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Title 101-102年度仁大及林園工業區監測與採樣計畫
Abstract 本計畫於仁大工業區西北側楠陽國小及林園工業區西南側中芸國小,各設立一固定式OP-FTIR監測系統,101年度期間各完成165日監測日數,102年度期間各完成360日監測日數,仁大區共測得28項化合物,其中重點污染物及主要貢獻來源包括:二甲基甲醯胺來自三芳公司,醋酸乙烯酯來自台聚公司,1,3-丁二烯分別來自台橡及國喬公司,乙烯主要來自台聚及中纖公司;林園區共測得45項化合物,其中重點污染物及主要貢獻來源包括:1,2-二氯乙烷及氯乙烯來自台灣氯乙烯,乙烯來自李長榮林園廠、中油林園廠、台灣氯乙烯及亞洲聚合公司,丙烯及1,3-丁二烯主要以中油林園廠貢獻量較大。除上述各區域主要污染物及其來源外,本計畫亦藉由定期巡查作業調查出兩工業區異味好發區域之上風處可能污染源,鎖定工業區重點污染對象,並利用兩組移動式OP-FTIR執行污染追蹤之監測作業,101年度監測數計5場次,共1236小時,102年度監測數計16場次,共2453小時,監測結果屬長時間污染貢獻者,已依據「揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準」第39條,要求業者進行相關污染源檢查作業,並提出改善規劃;此外,並將監測成果橫向傳達予環保局其他有關計畫,藉由VOC管制計畫加強設備元件檢測或辦理輔導減量作業,或由空品綜合管理計畫辦理聯合查驗,或由減量評鑑計畫將高污染潛勢工廠,列為評鑑對象,提供污染減量之專業建議等項作為。計畫執行期間不僅投入大量FTIR監測能量,亦藉由教育訓練、技術轉移及空品說明會等會議提供專業技術支援。此外,更全力配合環保局緊急應變團隊機制,協助林園、仁大工業區及高雄煉油廠緊急事件之應變及監測調查,有效利用各工作能量直接或間接地維護空品環境。經由計畫二年污染源追蹤及督促仁大及林園工業區工廠進行改善,仁大區固定測站102年非甲烷總碳氫化合物,其與101年相較呈現改善情形;林園區102年度除8、9月份中油試車造成大量污染貢獻外,林園區固定測站非甲烷總碳氫化合物亦略較101年度減少;另在污染源改善分析部分,三芳、台橡及中纖公司之指標污染物均有明顯減量,但仍有改善空間,建議應定期追蹤並評估各污染源改善情形,以持續改善空氣品質。
EngTitle Air Pollution Monitoring and Sampling Project for the Ren-Da and the Lin-Yuan Industrial Parks in Kaohsiung (2012~2013)
EngAbstract In this project, two fixed open-path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) systems were deployed: one was at the Nan-yang Primary School, the northwest side of Ren Da Industrial Park; the other was at the Chung-Yun Primary School, the southwest side of Linyuan Industrial Park. The project had accomplished 165 and 360 monitoring days during 2012 and 2013 respectively. Also, 28 chemical compounds were identified from the monitoring station in Ren Da Industrial Park, and the results showed that Dimethylformamide (DMF) was emitted from San Fang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd, vinyl acetate from USI Corporation, 1,3-butandiene from TSRC Corporation and Gold Choice Co. and ethane from USI Corporation and China Man-made Fiber Corporation mainly; meanwhile, 45 chemical compounds were found in the monitoring station of Linyuan Industrial Park, and the results indicated that key pollutants and main contribution sources contain: 1,2-dichloroethane and vinyl chloride were distributed from TVCM Co., ethylene from Linyuan Plant of LCY Chemical Corp. , Linyuan Petrochemical Plant of CPC Corporation, TVCM Co. and Asia Polymer Corporation and propane and 1,3-butandiene from Linyuan Petrochemical Plant of CPC Corporation mainly. In addition to the primary pollutants and their sources of each area mentioned above, the project also discovered the potential sources in the up-wind side of the odor-exposed areas of two industry parks by periodical inspections, and focused on the key pollution sources; then, monitored and traced out pollutants by using two sets of mobile OP-FTIR. The total monitoring time of mobile stations for 2012 is 1,236 hours for 5 site-times; the number of monitoring time for 2013 is 2,453 hours for 16 site-times. The long-term contribution sources identified by monitoring results were required to inspect related pollution sources and file the improvement plan stipulated by Article 39 of “Volatile Organic Compound Air Pollution Control and Emission Standards”. On the other hand, the monitoring results were fed back to relevant projects of Environmental Protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government, such as VOC Control Plan for strengthening the process equipment component inspection testing or guiding plants to reduce the quantity of pollution, Air Quality Management Project for arranging the joint inspection, or Reduction Appraisal Project for selecting the high pollution potential plants as evaluation subjects and providing professional advices with pollution reduction, etc.The project not only pumped lots of FTIR monitoring capacity into the source tracing of pollutants but provides professional technical support through educational training, technology transfer and air quality explanation session, etc. Moreover, the project also fully cooperates with the Environmental Protection Bureau’s Emergency Response Mechanism and help Linyuan Industrial Park, Ren Da Industrial Park and Kaohsiung Refinery with emergency response and monitoring investigation so it can efficiently utilize each work capacity directly or indirectly to maintain air quality.By way of a two-year pollution source tracking, the project had enforced the plants in Ren Da Industrial Park and Linyuan Industrial Park to complete improvements. The monitoring results of the fixed OP-FTIR station in Ren Da area indicated that Non-methane Hydrocarbon (NMHC) concentrations in 2013 were lower than in 2012; the monitoring results of the fixed OP-FTIR station in Linyuan area also showed that Non-methane Hydrocarbon (NMHC) concentrations in 2013 were slightly lower than in 2012 except for August and September in 2013 since the test run of CPC Corporation contributed massive pollution then. With respect to the analysis of pollution source improvement, the frequency exceeding the Peripheral Boundary Standards of target pollutant concentrations of San Fang Chemical Industry Co. Ltd., TSRC Corporation and China Man-made Fiber Corporation all decreased significantly but there is still room for improvement. To keep improving air quality, we suggest that there is a need to periodically track and assess their improvement progress.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 環佑實業有限公司