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Title 環境教育資訊網之系統功能整合、提升、維護及行銷專案工作計畫
Abstract 過去國內各級政府機關乃依據行政院於八十一年核定之「環境教育要項」,推動環境教育事宜。惟環境保護工作涉及範疇縱深面廣,須就事業、學校、社區、家庭及國民等不同年齡層,讓個人對其所關心之環保事務作有效結合,方能就環保意識及行動全面深化。且考量環境保護是全世界高度關注之議題,為追求國家永續發展、世界接軌,並配合國際推動「永續發展教育十年(2005年至2014年)」之潮流趨勢,許多先進國家均已制定專法,以為因應。有鑑於此,為期提升全民環境道德,並整合環境教育資源,賦予環境教育經費及講習之法源依據,我國於99年6月正式公布「環境教育法」,100年6月5日開始實施,為國內環境教育作業奠定永續發展的里程碑。在環教法未實施以前,過去各個單位在推動環境教育時,許多部門都自行建立環境教育推廣計畫,由於彼此之間沒有橫向的交流或是進行統一的整合,無法明確為認證機構、設施場所和環教人員建立完整的配套措施,以致難以帶給民眾方便使用;而環境教育的教案教材和其他部會的教案系統在規格上有所不同,難以互用。本計畫整合環保署現有三個子系統,包括「環境教育管理資訊系統」、「環境E學院」及「環境教育終身學習網」,並依推動環教產業的需要於103年「數位學習」及「個人終身學習」輔助性網站,建立一個完整、多元、豐富、便捷且有效的資源共享平臺,另透過舉辦「環境教育個人終身學習護照」、「看見台灣創意教案徵選」及「戶外學習樂不思暑」活動,推動國人逐漸建立終身學習護照概念,一起創造永續家園。
EngTitle The Integration, Enhancement, Maintenance, and Marketing Project Planning for the Functions of Envir
EngAbstract The governmental facilities in Taiwan used to promote environmental education according to "Keys to Environmental Education" resolved by Executive Yuan in 1992. Yet environmental education covers a wide and deep range. It is necessary to combine effectively with environmental protection matters concerned by each individual in terms of all walks of life and people of all ages from business, school, community, family, to citizens so that environmental education can be deepened through the reinforcement of environmental protection consciousness and movements. Since environmental protection is an issue highly concerned by the world, in order to pursue sustainable development of Taiwan, connect with the world, and promote The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), many developed countries have resolved special laws to cope with the trends. Therefore, to promote the citizens' environmental ethics, integrate resources of environmental education, and provide legal basis for environmental education funds and trainings, Taiwan formally announced "Environmental Education Law" in June 2010 and began the implementation of the Law on June 5 2011, which established a milestone for the sustainable development of environmental education in Taiwan.Before the Environmental Education Law was implemented, when promoting environmental education, the relevant departments used to make environmental education promotion plans dependently. Due to the scarcity of horizontal communication between each other, the united integration, comprehensive guideline for certification facility, equipment, location, and environmental protection personnel cannot be specifically established. As a result, causing inconvenience for the general public. It is difficult for circulation and application because the system for the lesson plans and teaching materials of environmental education is different from that for other departments. This project integrates the existing three sub-systems in Department of Environmental Protection, including " Environmental Education Information Management System (EEIS)", "e-School of the environment", and "Elearn"; establishing a comprehensive, diverse, affluent, convenient, and effective resource sharing platform on the auxiliary website for "digital learning" and "personal lifelong learning" in 2014 according to the requirements of environmental education industry. Besides, the citizens' concept of lifelong leaning passport is promoted and gradually established through the holding of events such as " Individual Passport for Environmental Education", "Election of Creative Lesson Plans for 'Beyond Beauty--Taiwan from above'", "Having Fun for Outdoor Learning in Summer". By means of these events, a sustainable homeland is expected to be created by all citizens in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司