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Title 101-102年汰舊二行程機車暨新購電動車輛補助計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作係辦理高雄市汰舊二行程機車補助及汰舊二行成機車並新購新購電動車輛補助工作,目標為2年汰舊二行程機車6萬輛及新購電動車輛5千輛。另辦理針對社區、工業區及學校等辦理相關宣導活動共計10場次,及辦理車輛回收商、電動車輛廠商座談會共計6場次。為加強對民眾之宣導並置製作宣導海報及布條共計6千份,宣導品6千份,辦理2場次大型宣導抽獎活動。鼓勵民眾騎乘電動車輛並規劃於本市各行政區設置50座電動車輛充電站,提升民眾騎乘電動車輛意願。此外,本計畫持續針對本市澄清湖空品淨區進行稽查管制工作,並研擬空品淨區執行可行性評估工作,目的為增加本市其他空品淨區之設置。另辦理縣市觀摩活動計2場次,藉由觀摩其他縣市對於汰舊二行程機車或推動電動車輛有卓越績效之縣市進行參訪。
EngTitle The plan of Eliminating the old two-stroke motorcycles and New electric vehicle purchase subsidy program in101-102 years
EngAbstract The purposes of this project are to eliminating subsidy for Two-stroke motorcycles, eliminate Two-stroke motorcycles as well as provide new subsidy for purchasing electronic cars. The goal is to eliminate 60 thousands Two-stroke motorcycles as well as purchase 5 thousands electronic vehicle in two years. Besides, the Kaohsjung city will hold 10 relevant promotional activities for the community, schools and other industrial areas as well as six seminars for vehicle recyclers and electric car manufacturers.In order to let the public get more understanding in this new policy, the Kaohsjung city will make posters and banners with total amount of six thousand copies and six thousand copies of promotional products as well as hold two draw promotion activities. In addition, for encouraging the public to ride electronic vehicle, the Kaohsjung city will set up 50 charging stations for the electric vehicle.Moreover, this project will continue inspecting cleanzone of Chengcing Lake and evaluate the feasibility of implementing new facilities to protect air quality in other areas in Kaohsiung. Then, Kaohsjung will hold two visiting tours for learning other counties with good experience of eliminating Two-stroke motorcycles.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司