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Title 101-102營建工程巡查管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要針對高雄轄區各類型營建工程進行巡查管制作業,執行期間共協助環保局完成33,852處次營建工地、道路管線工程、河川疏濬工程及污染提報之巡查及建檔作業(其中假日巡查4,476處次、道路管線工程巡查4,558處次)。整體巡查納管率為93.0%;管理辦法符合率為89.4%;TSP產生量總共為12,357.3公噸,削減量為7,153.3公噸,TSP削減率57.9%。巡查發現污染情形向環保局做A、B級提報,提報總數為3,642處次;因稽查而處分之案件計有63件,處分金額合計達3,060,000元整;告發改善完成率100%。在檢測方面,共完成51場次工地周界TSP檢測(測值範圍25~397μg/Nm3)及75個施工機具油品檢測(測值範圍2.6~17ppmw),所有受測工地之TSP及油品均符合標準。另篩選7處污染潛勢大的工地架設即時監控系統,監看中發現2處工地違反營建管理辦法,均提報稽查後告發。計畫執行期間共完成4場次法規宣導說明會、2場次人員法制教育訓練會,並舉辦2場工地評鑑以公開表揚方式並搭配媒體宣導提升宣導之效果,期能強化本市營建工地防制措施之採行,以有效減少粒狀物污染及民眾之不便。
EngTitle 101-102 The project is inspecting and cataloging all kinds of construction sites
EngAbstract The main work of this project is inspecting and cataloging all kinds of construction sites in Kaohsiung City. The project has accomplished 33,852 inspection rounds of construction sites, road or pipeline projects, river dredging projects and reported pollution sites including 4,476 inspections for the holidays and 4,558 for road or pipeline projects during implementation period (2012/07/06 to 2013/12/31). The ratio of inspected sites to the total construction sites that report payment of air pollution control fees was 93.0%, and the proportion to meet the “Management Regulations for Construction Project Air Pollution Control Facilities” was 89.4%. The emission reduction rate was 57.9% since the production and reduction amounts of total suspended particulates (TSP) of construction sites in the city were 12,357.3 and 7,153.3 tons respectively. Furthermore, through field inspection we reported a total of 3,462 cases of pollution level A and level B to the Environment Protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government, and 63 of them were fined a total of NT$3,060,000. However, verification checks have proved the implementation of improvements of all the sixty three sites to be truthful and complete after punishment. With respect to test, the project has executed fifty one TSP tests (results ranging from 2.6 to 17 ppmw) for peripheral boundary of construction sites and seventy five gasoline or diesel composition tests (results ranging from 25 to 397μg/Nm3) for the engines of construction machinery respectively. All results met related standards and limits. Moreover, seven construction sites having great pollution potential were selected to set up real-time monitoring systems, and two sites were reported and fined for violating the management regulations mentioned above. As regards regulation promotion, not only four regulation promotion sessions and two legal educational training workshops were held but two pollution control evaluation competitions plus public recognition for construction sites have been taken place during implementation period. The project also used mass media to enhance the promotion effect. Through eighteen months of efforts, we hope construction projects in Kaohsiung City can strengthen their adoption of air pollution control measures to reduce particle pollution and minimize public inconvenience effectively.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 環佑實業有限公司