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Title 第二屆環保行動劇競賽專案工作計畫
Abstract 藉由戲劇競賽,增進社會大眾正確的環保概念,把對環境關懷的種子播種在每個人的心中,宣傳環保理念,配合環保署施政四大策略主軸-節能減碳酷地球、資源循環零廢棄、去污保育護生態、清淨家園樂活化之議題及具有環境教育意義之環保戲劇為主,以實際行動去影響身邊的每一個人。
EngTitle The 2nd environment drama contest
EngAbstract The 2nd environment drama contest is focusing on the PEA vision and the main strategies: saving energy and reducing carbon emissions to cool the earth; recycling resources to achieve zero waste; eliminating pollution to protect the ecosystem; cleaning neighborhoods and promoting lifestyles of health and sustainability. The event is to promote the concept of environment protection to the public. Everyone has a duty to protect the environment. So we are not only concern the environment but also to act and share the idea to everyone.(Interim)
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人公共電視文化事業基金會