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Title 101~102柴油車動力站維護管理計畫
Abstract 高雄市柴油車動力站維護管理計畫分別操作維護高雄市環保局所屬動力計檢測站,包含岡山站、仁武站及小港站執行柴油車排煙檢測作業,針對行駛本市或行經本市之柴油車輛,透過目視判煙、民眾檢舉、自主管理、自動到檢及不合格複驗等到檢來源,利用全負載、無負載、目測判煙及車牌辨識系統執行數量,依據101年度環保署考評要點之使用中柴油車納管比率計算,101年度柴油車納管比率達47.0%,102年度為64.0%。研擬「高雄市固定污染源排放減量抵換柴油車污染改善之政策」,兩個年度清查林園工業區、臨海工業區、大發工業區、仁大工業區等進行車隊屬性調查並邀請加入自主管理,輔導工廠在承攬契約加註或訂定進出之柴油車輛須依規定加入「高屏空品區柴油車客貨運業者自主管理共通規範」,取得污染度分級核可標籤才可進入廠區,已完成8間工廠訂定,分別為台灣中油股份有限公司、東聯化學股份有限公司、聯成化學科技股份有限公司…等公司。101年度共計有145家車隊2,697輛加入自主管理;102年度共計有180家2,063輛加入自主管理。本計畫首次對高雄港區進行管制,研擬「高雄市特定空氣品質淨區柴油車排煙管制」自治條例,透過多場次的港區協調會,主要與台灣港務股份有限公司進行協商,除了協請提供進出港區柴油車輛提供相關資料,並要求於運載貨物及運載之承攬契約,加註車隊應加入自主管理共通規範,分析102年度加入自主管理車輛,有109家車隊公司共計1,235輛加入自主管理,其車輛期別屬三期車最多達35.1%。本計畫另一項主軸為落實檢修確保車輛排煙狀況合乎標準為目標,結合「保養為主、檢驗為輔」之理念,輔導加入自主管理車輛至本局認可保養廠維修保養後,直接由保養廠進行檢測及核發合格標籤;或自主管理車輛至合格保養廠維修保養後,亦可至本局所屬柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢測,合格後核發合格標籤。本計畫完成10家認可柴油車保養廠,分別為英屬維京群島商永德福汽車(股)公司台灣分公司、裕益汽車股份有限公司(民族、仁武廠) …等保養廠,並完成派訓各廠2名技術人員受「柴油車排放煙度儀器檢查人員訓練」,且輔導執行「柴油汽車排氣煙度試驗方法及程序-無負載急加速檢測」之能力。對於三處動力計檢測站品保品管及TAF認證作業皆維持,以確保各站排氣檢驗之品質及檢驗結果具備之公信力。有關站內設備維護包含有柴油車檢測軟體更新維護及周邊硬體增設例如隔間工程、辦公家具設置、監控系統升級、熱水器裝設和綠美化作業等
EngTitle 101 year and 102 year diesel car power station maintenance management plan
EngAbstract Kaohsiung diesel power station maintenance and management plans were an operation and maintenance of the dynamometer testing stations belonging to Kaohsiung EPA including Gangshan Station, Renwu Station, Xiaogang station to perform the diesel emissions testing operation. It mainly focused on the diesel vehicles traveling in the city or passing through the city. The testing was through a visual determination of smoke, public prosecution, self-management, automated inspection and retesting for the unqualified vehicles with the executed number by using full load, no load, visual determination of smoke and license plate recognition system, based on the calculation of the ratio of the controlled diesel vehicles in use in 2012 EPA evaluation points. In 2012, the rate of controlled diesel vehicles reaches 47.0%; 2013 64.0%. To draft “The diesel vehicles pollution improvement policy of Kaohsiung stationary pollution source emission reductions tradeoff,” two years were spent to inventory Lin Yuan Industrial Zone , Linhai Industrial Park, Dafa Industrial Zone, Renda Industrial Zone, to name a few and invite them to join the self-management. The counselling factories added the rules that “In Kaohsiung-Pingtung air quality area, diesel vehicles passenger and freight industry self-management common norms" should be added to the traveling diesel vehicles. After obtaining the pollution classification approved label, the vehicles were allowed into the factories. Eight factories have done the addition of the rule, namely CPC Corporation, Taiwan, Oriental Union Chemical Corporation, Union Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. …etc. In 2012, there was a total of 145 motorcade including 2,697 vehicles joining the self-management; in 2013, there was a total of 180 motorcade including 2,063 vehicles joining the self-management. The plan, for the first time, put control on Kaohsiung Port Area by drafting the autonomy regulations on “the diesel vehicle exhaust control in Kaohsiung City specific air purifier area.” Through multiple sessions of the Port Coordination, the consultations were mainly done with Taiwan International Ports Corporation Ltd. In addition to asking them to provide the relevant information of diesel vehicles accessing to the port area, their motorcade should be added to the common standard of self-management on the contract of goods transportation and carriage. The analysis of the vehicles added to the self-management in 2013, including 109 motorcade with 1,235 vehicles, showed the vehicles are with 3-stroke version, reaching up to 35.1%. Another objective of this plan is to implement the vehicle maintenance and inspection to ensure that vehicles meet the standard, combined with the notion of “maintenance first, inspection second.” The vehicles under self-management should be counselled to go to the maintenance factories approved by EPA for maintenance for testing directly and issuance of qualified label by the maintenance factories; in addition, after self-management vehicles went to the qualified maintenance factories for maintenance, they can also be tested in the diesel vehicles emissions testing stations for the issuance of qualified label after approved. Under the project, 10 approved diesel vehicles maintenance factories are Scania Group Taiwan Branch, Sheng Ye Group (Minzu, Renwu factories) …etc. Two technicians from each factory have completed the “the training of inspectors in charge of diesel vehicles exhaust emissions equipment" and the counselling of the execution ability of diesel motor vehicles exhaust emissions testing methods and procedures—unloaded and extreme acceleration detection.” As for three dynamometer testing stations, the quality assurance, quality control and TAF certified operation are all maintained to ensure the quality of the exhaust inspection in the stations and its test results with credibility. The equipment maintenance in the station includes diesel vehicle testing software updates, maintenance and upgrading peripheral hardware such as compartments engineering, office furniture setup, monitoring system upgrades, installation of water heaters and green landscaping operation and so on.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司