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Title 高雄市河川揚塵防制及改善推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫自102年5月17日執行至103年5月16日,完成期末前預定進度,以下就目前執行成果進行簡要說明:本計畫已完成高屏溪沿岸污染源調查,其中里港大橋及里嶺大橋間的砂石場及疏濬工程,及於里嶺大橋上游、斜張橋下游,高屏溪攔河堰上下游及潭平路外堤防四個區位的河川裸露灘地為高屏溪沿岸主要污染來源,而高屏溪因汛枯水期明顯,於汛水期間,大雨沖刷高屏溪沿岸低灘地,以致於低水位時呈現大幅灘地裸露,於強烈風勢下將造成河川揚塵事件。由歷年空品資料顯示,94年至103年3月底共計發生因河川揚塵事件所造成之空品不良事件共計15站日。整體而言高屏溪沿岸懸浮微粒濃度自民國85年已呈現逐年改善之趨勢,懸浮微粒的高濃度的好發月份仍集中於每年10~12月及隔年1~3月間。統計102年5月至103年4月150天次巡查中,其中共發現4天次河川揚塵事件,日期為102年7/1、7/2、8/6日及103年2/6,揚塵事件日主要揚塵河段為林園區潭平路外堤防、大樹區攔河堰管理中心下游0.5km處及攔河堰上游至斜張橋河段,主要影響區域為大樹區、大寮區,次要影響區域為林園區、旗山區及美濃區。其配合現地巡查作業調查分析指出,與101年度比較特別之處為河川揚塵事件日中,本年度位於林園區潭平路外堤防之裸露地於相似之氣象條件下,現場觀察發現其裸露地揚塵面積、揚塵量及影響範圍皆大幅減少,另從揚塵事件日位於潭平路外堤防裸露地北方之大寮測站所測得之PM10濃度亦大幅降低,由現地裸露地及測站數據判斷造成此現象的主要原因為本年度潭平路外堤防裸露地植生生長狀況良好、植生茂密,當有揚塵事件發生時,此河段植生能有效抑制裸露地揚塵揚起,另七河局於沿岸裸露地施作之工法也都有效抑制裸露地揚塵揚起。本年度除橫向聯繫屏東縣環保局及河川管理單位進行高屏溪揚塵管制之協商會議外,另業已辦理二場次高屏溪河川揚塵預通報演練作業,加強於河川揚塵事件發生後,高屏二縣市的聯繫機制,將有助於未來管制河川揚塵之效。
EngTitle 102 annual the Kaohsiung coastal dust affect the investigation, control and improvement management plan
EngAbstract This project since May 17, 2013 execution to May 16, 2014, completed on schedule before the end of the period, the following brief description of the current implementation of the outcome:This project has been completed Kaoping coastal pollution investigations, gravel pits and dredging works in Li- gang Bridge and the bridge between upstream in Li-ling Bridge, the cable-stayed bridge downstream of the weir downstream Kaoping and Tan Ping Road embankment outside the four rivers bare beach location for major pollution sources Kaoping coast, while Kaoping dry season due to flood obvious during the flood water, rain washes Kaoping low coastal beaches that showed substantial at low water beach naked, in the strong winds will cause rivers dust events.Air quality information from the calendar year 2005 to the end of March 2014 due to poor air quality events caused rivers dust events occurred a total of 15 stations in total. Overall, the concentration of suspended particles Kaoping coast has been presented since 1966 to improve year by year, the high concentration of suspended particles predilection month still concentrated in 10 to 12 months and the next year between 1 to 3 months per yearStatistics from May 2013 to April 2014 in 150 days of inspections, which were found in four days time river dust events, dated 2013, 7/1, 7/2, 8/6, and 2014 2/6, the dust event major river of dust outside the park Tam Lin Ping Road embankments, trees District weir at the management center and 0.5km downstream weir upstream to the river-stayed bridge, the main impact area for the Dashu Dist, Daliao Dist, sub-to the affected area as Linya Dist,Meinong Dist and Qishan DistThat comparing with 2013 dust event so special for the river, the year Linya Dist is located outside the Tanping Road in bare ground under similar meteorological conditions observed on site exposed to the dust of their area, dust volume and scope are significantly reduced, PM10 concentrations from another level of dust events, outside the dike north of bare ground measured Daliao stations are also significantly reduced from the current bare-ground station data and determine the cause of this phenomenon the main reason for the current year the lake level road embankment outside the bare ground vegetation grew well, lush vegetation, when a dust event occurs, this river vegetation can effectively suppress dust raised bare ground, and the other along the bare ground Seventh River Management Office applied for the construction method also effectively inhibited exposed to dust raisedIn addition to horizontal linkages year Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau and river management units Kaoping dust control of consultative meetings, the other two sessions Kaoping river has been handled dust pre-notification drills operations, strengthening the dust after the river incident, Pingtung II county liaison mechanism will help future regulatory effectiveness of river dust.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司