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Title 101~102柴油車路邊排煙攔檢管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期程以決標次日起開始執行至102年12月31日止,各項工作皆配合進度規劃執行。以量化目標項目中,目測判煙稽查車輛數計完成6,294輛次;路邊攔檢檢測車次達2,516輛,不合格492輛次;油品含硫量及芳香烴抽油已達922件(含加油站抽驗120站家);船舶目測判煙(含交通船、觀光渡輪、商船等)計執行11場;大客貨車用油列管達117家;加強查緝非法油品車輛數達14輛次。102年不定期排煙稽查數之達成率19%(路攔不合格率)。另計畫中需邀請行政院環保署、學者專家、柴油車客貨運公會、遊覽車商業同業公會、本府代表、社區、停車場業者、工廠或工業區業者,舉辦機動車輛怠速管理辦法說明會2場,已於101年5月30日及102年6月7日各舉辦完成1場;及協助編印機動車輛怠速造成空氣污染宣導單已達5,000份;機動車輛減少怠速行為之電台廣告託播共計撥出272檔次;空氣品質議題專訪、新聞稿及技術轉移皆依規劃進度之時間完成。
EngTitle 101year and 102 year diesel car roadside discharges fume blocks examines the control plan
EngAbstract The project implementation scheduled the day after the tender awarding date till December 31, 2013. All the tasks were executed as scheduled. In the quantified target items, as for the visual determination of smoke inspectors, a total of 6,294 vehicles has been completed; the number of vehicles completing roadside inspection had reached up to 2,516 cars, with 492 vehicles unqualified; the sulphur amount and aromatic pumping oil had reached 922 (including 120 testing at the gas stations); as for the ship visual determination of smoke (including transportation boats, sightseeing ferries, merchant ships…etc), there were 11 done; as for big vans, the oil in 117 places had been controlled; the number of illegal vehicles under strengthened investigation had reached 14. In 2013, the achievement rate of the number of unscheduled inspection of the exhaust had reached 19% (road check disqualified rate). Besides, in the project, two conventions of motor vehicle idling management approach were encouraged to be held by scholars and experts from Environmental Protection Administration, diesel passenger and freight associations, tour buses association, government representatives, community and parking lot operators, industry factories or industrial areas operators. There were two conventions held in May 30, 2012 and June 7, 2013 respectively. The advocacy flyers printed on idling vehicles causing air pollution had reached 5,000; the radio broadcast advertising about reducing motor vehicle idling had reached 272 times; interviews on air quality issues, press releases and technology transfer had been completed as scheduled.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司