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Title 102年烏賊車檢舉案件管理暨機動車輛停車熄火宣導及管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作係辦理烏賊車檢舉案件管理及反怠速政策之宣導活動,量化目標包含反怠速熄火造成空氣污染宣導文宣3,000份、辦理6場停車怠速超過3分鐘需熄火政策小型宣導活動、怠速管制及勸導作業3,000輛次,並提供紅外線熱像儀1部,於稽查管制停車怠速未熄火行為專用。 另針對烏賊車檢舉案件管理作業部分,包括民眾檢舉烏賊車案件5,000件/月及複審已審查不通過之案件1,000件/月、不定期抽驗烏賊車檢舉案件至少200件、處理已通知車輛之檢驗結果回執作業、辦理鼓勵民眾檢舉烏賊車抽獎活動1場。另一項重要工作為探討二行程機車青白煙產生機制與改善對策,工作內容為挑選具代表性之二行程機車3輛,探討二行程機車產生青白煙與排氣管阻塞積油、空氣濾清器、機油泵浦、機油供應量及其它等之關聯性,以了解二行程機車青白煙產生機制。
EngTitle Plan of exhaust visible pollution vehicle reported cases manage plan and Idle-Stop advocacy and Inspection control, in 2013 year
EngAbstract The main work of this project go through high - polluting vehicles spotted case management and propaganda activities of anti-idling policies, quantified objectives included anti-idling-stop air pollution caused 3,000 propaganda brochures,held six small parking idling stop policy propaganda activities Idle speed control and persuasion operations 3,000 motorcycles and to provide the Ministry of infrared thermal imager 1, to the inspection and control parking stall idling behavior is not exclusive. Another case for high-polluting vehicles spotted part of management operations, including the public to report cases of high-polluting vehicles 5,000 / month and no cases have been reviewed by the review of 1,000 / month, high-polluting vehicles occasional random testing at least 200 reported cases, treatment has been notified receipt of operating a vehicle test results, for high-polluting vehicles to encourage people to report a sweepstakes games. Another important task is to explore the mechanism of two-stroke motorcycles green white smoke and improvement measures, work content is a representative selection of two-stroke motorcycles three, two-stroke motorcycles to explore and produce white smoke exhaust duct obstruction green product oil, air filter , oil pump, oil supply and other relationships, etc., in order to understand the mechanism of two-stroke motorcycles green white smoke
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司