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Title 101-102年度固定污染源體檢暨減量評鑑計畫
Abstract 高屏地區主要產業為石化、鋼鐵、電力等能源密集工業,包括仁武、大社及林園等石化專區、擁有鋼鐵工廠密度最高的臨海工業區、3座使用化石燃料之發電廠,近年來亦陸續引進高科技產業,雖帶來當地經濟繁榮及就業機會,也造成當地的環境負荷。爰此,環保局為針對固定污染源進行減量與管理,有效掌握及管理轄區內固定污染源之排放狀況、達成環保局訂定之之環境空氣品質及研擬相關減量管制對策,並配合環保署推動總量管制計畫,則藉由本計畫持續強化空氣污染減量管理與總量管制作業,改善空氣品質,達到空氣污染減量與維護高雄市空氣品質之目標。本計畫主要工作重點分別為:一、 辦理固定污染源空氣污染防制各項評鑑作業。二、 研擬加嚴管制標準及工業區指紋建置作業。三、 推動揮發性有機物行業別清查減量及石化業歲修評鑑工作。本計畫三大工作重點其執行成果,說明如下:一、 辦理固定污染源空氣污染防制各項評鑑作業針對今年度辦理工廠固定污染源空氣污染防制體檢、減量評鑑、行業別減量輔導協談等各項評鑑作業,合計完成48家次,彙整本計畫102年至106年各年度公私場所預計完成之污染改善作為,其可能之污染削減量粒狀物363.48公噸、硫氧化物8,349.3公噸、氮氧化物1,927.78公噸與揮發性有機物191.7公噸。(一) 評鑑資料庫建置計畫中完成評鑑資料庫建置作業,本工作蒐整匯入近五年(98~102年)內固定污染源相關計畫評鑑工廠與輔導結果,共計3,608筆資料,合計有120家工廠資料,俾利未來環保局相關管制計畫或污染減量輔導之參考。(二) 歷年評鑑追蹤作業本計畫已針對過去98~101年之受評鑑對象共計完成62家減量評鑑追蹤作業,近三年之評鑑意見共計1,115項。二、 研擬加嚴標準及工業區指紋建置作業(一) 增訂管制措施或研擬加嚴標準(草案)1. 粒狀污染物目前環保署已公告新的粒狀物排放標準,因此本計畫建議管道中粒狀物污染物依循環保署已加嚴之草案即可,另本計畫建議針對轄內堆置場進行加嚴管制,研擬高雄市堆置場管理辦法(草案),藉以降低粒狀污染物之污染。2. 硫氧化物與氮氧化物由TEDs7.1的統計結果顯示(詳如2.2.2節),高雄市硫氧化物及氮氧化物之排放量與強度均為全國最高,因此本計畫建議同時加嚴硫氧化物及氮氧化物,研擬高雄市工業空氣污染減量管理條例,希望透過限制燃料(使用天然氣)及增設防制設備來降低高雄市之污染量。3. 揮發性有機物本市雖已加嚴設備元件之標準,但就目前公私場所之自我管理維護情形,仍未見較具體之改善措施,因此本計畫乃研修高雄市設備元件揮發性有機物管制及排放標準(修正草案),並建議建置「VOCs申報管理系統」,以提高對洩漏元件的掌握度。(二) 建立工業區揮發性有機物指紋資料本計畫依據契約規定之內容需於101年及102年各建置2座工業區之煙道指紋,本計畫已於101年完成臨廣工業區與岡山工業區及102年完成楠梓加工出口區與高雄科學園區之煙道指紋建置,另亦針對大發工業區、高雄加工出口區進行逐廠之煙道建置作業。(三) 排放管道揮發性有機物物種採樣檢測作業本計畫依據契約規定之內容需完成48根次煙道指紋之建置,本計畫已於101年完成臨廣加工出口區共8根次;岡山工業區共2根次,於102年完成楠梓加工出口區共9根次;高雄科學園區3根次,大發工業區共20根次與高雄加工出口共6根次,共計完成48根次之煙道檢測作業。三、 推動揮發性有機物行業別清查減量及石化業歲修評鑑工作(一) 行業別清查作業本計畫依據契約規定之內容需完成6個非屬法規列管之行業別清查作業及9場次行業別減量輔導協談作業,截至102年12月15號為止已完成合成橡膠製造業(4家)、船舶及其零件製造業(56家)、分類其他運輸工具及其零件製造業(9家)、普通倉儲業之清查作業(12家)、鋼鐵軋延及擠型業(31家)及其他塑膠製品製造業(162家)。(二) 歲修計畫書評鑑暨歲修報告書審查作業本計畫依據契約規定之內容需於11月底前已完成9場次之歲修計畫書評鑑作業,本計畫已完成9場次歲修計畫書評鑑作業,並已完成共24家公私場所進行歲修、提報歲修製程共87條製程均准予備查。本計畫自101年10月24日開始執行至102年12月31日為止,已完成所有工作內容並符合契約規範之工作量。
EngTitle 2012-2013 Stationary Sources Tests and Assessments Program
EngAbstract The Kaohsiung and Pingtung region has been the center of heavy industries in Taiwan; petrochemical plants of the Renwu, Dashe, and Linyuan Industrial Parks, steel manufacturing factories of the Linhai Industrial Park, 3 fossil-fuel power plants, and the developing high-tech industry are all located in this region. These industries have promoted economical development and created job opportunities, but also brought heavy environmental burdens upon the Kaohsiung and Pingtung region. For this reason, the Kaohsiung Environmental Protection Bureau has strengthened its effort to manage and reduce the stationary source emissions within its jurisdiction, developing strategies to meet the emission standards set by EPA, and assisting EPA’s total-quantity-control plan to obtain better air quality in Kaohsiung City. The main foci of this project include: 1. Assessment of stationary source emission reduction projects. 2. Strengthening emission regulations and establishing the emission fingerprint database. 3. Reducing VOC emission and assessment of the maintenance of petrochemical plants.1. Assessment of stationary source emission reduction projects Assessment and counseling of emission reduction projects for 48 factories was completed this year. By 2017, Emission of TSP is going to reduce by 363.48 metric tons, SOx reduce by 8,349.3 metric tons, NOx reduce by 1,927.78 metric tons, VOCs reduce by 191.7 metric tons. 3,608 assessment and counseling reports for 120 different factories from the past 5 years (2009~2013) was collected and archived for future reference. Follow-ups of 62 assessments completed between 2009 and 2012 were conducted. 1,115 comments and advices were given over the past 3 years.2. Strengthening emission regulations and establishing the emission fingerprint database. Since the EPA has recently passed a more stringent emission standard for particulate emission from stationary sources, it is advised to simply comply with the EPA standard. The regulation of piling sites was proposed to reduce the dispersion of fugitive dust. According to the statistics from TEDs7.1, Kaohsiung City has the highest total emission and highest emission density of SOx and NOx in the entire nation. More stringent SOx and NOx regulation are required to promote the utilization of cleaner fuels and installation of control devices to reduce the air pollution in Kaohsiung. Even though the regulations to reduce VOC leakage from equipments and components were promulgated, the management and maintenance of these leakage-prone equipments were ineffective. Therefore, revised regulations and a “VOCs Reporting and Managing System” were proposed. The VOC emission fingerprinting of LinGuang and GunShan Industrial Parks was complete in 2012 and emission fingerprinting of Nanzi Export Processing Zone and Kaohsiung Science Park was completed in 2013. The emission fingerprinting of smoke stacks in Dafa Industrial Park and Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone were also commenced. A total of 48 stacks were sampled and analyzed, including 8 stacks in LinGuang Industrial Park, 2 stacks in GunShan Industrial Park, 9 stacks in Nanzi Export Processing Zone, 3 stacks in Luzhu Science Park, 20 stacks in Dafa Industrial Park, and 6 stacks in Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone.3. Cataloging of factories in different industries and the assessment of the maintenance of petrochemical plants. Factories from 6 different industries were cataloged; 6 synthetic rubber manufacturers, 56 ship and parts manufacturers, 9 unclassified vehicles and parts manufacturers, 12 warehousing companies, 31 steel rolling and extruding factories, and 162 unclassified plastic product manufacturer were identified. Assessments of 9 annual maintenances of petrochemical plants were completed by September of 2013. Additional 87 maintenance projects from 24 different companies were archived for future reference. This project was carried out from October 24th, 2012 to December 31st, 2013. All work contents were completed as specified in the contract.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司