust removal efficiency in the grain of dust which smaller than 75μm. The evidence seems to indicate that partial air quality should have a obvious and considerable improvement.(2) Roadside TPS The result of TPS concentration detection points out that the roadside particulate pollutant concentration is average 15.9% lower than before the street washing.(3) Particulate pollutant concentrations In 2011, the decrement amount to TPS is 4,181.5 metric tons、787.82 metric tons for PM10 in this project. Turning to 2012, the decrement amount to TPS is 4,284.8 metric tons、807.3 metric tons for PM10. The decrement amount to TPS is 4,238.7 metric tons、789.6 metric tons for PM10 in 2013. It can be seen form that data, both TPS and PM10 decreased significantly utilizing the street washing plan. In other words, it can be improve air quality effectively.5. Related guidanceThe project accompany with related guidance since. According to contract provisions, the animated propaganda film about street washing is finished. This film play on several network platforms namely YAHOO﹑Google and Zen Mei Wang to carry out advocacy. In addition, it also provides broadcast advocacy with three types of edition including Chinese﹑Taiwanese and Hakka. And it is played on city bus. Throughout this period, press releases are simultaneous released on internet news websites. Besides the way of internet, press releases also are released on annual magazine interviews namely Common Health magazine﹑Scientific American and Global Views Monthly.6. Public satisfaction survey According to the result of questionnaires, the 92% of respondents agree the city air quality can be change utilizing the washing street plan. 96% of respondents have a positive attitude on street fugitive dust improvement plan. What is more, 96.9% of interviewees approve this project. Overall the most people are very satisfied.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 倡揚股份有限公司